Chapter 69

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Chapter Sixty Nine

Staying sober was going to be a bit of a challenge.

The liquor Richard brought back came in the form of a twelve pack case of canned Bud Light, sixteen bottles of whiskey, nine bottles of tequila, and two jugs of some random drink that I wasn't all too keen to try. It was all sitting in an ice chest upon the kitchen counter.

Diana and Cassidy had gasped and giddily begun chattering to themselves about the jugs he'd brought back, but when Kyle actually lifted one of the jugs to his lips-

"Whoa! One shot at a time, there, Firecrotch!" Richard barked, lunging up from the couch and literally leaping across the cabin like a flying monkey. He landed on both feet with a heavy thud directly in front of his startled boyfriend, snatching the jug out of his hands so roughly that some of the liquid actually splashed down his chin. "This isn't normal alcohol, boy!"

"Aw, come on, babe! I can handle it, you know me!" Kyle laughed, but the stocky man ignored him in favor of... well, to be perfectly honest, he ignored him in favor of hoisting the jug over a huge beer mug he pulled right out of Woody's cupboard and dumping in at least three shots' worth.

I watched them curiously from the love seat by the window, knees drawn up to my chin.

"Kyle drinks?" I asked Tiffany, who was sitting beside me and gently running a brush through my long hair. "I don't remember seeing him drink alcohol when we went to Moonies."

"Eh, he can hold his alcohol with the best of them," Tiffany said with a shrug. "The boys will likely challenge each other to a chugging contest soon. They always do."

"Even Bash?"

She paused mid-stroke.

"Oho, when did you start calling him Bash?" she mischievously inquired, poking me in the cheek and giggling when it grew hot yet again. "Hmmm?"

"Just happened to say it," I mumbled, curling my toes against the softness of the couch cushion. "So, about my question?"

"Well," she sighed, brushing my hair again, "yes, he'll probably get in on it, too. He doesn't miss out."

When I twisted to give her a 'Wow, really?' look, she gave me a crinkly-eyed smile. Behind her, sitting far across the cabin in a borrowed pair of dark green sweatpants and a bland grey t-shirt, was Leo. I could see him watching the two of us from the dining table with narrowed eyes.

My gaze drifted around.

Woody was in the process of signing something at Richard, and for once the bald man's scarred and bearded face looked completely at ease. Arm around Kyle's shoulders, he chatted with the hybrid over the cacophony everyone else was making.

"He'll lose, of course," Tiffany suddenly said, and I turned my attention back to her. "Richard will make him think he's doing well, but then he'll just swoop on in and have him in a drunken puddle. This is a bit of a secret even though it's not at the same time, but Bash is an extreme lightweight. Anything stronger than a beer or two will either floor him or knock him out."

I blinked, surprised, until I had a flashback of the night I'd given him wine in my apartment.

Explains why he acted the way he did and slurred while he was speaking, I mentally noted; aloud I said, "that doesn't surprise me. He doesn't strike me as much of a drinker even though he does seem like the type you'd see playing pool at a bar."

Sebastian cast an immediate glance my way, locked in the middle of a conversation with Diana about something I hadn't been paying attention to, and raised an amused eyebrow before turning his attention back on the woman in front of him.

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