Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven

After the situation where I'd been forced to fire Louise, I didn't have much energy. I didn't feel like it was my fault, but I was far more listless than usual, and I had no motivation to do much of anything at all. Mr. Evil had come back in not long after I'd said my farewell and had flopped down on the opposite end of the couch.

He'd glared at me for a long time, but I'd simply lain with my head resting on the armrest, staring off at nothing, so he'd eventually pulled something out of his jacket. It wasn't until I heard scraping metal that I glanced at him and realized he was sharpening a huge knife with a whetstone.

A shiver ran through me and I instantly shifted my legs, planning on getting up and moving over to my love seat which was a little bit farther away from him. I didn't even make it to my feet before he raised a single leg and kicked me back down. I winced, hissing in pain at the jolt.

"Sit down," he grunted, not even bothering to look at me. "Don't move."

I didn't have the energy to argue. There were plenty of other seats in the room and with any luck this idiot would get the hint and move to one of them. Preferably one of them far, far away. My silence didn't seem to bother him though since all he did was scrape, scrape, scrape away. 

I set my head down on the armrest again, but then I turned and accidentally got my first good look at his choice of clothes. His outfit was straight off the cover of a bad biker novel; if it had been anyone else wearing a black leather bomber jacket and leather pants complete with a wife beater tank top I think I would have laughed at them until I seriously injured myself. 

On this guy, the clothes worked. 

Something about him screamed "dangerous douche bag!" 

And "evil predator." Yeah, it screamed that, too.

He lifted the knife, looking at it with a speculative expression on his bearded face.

"I take it you still have questions," he suddenly said. "Am I right?"

I felt a shock flood through me and looked at him, confused, but when he glared I flinched.

"Yes," I answered cautiously. "I do."

"Ask them," he said, scowling. "Keep it simple."

I swallowed hard.

"Who and what are you?" I tentatively asked; when he paused, casting a disgusted glare my way, I flinched and fearfully added, "I-I mean, I don't even know your name."

"Sebastian," he said shortly, giving me a face that could make a tiger piss itself. "More than that, you don't need to know."

Sebastian. Okay, at least I knew what to call him now.

"Can you... tell me what you are, too?" I tentatively asked. "I mean, you're definitely not a vampire since you walked outside during the day and you're not human, either, since your face and eyes have changed several times... I can't figure it out."

"Then enjoy ignorance," he rumbled, voice grinding like rocks against my ears. "Next question."

I couldn't really find it in myself to respond right away.

"Why do you kill vampires?" I asked, fearing the answer. "Why did you come after me?"

"Because they're filth," he muttered, giving me a brief, smoldering glance. "Once they've been turned they become more monster than human. After twenty years they're fully blinded by the thirst and can think only of getting blood, of feeding on people, even if it means killing them."

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