Chapter 113

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Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen

"This... is gonna be way harder than I thought," I muttered absently, carefully stitching up the last piece of the mock fabric test. "I think I may have overestimated my abilities."

"It looks like shit," Leo said unhelpfully, which made me poke him with the needle; he jumped, letting out a startled grunt, but didn't complain or move away. "Do you really need me for something as simple as this? There are plenty of mannequins."

"True," Diana called from where she was setting out the supplies, "but none of them have the right frame. You and Sebastian are both extremely broad-shouldered and very tall."

"But do I really have to sit here on my knees?" he grouched, refusing to lower his head; his glaring yellow eyes followed my every movement as I slipped around him, checking the pale white fabric to make sure everything looked okay. "I've been kneeling for six hours now!"

I winced since he had a point: we'd been working for hours nonstop, not even to take a break.

After Tiffany and the others had dropped everything off, they'd been eager to help me with what I needed to get started, including convincing Leo to to help us with this. He'd been reluctant from the very get-go, which had totally surprised me.

'I don't think he'd be happy to find out I helped with this gift,' he'd said, but I'd begged and pleaded and pretty much guilted him into it. After three hours of watching me, Cassidy, and Diana putter around and do boring things like cut fabric for zippers and pockets, Tiffany had pulled Woody out of the room to go watch some movies together with a giddy little farewell.

I didn't blame her, really, since she'd seemed very uncomfortable being around Leo. Woody in particular hadn't really seemed all that keen about being in the same room as him since I'd seen wariness and the slightest bit of hostility hiding behind those overall amicable green eyes.

Jak, on the other hand, had remained in the room, studying me in total silence. Like Tiffany and Woody, his son had initially been very involved at first, helping me with things like cutting and measuring and grabbing stuff for me, but after a time he'd gotten tired.

He was now sitting on the floor against the wall behind us, snoring softly with his mouth wide open and his head pillowed limply on his father's arm. I noticed that Jak's dark eyes were still on me, completely unreadable but focused in a way that had me feeling a little uncomfortable.

He didn't even blink.

"I'm just stressed," Leo muttered, shaking his head. "I don't like being on my knees around--"

"For fuck's sake, stop complaining!" Cassidy finally snapped, giving him a sour face. "Your incessant whining is grating on my nerves. You're over a hundred years old! Act your age!"

The man bristled, baring his fangs with an animalistic snarl, but I set a hand on his shoulder. He whipped his head around, looking as if he were going to bite me with those elongating razor sharp teeth, but he thankfully stopped when his eyes found mine.

"I'm sorry if this is uncomfortable," I told him, and he seemed to simmer down, twisting to regard me warily through honey blonde lashes. "If you want, you can get up and stretch your legs a bit, or you can move onto their bed... that way your knees won't be sore."

"Oh, no!" Cassidy instantly laughed. "Hell no! Don't even think about it! I don't wanna smell him on my sheets when I finally turn in! All it will do is aggravate me--"

She stopped talking when Diana set a hand on her arm with a warning look. To my confusion, however, he looked away with a grim expression. His breathing was slow and even but it seemed forced, and every part of him seemed ready to burst or explode outward.

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