Chapter 154

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Author's note: Happy Father's day!


Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Four

"It hurts. It hurts. It hurts."

"Shhh... I know, Baby, try to get through it, you can do this."

"Fuck... FUCK--"

I flinched when Sebastian gyrated and let loose a keening whine completely unlike him, mouth open, face and neck flushed deep red, jerking and pulling against the chains in his attempt to get at me. He snarled and whimpered, an on and off pattern of submission and violent aggression that both intimidated and deeply saddened me.

He truly wasn't himself.

I didn't know how long we had been sitting trapped in this bland white room. Nobody had come looking for us so it was just me and him. I kept my arms wrapped around my knees, hating the fact that I'd had to tighten the chains keeping him immobile to stop him from rubbing himself that first hour.

He had literally scraped his own dick raw and bloody, hurting himself multiple times in his frantic attempt to get off, and although he'd healed right up after each injury I'd still been forced to tighten the chains using a lever attached to the wall.

Now, I didn't know what to do. I was frazzled and worried and scared for him.

"Fuck me," he commanded, writhing and staring me dead in my eyes wantonly. "Fuck me, Aerin. Make it stop... make it fucking stop, I'll do anything, I'll beg like a bitch, I'll suck your dick every day, just fuck me, please..."

"Babe, I can't," I said, swallowing hard when his face contorted; his eyes scrunched up in rage and he howled for what felt like the hundredth time, howled like a wolf, before shifting. His body sprouted fur, the way it had fourteen other times so far, expanding and growing, limbs breaking and rearranging.

Within minutes he was snarling and twisting as a monster, and then whimpering as his groin changed. I looked away, since the process of his body becoming lupine in every regard, even in that of a sexual nature, was something that still took some getting used to. I had felt him in that form, inside me and against me, and had experienced the differences in his body when I'd let him make love to me. I'd accepted his... well, the oddness.

He howled again, deafening, filling the room with the mournful peal of a wolf. He raised his bottom to the best of his ability, frazzled tail shifting to the left, presenting himself to me.

I met his eyes and refused to look at what he was offering, chin on my knees, hugging myself and watching over him.

I hated that he was suffering so badly and wanted to help it end as peacefully as possible. After a time, though, he began to shift back, going limp in his bonds. I watched has his fur receded, skull breaking and crunching and rearranging yet again, watched as his tongue lolled out in exhaustion. His heels pushed against the carpet, hips straining, bucking, trying to reach me.

I felt like crying.

"Aerin, please," he crooned, chest heaving, covered in his own fluids, desperate, eyes frenzied and yellow and staring me down as if I were hurting him. "Please, please, make this end--"

"Babe, we can't, if I do you'll get pregnant," I said softly, and his mouth closed; some shred of lucidity flared up behind the blind lust as tears of sheer helplessness welled up and trickled down my cheeks. "I can't... and won't... take advantage of you. I love you so much--"

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