Chapter 189

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Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Nine

I was beginning to lose my patience.

For the last forty-five minutes, I'd been consoling Renee and telling her things would be fine as long as she tried her best to work through things with her family. Leo had, for the majority of his time with us, been completely silent and absolutely no help with calming her down.

That all came to an end when Sebastian finally opened the doors and walked in.

Now, there was silence in dining room and all I could do was alternate between looking at Renee, Leo, and Sebastian, who were staring at each other without a word. The whole situation was annoying and I couldn't help but wonder if we were ever going to catch a break.

I mean, fuck, my wedding was in a few days! Couldn't I just relax and daydream about my new rose-colored future like any other person?

"Where's Richard?" Leo finally asked. "Did he head down to look after the kids with Kyle?"

"You already know he did, you heard him say so while we were inspecting the damage done to my fucking kitchen," Sebastian sourly retorted. "Damn room can't catch a break. I have half a mind to tear down the fucking wall and replace it with the same material as the isolation room."

"I think all the walls should be made of that shit," Leo snorted, looking amused. 

"No, not in this house," Sebastian said dryly, waving the idea off. "More money than its worth. Plus, we'd have no silence since the whole building would have to be redone. Best to leave it the way it is for the people who want to buy it from us in the future."

"So you do intend to sell this place," the blonde man noted.


"Where will we move?" Leo asked, frowning. "This place is perfect because of how big and isolated the house is, not to mention the woods and the trees are all beautiful."

"I have my eye on two properties, actually," Sebastian said simply, and I turned to see an excited glint dancing in his dark irises. "I'll discuss this with you once I have some definite answers."

Again, silence descended upon the room.

Eventually it got under my skin and I leaned forward, elbows on the table, lacing my fingers.

"So," I finally said, and Renee looked at me with those watery, puffy eyes that made me feel a little selfish for thinking what I was thinking. "Did he really imprint on you?" 

"Uh... huh?" she asked blankly, looking extremely confused. "What? Imprint? On who?"

"Bear. On you," I said, and she did a double take, staring at me with her jaw hanging loose. 

"No way in hell!" she indignantly squeaked, and I saw Sebastian glance at Leo, who's face remained impassive despite the intense stare he'd fixed on her. "If he'd ever imprinted on me his smell would have changed and he'd never be able treat me like that! He's just obsessive!"

"His smell would have changed?" I inquired carefully, immediately paying more attention. 

"Well, yeah, imprinting is a psychological brand created by a hormone gland inside the head, a gland unique to werewolves," she said, lifting a finger with a knowing expression. "Triggering it leaves a permanent scar on the tissue of the brain where memories and other stimuli function."

"Whoa!" I exclaimed, raising a hand and touching my scalp. "That's how it works?"

"Uh, yeah," she said, frowning. "What did you think happened with imprinting?"

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