Chapter 136

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Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Six

Her time of death was five forty three in the evening.

November sixteenth.

The nurses and doctors came in to take her away and I'd tried stop them even though I'd been sobbing and screaming hysterically, but Woody had pulled me back and held me, preventing me from doing anything to stop them. I'd fought hard, trying to get my sister back, to stop the people trying to take her away from me forever, but... no. 

Death didn't work like that.

She was already gone. Her body was still here, but she wasn't, so I'd just watched... I'd just stood there and watched them take her away, still crying and melting down. Just as suddenly as she had appeared, she was gone... my sister was gone.  

And I was alone, in one of the worst mindsets and emotional states of my whole life.

I spent the rest of the afternoon and part of the evening sobbing into her pillow in that empty hospital room, wishing I'd come sooner instead of waiting for so long, instead of putting it off as if I had all the time in the world, and instead of worrying about myself rather than her.

I'd waited, and waited, and procrastinated, and cut the only time we had left so short... minutes. It had only been minutes. 


And it was my own stupidity.

I couldn't blame anyone but myself. Going to that party, letting Bash tell me that we would be safe when we clearly weren't, letting myself get pulled into nightmare after nightmare after every fucking nightmare... I was stupid. 

I was so, so stupid, and my little sister had paid the price for it. 

Worse, I still wanted Sebastian in that moment so badly... I needed him, I truly needed his support, I needed his shoulder to cry on, but he didn't even remember who I was. Even if I went back to his house and tried to go to his room, he wouldn't want to have anything to do with me.

But I needed him, so bad... just as bad as I wanted my sister back.

After hours of trying to console me and make me feel better, Louise, Leo, and Jak decided amongst themselves to give me some alone time but Woody refused to leave even when they tried to make him go down to the car with them. He actually punched Leo in the face for trying to pull him away from me and partially shifted, which deterred the blonde instantly.

They'd all gone down to the car, probably to go get something to eat or wait on us.

I didn't blame them. I wouldn't have wanted to be around me either with this sort of situation going on. Woody, however, was sitting in a chair beside the bed, holding my hand with both of his as I stared off into space, too worn out to cry.

He didn't try to sign, or gesture, but I knew he hated this. His eyes were honest, I could see the emotions behind that beautiful green.

"Thank you," I whispered, and he scooted closer and set his chin on the mattress, looking at me with a long, helpless face. "For loving me, and caring about me, and tolerating my stupidity."

His features contorted as he lifted a hand to sign, 'you're not stupid. Your sister just... she just passed away in front of your eyes, Aerin... you're not stupid for being in pain. If you call yourself stupid again I'll slap you. I don't tolerate you, either... I love you. I genuinely love you. If I didn't I would be here holding your hand even though I don't know what to do to help.'

I somehow managed to squeak out a smile past the tears dripping off my nose.

"Do you think she was happy?" I asked, mouth trembling. "Do you think that she lived a happy life? That she was being honest? Do you think she was unhappy because of me? Because I wasn't there when she needed me?"

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