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so I've been watching wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much supernatural lately.

like in the past 24 hours I watched 10 episodes. it doesn't sound like a lot but it is a LOT. at least for me.

I should be doing other things like writing or reading or doing something other than this but alas, I am not. my anxiety has just been acting up a lot more than usual (and that's saying something) so it's been hard to interact or do anything but this. I think my anxiety is linked to driving. (I got my permit at the beginning of the week! that's another fun story i'll have to tell someday)

here's my logic. I want to watch season 14 as it airs this year. supernatural is probably coming to an end so I want to watch at least the last season without having any spoilers. that's the issue with the internet! I already know what's going to happen throughout the rest of the series. it was the same thing when I watched Sherlock, and when I start watching doctor who after this it will be that way.


I want to watch s14 as it airs. so, by October, I have to watch all of the previous seasons. at the beginning of the summer, I was at the end of season 8. and now, it's mid-july, and I'm in the middle of season 11. I have serious issues with this show.

I watched 10 episodes today, but my motivation for that was basically just LUCIFER LUCIFER LUCIFER LUCIFER LUCIFER LUCIFER. jesus Christ I have issues.

but I honestly love Lucifer! he's like moriarty. he's the villain but you just have to love him. metatron is magnussen. both of them can rot.

I haven't consumed episodes this fast since season 4. I was just loving season 4 because I could not get enough cas. I love castiel so much. there's no limit to how much I love my somewhat misguided baby.

*also, I will probably be spoiling things from anywhere up to mid-season 11 from here on out!*

*i probably already spoiled things whoops*

but also like misha Collins is such a great actor. his facial expressions perfectly imitate mark Pellegrino's. it's uncanny. misha is doing such a good job.

the thing driving me to watch so much is just Lucifer, in cas's vessel. I think Lucifer is so funny, and we haven't seen him since season 7? I think? maybe season 6-7. even then he was just in sam's head.

Lucifer is an evil son of a bitch I gotta say though.


and what the fuck is the attraction between amara and dean? like hold the fuck up!!! take a fucking step back!!!!!! this is another heterosexual romance that no one fucking wanted.

i'm not against heterosexual relationships, but there are so many unnecessary ones. like dean and amara!! NO ONE FUCKING NEEDED THAT!!

here's the thing about destiel:

If Cas had a female vessel they would be in a relationship by season 6.

cas literally gives up everything for dean. he gave up an entire army because he couldn't kill dean. dean fights and defends cas over and over again. they sacrifice so much for each other!!

but to be honest, if there was ever a destiel kiss it would be virtually impossible because Jensen and misha would screw around too much. just sayin.

I have said this before and I will say it again: demon!dean deserved so much more time. he was such an interesting character and having him for more than three episodes could have done wonders for the show.

another thing


she was literally the sweetest person ever, just trying to meander her way through life but NOW SHE'S FUCKING DEAD

I love Charlie. I think she's my second favorite character behind cas.

I really hope she comes up in later episodes though. maybe even just as a ghost. kevin has yet to come back, but bobby has come back at least three times after his death.

i think that if you did "a bot was forced to watch 1000 hours of supernatural and then write an analysis", then the outcome would be this chapter of my book.

peace out bitches

(why Charlie why??????)

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