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hey y'all i'm gonna rant about the play because i can't tell my mom and nugget doesn't really care.

so my scene has only one other character in it, but that one character is played by two different guys. we're going to call them "white" and "red". white is the guy who was originally cast, but he's gone one of the nights of the show so red is going to be playing him that night white will be gone.

white is awkward but friendly, red is really outgoing and friendly. i'm going to rant kind of a lot about these two guys and the weird situations we're put in, but i want to stress how great these guys are. both of them are so sweet and so awesome and so kind and i really love hanging out with both of them. they're both so so so amazing and i'm lucky to be with two guys as great as them.

so i have a kiss in my scene. but it's not just one kiss. it's 6. 6. six kisses in my scene. most out of the whole show. six. SIX. or seven, i don't actually know. regardless, it's a lot.

so they're stage kisses. not real lip on lip contact, it's his thumb on my lip and then his lips on his thumb. so it's very awkwardly close, but not actually a kiss.

the first time we did it... holy shit. it was the most awkward experience i had ever been in. and i've been in a lot of awkward situations.

basically here's the context: we knew we were going to have to kiss ever since the cast read but we weren't doing it. we were just standing near each other and saying our lines. then the directors kept kind of making us get closer and closer until we were actually in kissing distance. (this was with both white and red, but white more). then, at a wednesday rehearsal, they dropped it on us they we were going to do the kiss on friday. the directors also made me hug both white and red at the end of rehearsal that day.

then friday. it was horrible. it was at first me and white on stage. at first, white stood at arms length from me and then he put his hands on my face. literally the first thing- first fucking thing that came to my mind was to say "your hands are cold". both of us lost it. and so did the director who was watching it.

oh shit! my director! i have two, one of which is my teacher and the other of which is a student. the student is a senior at my school, and we'll call her "amira". she's so fucking awesome.

so yeah, we were on stage. it was awkward. we figured it out somewhat, but there was so much awkward laughter and i was choking. and i was wearing two shirts and i got so overheated. it was so bad. me and white were unable to do it without breaking character or making it so soo so bad. amira was like "okay this is not working. red, you go up on stage with her". white went to go sit in the auditorium and red came up and did it actually really naturally. it was weird though. me and white tried it a couple more times and it got better.

there are 7 kisses in our scene, so we just did the first one that day. since then he's mastered the first three he does, and it was super hard for me to do the last four. since i have to initiate and do the last four, it's really hard. plus it's weird because white is a lot taller than me. like a solid 6 inches. so therefore when i do it i have to get on my toes which i guess is cute. but then it's weird when i do it with red because he's not as tall, only like an inch or two taller than me.

also! just today, we were doing the kisses. we were doing the part that i call "rapid succession" where i basically give him three kisses but they're all really fast and i have tiny lines between them. they SUCK. anyways, when i was doing them today, WHITE HAD HIS EYES OPEN THE WHOLE TIME. like come on man, neither of us have much kissing experience but jesus christ have you seen anyone kiss?? it was so bad. i'm definitely talking to him about that on monday, because if he does that during the show i will lose my shit.

there's also a stripping scene that you can see in the link, and we have to do that too. let me tell you, it's horrible. i have so many stories about it because of how terrible it is.

first: let's start with a story about white. so we get to wear adult sized long johns under our normal clothes, and the boys' pair is bright red. mine is either navy blue or gray, thank god. the first time white did the strip with the long johns, i cried of laughter. it was so, so, so funny. he looked so ridiculous. amira laughed at him too, and so did the teacher.

so now the second, and best, story about red. red's technically the understudy, so he didn't get to wear the long johns until wednesday, i think. and he's a very flirtatious guy. so we stripped right, and he's wearing the long johns. all of a sudden, he has his belt and when there's the line "you wanna know what comes... next-next?" he fucking SNAPS the belt. you know, like in a very sexy, kinky way. i nearly passed out of embarrassment and laughter. the second red did it, amira (one of his best friends) just pointed at him and screamed "NO!". it was hilarious.

today we practiced for the first time with an audience. it was just the other theatre kids. but you would know it's very interesting even just with theatre kids. when red was doing his strip today, he wasn't even wearing coats. just a button down, and he got unbuttoned about halfway before amira yelled at him to stop. kids were throwing money on the stage, i shit you not. i broke character so hard.


my play opens in less than a week. i hate that. i'm not ready for drama to be over. i love it so much, and i feel like i made such great friends. like red and amira are both seniors, so after this show i'm not going to see them. i feel like i missed out by not joining drama sooner. i love it so much. it's like marching band. i'm definitely going to try to be in another show next year. this was too much fun to just throw away with one experience.

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