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so long story short, my past week has been hell. i sobbed in school on wednesday over something that didn't matter. i spent the entire week depressed and so fucking tired.

but the past two days have been some of the best. ever.

i went into friday with a really exciting event happening. that day at 5:30 pm i had a reception for a writing contest i placed 2nd in. so looking forward to that made the whole day long as hell.

i spent my first hour, ap european history, watching presentations. i also gave a presentation that day. it was about the flushing toilet. yes, strange. but the worst part was that right when i was doing my presentation, about the FLUSH TOILET, the principal of the school walked in to watch. i had to stare my principal dead in the eye as i tried to sell him a flushing toilet through a presentation with so many poop based puns.

so that was fun.

then in second hour beginning acting, i had to sing in front of the whole class. the class isn't like a singing class, but it was a little opening thing just to help with stage presence. so that was fun, and i think i did okay.

band was uneventful. science fiction was uneventful. precalc was uneventful. i didn't want to do work in newspaper so i spent the whole time playing various computer games. spanish was uneventful. english was uneventful.

and then... the day was over. and i got to go home.

i embarked on my 18 minute walk home and took my dog on a super quick walk. i got ready, makeup and all, and my mom and i left for the reception.

i should mention that the reception was at city hall!! like, my city's actual city hall!! how cool!!

we met my nana at city hall and we went into the auditorium. we were very early.

and then, at 5:30, people started tricking in and we got to start the reception. all the other winners read their pieces, then i went up and i read my piece.

i only read a little excerpt, but here's the full thing:

i only read a little excerpt, but here's the full thing:

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