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paige tagged me in this and i really want to be procrastinating on my homework so i'm gonna do it!

1. any scars?
yes, and most of them are from bike riding. i have one on the side of my right arm (from a bike crash), one on my right knee (from a bike crash less than sixth months ago), and one on my knuckles of my left hand (also from a bike crash). that one was really bad. i also have a scar near the bottom of my left leg from falling out of a tree when i was seven!

2. who do you like?
no one at the moment. i still have a few feelings for the guy that i dated very briefly in september, but they've mostly faded now.

3. kissed anyone?
yes, only one person though. and the last time it happened was two and a half years ago. i've been itching to do kiss someone again though

4. dream job
full time writer living in london. whether it's journalism, poetry, or YA books i don't really care. just to be writing and have it be enough to support myself and my dogs.

5. ever been in love
i think so. it's the only logical way to explain what i did to myself for her.

6. last time you cried
today. the whole weekend i've been on and off crying since we found out that state was canceled, and sometimes those emotions come rushing back and i just start crying again though. the last time i cried really hard was last friday, the exact moment we found out state was canceled. i was crying so hard that i got a bloody nose. when i got excused from my math class and i got to go home, i immediately went to my car and scream-cried. it was not pretty.

7. favorite colors?
purple!!! then green and yellow

8. height
i think i'm 5'4" now

9. birthday
march 7th

10. eye color
a boring brown, unfortunately

11. hair color
it's technically dirty blond but at this point i just say light brown

12. obsessions
like do they mean positive obsessions or ones that ruin my life? i'm not sure, so let's do both!

- brooklyn nine-nine
- my dog (whom i love more than life itself)
- currently reading (which is nice)
- coffee
- words
- poetry
- the dark academia aesthetic

- needing good grades to feel self worth
- my complexion
- what my parents think of me
- my body image
- again, my grades. i check them at least 6 times a day

13. oldest picture you have of yourself?

it's matched with a picture of my best friend that i keep on my desk

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it's matched with a picture of my best friend that i keep on my desk

14. newest picture you have of yourself?
it's not letting me add a picture but i think that's for the nets because the most recent picture of myself is from when i was an e-girl for a spirit day during homecoming week

and that's all folks! i hope you enjoyed that!

see you on the flipside

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