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So quarantine's pretty bad, right? Being stuck inside with your family for at least two weeks, with relatively no contact with the outside world really sucks.

It sucks even more when you're an only child, and the only people you're stuck with are more than 20 years older than you.

It sucks even more when your dad works at night, and therefore has to sleep during the day. To accommodate that, you have to be absolutely silent during the day. Absolutely silent. Meaning no TV, no talking to friends, no music. 

And it sucks even more when your mom gets really bad cabin fever, and I mean really bad. During a two week break when we actually could leave the house, she started going crazy and feeling desperate to get out. Now, we're stuck inside for five weeks and leaving the house isn't an option. I absolutely mean this: My mother is going crazy, and it's only going to get worse.

Every week she's planning excursions for me and her to get out and go somewhere. We're going to a national park tomorrow. The worst thing is that I don't get a choice in the matter. I have school things to do! If she wants to go, that's fine, but I can't just drop all of my responsibilities because she gets stir crazy.

Anyways, these weeks of quarantine are going to suck. They might actually kill me. Between having to walk on eggshells with my father, and my mother literally losing her shit, I'm going to be miserable.

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