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one hundred random facts about me! because i'm so fucking bored!

you don't have to read any of this, it's just me spewing random bullshit

1. my name is theo
2. i'm fifteen
3. i live in the united states, colorado specifically
4. my birthday is march 7th
5. i saw interactive introverts on june 29th, 2018
6. i saw fall out boy on october 3rd, 2018
7. i have a dog named brodey and he's my favorite thing ever
8. my favorite color is purple
9. my favorite animal is a chameleon
10. i'm also in love with dinosaurs
11. my favorite food are cream cheese bagels
12. i play flute, ukulele, and guitar
13. i play flute in marching band
14. my marching band is currently sixth in our entire state-wide class!
15. i love coffee but it gets me talking so fast
16. i talk really fast even without caffeine
17. i love trench so much
18. i think my favorite song from it is chlorine
19. or leave the city
20. my favorite fall out boy album is save rock and roll
21. my all time favorite fall out boy song is either alone together or wilson (expensive mistakes)
22. my favorite panic! at the disco album is a fever you can't sweat our
23. my all time favorite panic! song is either there's a good reason these tables are numbered honey, you just haven't thought of it yet or crazy=genius
24. my favorite tøp song is glowing eyes
25. i can't believe i'm only 1/4 of the way through this list
26. my favorite cousin is my cousin tori
27. she's on my moms side
28. she's 23? 24?
29. she lives in texas and i see her roughly once a year
30. but we're very similar people
31. my closest relative in age is my second cousin who lives in minnesota
32. she's one year and three days older than me
33. she's also in marching band
34. i've only met her once
35. my closest immediate relative in age is my cousin who's five years older than me
36. some parts of my family are shit
37. other parts are great
38. i'm an only child
39. my dad is twelve years older than my mom
40. which means the same year my mom graduated kindergarten, my dad was graduating high school
41. i want to go to london, england very bad
42. i also want to go to vancouver, canada
43. and athens, greece
44. and adelaide, australia
45. i've never been out of america
46. but i've been to 16 states
47. i want to live in portland, oregon
48. i really really want to go to the east coast. like new york and stuff
49. i hate hot weather and i love rain
50. i can't believe that i made it halfway through this list
51. my favorite possession is either my letterman jacket or my bed duvet
52. i recently got a new phone!
53. i still sleep with stuffed animals on my bed
54. i own 30 cds
55. and over 30 backpack pins
56. writing is my main passion
57. here's a picture of bean, one of my best friends

 here's a picture of bean, one of my best friends

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58. here's a picture of nugget, another one of my best friends

 here's a picture of nugget, another one of my best friends

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59. here's a picture of dawn, one of my other best friends

 here's a picture of dawn, one of my other best friends

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60. i love them all with my entire heart
61. i'm tired right now
62. i have a really good memory
63. it's the reason i'm able to succeed in school so well
64. i love to draw
65. my favorite comedy movies are clue and napoleon dynamite
66. my favorite drama movies are the imitation game and love, simon
67. my favorite marvel movies are doctor strange, thor: ragnarok, and captain america: the winter soldier
68. my favorite disney movies are big hero 6 and wreck it ralph
69. my favorite halloween movie is hocus pocus
70. i don't particularly like the day of halloween, but i really love the halloween season
71. i love christmas! especially the month of december because just everything is right
72. i love photography even though i'm not good at it
73. i want to get a nice camera this year and take photography as a junior
74. my current favorite class is newspaper
75. one time i left during the middle of my newspaper class and went to a store near my school. i promise it wasn't ditching though
76. my least favorite class is gym
77. there's a full 60 foot rock climbing wall in my school
78. which i has to climb in gym and got a panic attack half way up
79. i'm very acrophobic (afraid of heights)
80. my favorite ships are destiel, phan, johnlock, and stucky
81. i started shipping sabriel when i watched season 13 of spn
82. bUT my favorite ship for sam is still saileen (sam + eileen, the deaf hunter)
83. i know a conversational amount of american sign language
84. dawn is completely fluent in it
85. i don't know what else to put
86. my favorite dinosaur is a pachycephalosaurus
87. sleeping is my favorite activity
88. i have a tiktok account but i really only use it when i'm bored
89. which is fairly often
90. i make aesthetic pinterest boards and they're so much fun
91. i want to start writing stucky fanfics but i need to wait until i get time to start writing my existing fics
92. marching band is almost over :(
93. i don't use emojis, except the hearts
94. some teacher at my school tackled a kid and it got on the stage news
95. someone also was a dumbass and put tin foil in the microwave in the cafeteria and it caught on fire
96. my town is pretty uneventful except someone drove a truck through a garage and we could hear all the sirens from my house
97. i can actually tell all the major brand of root beer apart just by taste
98. i consider myself a root beer critic even though my favorite soda is mountain dew
99. i love my friends and my internet friends more than anything else
100. except my dog is always #1 in everything


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