Meteor Garden { The meeting }

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{ If you haven't seen this drama I suggest you to watch it. This story will have some spoils :) Netflix haven't release the full drama yet so, sometimes I might go as the Drama but I'll also make it my own, Enjoy 😉 ❤️ }


( Inhye POV )

" INHYE! YOUR CHINESE DRAMA IS OUT!" I quickly logged into Netflix and notice it was uploaded. I quickly clicked played and watched the drama while dressing and on the way to school.

( After drama )

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( After drama )

" Ohhh man! It already ended?" I threw my phone to the side as class started. I'm also a college student at Harvard university and 18 years old. My favorite Drama so far this year is Meteor garden.

( After school )

I notice episode 3 is finally out. I decided to watch it on the way home. The wind blew on my face as the sunset sets, but I was focused on my Drama. I decided to take small shortcut through a alley. Not knowing there was a rock in front of me I tripped over it causing my phone to go flying as I hit my head on the rock and passed out.

( 2 hours later )

" Who is she? "
" Why is she in the school?"
" Whats going on?"

I opened my eyes noticing a group of people surrounding me.

" w-what's going on?" I rubbed my head. I listened carefully and they were speaking mandarin what confuses me the most was that I could understand them.

I quickly hid my face and got up running away.  I was hiding my face not revealing it. But suddenly I bumped into someone.

" Oui,"

I heard the voice telling right away it was a female. I got up and bowed a couple of times before almost leaving when suddenly she stopped me.

" HEY YOU!" I turned my whole body and notice who I was standing behind me.

" Shen yue?" I spoke with a shocked expression. she stood there confused. " Dong Shancai correct?"

" Do I know you?" She questioned.

" I liked your acting since a love so beautiful came out. ."

She looked at me dumbfounded.

Ohh, everyone must not be in their right minds. They're all famous people.

" Uhhh. My name is Inhye, Kang Inhye." Shancai smiled at me,

" Oh you must be from Korea?" She spoke as I nodded.

" No I'm from the states. I'm mixed."

" Wow, no wonder you're so pretty." She complimented me causing me to smile.

" Thank you, you're also really beautiful" I replied.

" so you two are just going to talk and I'm suddenly invisible?"

I turned my head to the guy who was standing next to Shancai,

" Sorry Qinghe, I didn't see you there." He looked at me in shock.

" Wow. You know me?"

" Uhhh, Obviously yeah."

They're speaking mandarin and I understand and they understand me.Huh. Weird.

Li Zhen approach us.

" oh you! You must be the quiet girl at school, Li Zhen?" I saw her smile when Qinghe got her name right.

" Glad were in the same school," Shancai spoke as I can see her beautiful smile. She's so cute and so pretty.

" Hey aren't you the exchange student? You're also school here?" We heard a professor speak.

" me?" I pointed to myself. The professor she smiled and nodded.

" yeah! Inhye right, Kang Inhye?" The teacher asked me as I nodded my head.

" Kids head inside you all got class." She head inside first.

" Let's all be Best friend for our whole college years!"
We did a cheer before heading to class. It's cool how I still got my backpack on.

( After School )

" Inhye! Are you heading home?" Shancai asked me.

" Uhh, to be real with you, I don't have a ho~"

" Inhye! You need a ride home?" A professor-asked me.

" Uhh. But I don't have a ho~"

" Yeah you do, you don't live far from here! Your mother told me to take care of you,"

I sighed in confusion.

What is happening? She a murder? It's okay I have a black belt.

" Uh sorry Shancai, Qinghe and Li zhen I'll be heading home first." I quickly grabbed my backpack and ran out with the professor.

( In the car )

" Um who are you again?" She looked at me and smiled.

" I'm Professor Hua, I'm your Mom's best friend." I nodded my head and looked out the window.

( 10 Minutes later )

" We're here, your mom rented this place for you to stay until you're done with all your studies."

My mouth was widen

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My mouth was widen.

" This house is pretty."

" don't act like you've never have been here." She gave me my house keys and pointed out where my bike is located.

" I don't have a car but a bike?" I asked.

She nodded,

" yeah a bike. You should be thankful." She crosses her arms before telling me where I work and told me goodbye and left.

I walked inside to be amazed. The house is small but it's comfy.

" Wait hold up, am I in a drama? Why is everything going as the Drama. How come when I see them and call them by their character names I get it right. I am completely confused,"

I scratch my head before heading to shower and falling asleep ready for tmrw.

End of chapter

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