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    "Jungkook, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to let you go."
I blink. Then blink again. How can a few words destroy a life? How can a simple sentence cause so much damage within seconds? I swallow hard and meet the concerned eyes of my boss. Well, ex-boss now I guess.
"Why? I've been a loyal employee for years. You helped me when my parents kicked me out at 15 and got me my apartment. Now...I'm going to lose everything." I plead.
He sighs and rubs his temple. "I know. This isn't about you or me. I'm sorry but I'm simply the messenger. We have a new CEO and he's demanded all stages of management to downsize. The only employees they are allowing us to keep are salary or those that have been here for more than 10 years. I don't have a choice."
I try not to break down. Try not to beg and plead for my well paying job back or remind him that my rent is due soon and I don't have enough to cover it and food costs.
I nod shakily and stand up. I bow. "Thank you so much for taking care of me for so long. I appreciate the efforts."
He sighs and stands up to hug me. "You're a wonderful hardworking boy. I'm sure you can easily find another job with our references and credentials."
I smile. "I understand, hyung. It's not your fault."
      He frowns. "I'm sure one of your many friends can get you on where they work. Just...let me know if you need anything."
     I nod. "I will. I'll go...clean out my desk."

     And that's how I end up sitting in the dark at home, in the position of losing my apartment as well as my college tuition. I've worked so hard all my life. Being kicked out of home at the age of 15 for being gay was hard.
     I lived on the streets for a couple of weeks before my hyung and later boss, Seungri, found and saved me. He took me in and bought a few months rent for me to live alone and helped me finish high school and later attend college.
    I probably wouldn't still be around if not for him. I truly owe him so much but now...I have no savings. Every penny of what I earned went to schooling and necessities.
     I close my eyes as my phone begins to ring. Not now...I really can't right now...
     Reluctantly, I pick up the call. It's my best friend and old coworker, Jin. I met him after working for the company about a year. Unfortunately he left soon after for better career options but we still kept very close together.
      "I heard what happened. Want to meet up? Are you home?" His concerned tone makes me feel a little better. I honestly have no fucking clue what he does but he's rich as well.
    "I'll meet you at our cafe in 20 minutes." He hangs up.
     'Our cafe' is what we like to call our home away from home. The sweets are amazing and the coffee is to die for but mostly we enjoy the huge spacious room for privacy. It's great.
     I walk the short distance to see him already in our booth, sipping a latte and eating a muffin. I can't help but smile. He's freaking gorgeous but still eats like a pig all the same. It's cute.
    I slip in across from him and steal his drink, sipping cautiously. Our coffee tastes don't always mix. "Yummy."
     He grins. "Right? Anyway, what are you plans?"
     Rolling my eyes, I sit back. Ever the trusty parent, he loves to control all around him. "Don't know. I'll probably have to move out of my apartment and find another job. Might have to quit my classes."
      He frowns. "You're almost finished. You can't do that." He looks down at his drink speculatively. "Is your bills already paid up this month?"
     I shrug. "I think so. Rent and utility are good for the next four weeks. I'm just worried about food and travel expenses right now."
      He nods before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his wallet. I frown as he takes a few hundred out and slides them over to me. I stare at them. "I'm not taking that. How the hell do you earn so much money?!"
    He smirks. "You are going to take it. If you don't get a job by the end of the month, you can come work with me."
     "What do you do? You never tell me." Pouting.
     He tsks. "It's not for the faint of heart but I make astronomical amounts of money for honestly very little effort." He admits, smiling. "I don't know if you can do it but if you have no other options, I can get you in."
Get me in...why does that sound so ominous?
     He continues. "The boss is really flexible about adding new...employees." He winks.
     I have no idea how to react or feel or...anything. I just blink. "Why don't you think I can hack it?" I ask curiously. He knows I'm an extremely hard worker.
      He bites his lip and I just know he's holding in a laugh. "Trust me. You really don't want to work this job if you don't have to."
     Anger and annoyance flare to life inside me. "Why not? What makes you more qualified than me?" I demand.
     He sits back and casually sips his latte. "For're a virgin."

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