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     I don't really know how to feel after texting Jungkook. Do I regret giving him the go ahead to fuck Jimin? No, I don't think that's it. Besides that would make me a hypocrite. I'm a lot of things but a hypocrite isn't one of them.
      No, there is something else bubbling in my chest. I stand up and look at the curled up man in my bed. Hoseok snores softly and grabs my pillow, tossing his arm and leg over it. Rolling my eyes, I leave the room and walk back to my office.
      My employees really need to get their shit together. I'm tired of playing parent and peace maker. Especially Yoongi and Hoseok. Their relationship is ridiculous. Both supposedly love one another but purposely cheat all the time just to get a rise out of the other.
       Why are they even a couple? A disturbing thought comes to mind...would people see the same qualities in Jungkook and my's  relationship? Is this really going to work?
      I'm a workaholic business man running a porn business that fucks all his employees. Jungkook is my employee. He's a porn star. I will watch him fuck other people on screen all the this really healthy? Fuck no. No, it's not.
       My head snaps up as a knock raps on the door. I lean back in my seat and try to stop overthinking. "Come in."
      Namjoon peaks his head in. "Hey boss." He walks in and closes the door. "So, I wanted to make sure all is good about Jin and I leaving for a month."
      My eyes narrow in thought—having forgotten about their vacation plans. "Hm. As long as Yoongi is back by then it will be no problem. Does Jin still not know where you're taking him?" I ask, smiling.
      "Nope. He's dying to know but I'm keeping it romantic and secretive." He says proudly.
       "So when are you two leaving me for good?" I ask teasingly but also a hint of seriousness.
      He sighs. "I don't know, honestly. Jin wants to move on and start a family soon. Maybe in a few months?" He frowns.
      Chuckling, I shake my head. "I'm surprised you're staying that long. You two really aren't the type to belong here long term."
He rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah well...I'll miss it here. A lot of fond memories."
I smirk, nodding slowly. "Yes. Very fond memories indeed."
He blushes, catching my meaning. Namjoon and I got on quite a lot before Jin came into the picture—not that I mind. It was never serious, just a sense of release for the both of us. I'm honestly happy he's found someone that makes him happy. Plus now Jin can cover all the damages and I can drop the ridiculously expensive insurance I have on the man.
      "W-well. I guess I should go. Jin wants to go shopping."
      I pick up my pen and play with it. "Are you two still doing the scene with Jungkook before you leave?"
       He pauses. "Uhh, as far as I know. We aren't leaving until next week unless Yoongi decides to be a douche to torture Hoseok some more and comes back later. We can do it this week whenever." He shrugs.
       "Okay. I think I want to go ahead and set it up for tomorrow morning. To get it over with. I'm sure you have tons of packing to do." I tease, noting his fiancés shopping addiction. The man has amazing fashion but more clothes, shoes, and jewelry than he will ever touch.
      "Sounds good. Bye."
       When he's gone, I head back upstairs to check on Hoseok but pause at Jungkook's door. The loud breathless moans turning me on more than I'd like to admit. It's not that I want to just give Jungkook away to other men. I truly want the boy as my own but how can I say no when I'm no doubt going to go and cheer Hoseok up in the best and dirtiest way possible. It's really the only way to get him to leave my side and feel better about Yoongi.
      My palm finds its way to the door handle and I very gently ease it open, my eyes gluing to the sexy sweaty pair moving frantically on the bed. I blink, my throat tightening for unknown and very irritating reasons. Hm.
      Clearing my throat, I close the door back and make my way to my own room. The room that before only Jungkook had ever been inside. Hoseok is awake when I open the door. His eyes heavy lidded and lips wet and chapped, naked and spread open on the bed. Waiting patiently.
       With a sigh, I close the door and try to decide which toy I want to use more. My favorite whip and cat of nine tails or shall we indulge in breath play? I know Hoseok is into it all.
       With a wicked smile and Jungkook in mind, I unlock my special closet and remove a few items I've been dying to use on my beauty. Brand new.
       Perhaps I can test them out now or research purposes.

So...this chapter was originally going to be the jikook smut but I've had so many complaints about it bc it would obviously be top kook. Jimin loves to top but being as vulnerable as he is he needs someone to touch him with gentle caring hands, taking care of him fully right now. There will be bottom jikook too bc they haven't done their scenes yet. I don't know now if I'm still going to write that bottom kook chapter or not though. I'll think on it.

Do you guys want a Hoseok chapter? There would be obvious vhope and sope smut as well as a deeper look into their relationships...let me know. It will determine the next few chapters I write. A lot of smut to come. Possibly I will still write the jikook and vhope but you have the namjinkook to look forward to and maybe sope of course....let me know please.

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