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I can't describe the sick satisfaction I get as Hoseok swallows a mouth full of my cum. It not like he's never done it before but it gives me...a strange possessive thrill with it coming from Jungkook's shivering prone body.
I don't know what it is about the small young man that gets to me. I...want him all to myself. I've never wanted anyone. It's an uncomfortable feeling.
My life is complicated. I really don't have time for an obsession but I'm slowly realizing that this is what it's growing to be. An obsession. An obsession to claim the kid.
I'm used to this lifestyle and have never had one ounce of jealousy. Ever. And I watch Hoseok prepare to fuck the object of my obsession, I feel like snapping his neck. The veins in my neck strain from the effort of remaining still—the only saving grace, Jungkook's eyes on me. He never stops looking my way, even as he allows Hoseok to kiss and touch him.
That's right. You're mine. Remember that, baby boy. I groan internally and resist the urge to bang my head against the wall a few times. No, he's not mine. My employee and that's it. Just like the others. I need to just stay away from him.
I never fuck any of my boys more than once. It's just not done...and yet I've almost fucked Jungkook three times. Twice—would have been third if he weren't so drunk the last time. He's just so fucking addicting. He makes me feel things and I'm unsure if I like it or not.
I blink back into focus realizing I'd zoned out. The scene is over. Hoseok is gently unchaining Jungkook's ankles and wrists while he struggles to sit up. His thighs and stomach are covered in what I'm assuming is cum and saliva while Hoseok still has cum all over his face.
I missed it all. Probably for the best. I don't even know why I decided to come watch. I never stay to watch. I deal with the business aspect not the filming or set.
"How was it boss?" Hoseok asks as he walks up, wiping his face off with a damp cloth and panting with exertion.
I swallow hard. "Great. Like always." My eyes find Jungkook once more to see him still struggling. It seems he's having an internal battle as he sits with his head low.
Hoseok follows my gaze. "I was easy on him. Didn't hurt him once. He said he was good but I don't know. I don't think this profession isn't really for him." He admits.
"Mhm." I look back at him. "I do believe you said the same and look at you now. You can go. I'll check on him."
He smiles. "Okay. I know Yoongi is dying for me to call him." He rolls his eyes.
I snort. "I'll bet he is. I think your phone hasn't stopped lighting up for the last hour." I nod towards the still ringing device.
He curses and walks towards it. Once the others have left the room, I sit down beside a still silent Jungkook and place my hand on his shaking leg. He flinches so I remove it.
He slowly glances up as he grabs my hand and places it back on his thigh.
I sigh. "Are you alright?"
He shrugs.
"Words, Jungkook."
He licks his lips. "I guess it will take me a while to get comfortable with this. I'm not used having sex yet let alone doing it often with people I don't know." He admits in a whisper.
"Do you want to quit?"
He shakes his head. "I like it here and I'm sure I'll make more friends it's just..." He avoids looking at me.
I tilt his chin up to look at me. "Just what?"
His lips tremble. "I guess I'm only...only comfortable with you." He whispers.
I pause, ignoring the feeling of possessiveness and pleasure that courses through me. "Well...perhaps I'll just have to make you more comfortable with sex."
His eyes widen and I smirk as his cock twitches between his thighs. He blushes bright red. So pretty.
I run my thumb over his lips. "Do you want that, beautiful? Want me to help you?"
He nods helplessly. "P-please. I trust you." His hand wraps around my wrist, his nails digging into my skin as he looks up at me.
Fuck. What a look.
"Oh baby..." I sigh, learning down to tug his bottom lip with my teeth. "I don't think I can be gentle with you. Can you take it? Take me?" I ask, caressing his hip.
He moans. "I c-can. You. Just you."
Groaning, I deepen the kiss and pull him up to straddle my legs. He grinds down and I ignore the wet patch growing on my slacks as cum leaks out of his gaping hole.
I grope and knead his sore ass cheeks, dipping my fingers in between to feel his puffy wet flesh. "You make me feel, beautiful."
He pulls back, his arms loosely draped over my shoulders. "Is that a bad thing?" He rasps.
"I don't know. I've never done this before, baby." I whisper.
He moans as if the thought of him being the first for me in any way makes him turned on and happy at the same time. "Me, neither. C-can we do this together? Our firsts?"
My lips curl up and I trail my hands over his sides, kissing him again and again. "I suppose we can try but I'm going to be honest with you, Jungkook. I don't know if I can do monogamy or emotional connections. It's not wired in me. I'm not a relationship kind of guy and I run a fucking porn empire, for God's sake." I admit.
He bites his lip. "I understand but honestly I don't care. I'm willing to try with you. Please."
I sigh. "For some reason...I find it very hard to turn you down. What spell have you cast over me, pretty boy, hm?" I tease.
He smiles widely and I groan at his unreal beauty. "I d-don't know. Let's find out together?"

Need Me; Taekook Where stories live. Discover now