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      I groan in pain as my ankles and wrists are bound painfully tight, the metal straps grinding into my skin and letting the raw skin drop blood onto the white sheets under me.
      I watch in silence as Taehyung walks towards his locked closet and pulls out a few items I can't make out. He grabs a jar full of what looks like thick icing. I swallow hard, knowing exactly what it is—definitely not icing but still yummy.
       "I'm expecting someone to join us in a bit." He mutters as he pulls out a gag and fastens it around my mouth. I nod in understanding. I'm hoping it's Yoongi. The fucker. I hate him so goddamn much! Why the hell do I put up with his treatment? I should just leave his ass properly and make him beg for my attention.
       I squeeze my eyes closed as I begin to tear up again. Fuck, I miss him. I need him. I wish he'd just fucking call me! Is that so hard? A simple text or phone call letting me know he still loves me? Nope. Apparently it's fucking impossible.
      "You still with me?" Tae whispers in his deep raspy voice.
     I open my eyes and nod. I can't speak past the gag but I know he understands me. I miss Yoongi doing this to me. I hiss as Tae pulls out a lighter and holds it under a dark purple candle, letting the wax drip down over my nipples.
      He lets the stinging wax trail down my stomach to my groan. He pushes my thighs roughly apart and I lift my hips as he drips the candle over my inner thighs. I shudder at the pain.
      "Look at you. Such a dirty slut for this. What do you want, hm? Thirsty?" He teases. I nod shakily. Everything Taehyung does is almost mechanical. I know he's not emotionally invested. He seems to only be that way with Jungkook.
      As cute as the guy is I just don't get it. Not that he's not a catch but there are a lot of beautiful young men here and yet...Tae has never been caught before until him. It's strange and I wonder what the true appeal is...
       I flinch as he drops the lighter and rubs the scalding melted candle against my cock. I bite down on the gag and wince as he runs it down my balls and between my cheeks.
      I take a few deep breaths, trying to regulate myself properly before the game really starts. You really have to prepare mentally for things like this.
      There's a frantic knock on the door making me glance up. Tae winks at me and places a blindfold over my eyes as he steps out of the room for a minute.
      I wait a little impatiently for him and his guest to come back. When the door finally opens again—after what feels like an hour but probably only two minutes—there are two pairs of footsteps.
       I listen closely as Tae gives instructions to the new person. I'm curious to know who it is. It's not Yoongi. Yoongi would be pissed to see me doing this with Tae which is the whole point.
      I hear a low voice I can't make out then suddenly a dip in the bed beside me. The lid on the jar is popped open and I moan as a slow but steady steam of cum is drenched over my face and chest.
      I lick around the gag and swallow. Fuck. I love the taste of cum. Especially Taehyung's. Weird as it is, I love that he keeps a jar of his fluids mixed with delicious flavors. This one is a little more fruity.
       I feel my inner thighs hit with a cane and grunt from the sting. Suddenly the blindfold is taken off and I blink up to see Jungkook pouring the half empty jar of cum over my aching cock.
      I'm surprised it's him but not disappointed. I mean...he's gorgeous and so sweet. I glance at Taehyung as he smiles bemusedly at his little obedient lover. Why the fuck won't Yoongi look at me like that? It's truly not fair.
      "Beautiful, I want you to get naked and sit on his face." He demands.
      Jungkook seems conflicted as he notices the gag on my sticky face. "B-but the—"
      "Do it." He commands again.
      He nods and stands up, slowly stripping naked and showing off his gorgeous body. I wait with wide eyed anticipation as he shakily climbs up to straddle my chest, looking down at me.
      I nod to him quickly as he snaps off the gag and kneels up over me, glancing over his shoulder at his master.
      "Sit." He says right before spanking my cock with the cane. I cry out just as he drops down on my face, suffocating me with his luscious ass. I thrust my tongue into his ass as my body begs for air. I ignore it and moan as he begins forcibly riding my face, shoving his wet hole over my nose and tongue over and over again. I can't breath and love it.
      I clench my hands into fists as I begin to feel lightheaded.
      "Up." Tae's voice comes from somewhere far away.
       Jungkook lifts his body up and turns around, allowing me several deep breaths before dropping back down and fucking himself on my waiting tongue, moaning, as Taehyung climbs onto the bed and I hear them kissing over me before my thighs are spread wide and his huge cock rubs over my flexing hole.
      My toes curl as he forces himself inside my body, raw and dry. I wail against Jungkook's ass and flail a little as my body struggles to adjust to the intense intrusion.
      "Fuck!" He exclaims as I'm allowed more breaths. Jungkook climbs off me and I watch with envy as Tae embraces him, kissing him passionately as he pounds into my tense body. No fair.
      He whispers into the beauty's ear. Jungkook reaches into my jeans and pulls out my phone. I gasp as he begins taking pictures of me being restrained and fucked by my boss. No doubt sending them to Yoongi. I can't decide if I'm happy or worried about it. His ass deserves it but still...
       "Your ass takes my huge cock so well. So loose I don't even have to stretch you. Such a dirty whore." He groans.
      But his eyes are on Jungkook and Jungkook only. "Want to join us baby?"
       He hesitantly nods.
       "Let me stretch you and you can ride his cock. Is that okay?" He asks him softly.
      "O-Okay." He straddles my lap, staring down at me as Tae reaches over and pressed him down onto his stomach over me. I capture his lips as Tae no doubt begins eating his ass properly which fucking me ruthlessly. Got to love a multitalented man.
     I twine my tongue with his, hungrily kissing him deeply as his ass his slapped and Tae gives the go ahead. I moan loudly as he slowly sinks his tight ass down on my needy neglected cock.
      I buck my hips eagerly, loving the give and take. The pain with the pleasure. It's perfect. Moaning and wet slapping skin are the only sounds for a while until I can't hold it in anymore. I cry out a release, fucking my cum inside Jungkook's ass as he spurts his delicious fluids onto my sweaty chest.
      Tae growls and I feel him grasp onto Jungkook's hips and begins to force him to bounce up and down on my cock despite both of our oversensitivity.
      I pant hard, feeling another orgasm build up as Jungkook whimpers and cums again. He stops abruptly and pulls out of me, moving to stand in front of my face and forcing his cock into my mouth as he fills me with cum. I suck his dick hard and drink every drop of cum he gives me.
      I choke and sputter as he cums endlessly, drowning in it. He pants and slowly removes his cock from my dripping mouth, helping Jungkook down from my body and onto shaking legs.
      Wiping sweat from his eyes, he unbinds my wrists and ankles after taking a few more pictures. I sit up, wincing, as Tae kisses and checks on his baby. It's so sweet and leaves something deep inside me empty and unsatisfied. I want that with Yoongi. Why can't I just have it?
      "You okay?" He asks me.
      Biting my lip, I nod, struggling not to cry again as my phone is placed beside my tired and sated body. "Yoongi should be back sooner than expected." He winks.
       I give a little half smile as Tae picks Jungkook up into his strong arms.
      "Can you manage yourself? I'm going to take care of Jungkook." He explains.
      I nod. "I'll be fine."
      Nodding, he leaves the room with an obviously sleepy Jungkook as I glare at my phone. Wanting it to remain silent but yet begging it to ring.
      If this doesn't make Yoongi realize what he's got waiting here then I'm done. If he doesn't care about me or what I'm doing then I deserve to find someone that does.
      I'm tired of being let down. Please don't let me down again, Yoongi. I f-fucking love you. I fucking hate how much I need you right now. Taehyung and Jungkook's relationship has just cemented the fact that Yoongi and I's relationship is simply superficial. I want more.
      I want to be like them.

Need Me; Taekook Where stories live. Discover now