Thirty Two

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"You're so mean."
Taehyung doesn't look up from his paperwork as the pouty words tumble out of my mouth. He takes it in stride and pretty much just continues to ignore me.
I tap my fingers impatiently on his desk, earning a slighting glance from him.
"I'm working, beautiful. Give me one more hour and I'll be able to give the rest of my night to you." He sighs.
Groaning, I move to my feet and cross my arms. Maybe I'm becoming spoilt but he's just been working so damn much! He's barely looked at me the entire three hours I've been in here waiting for him to finish.
My eyes sparkle as an idea comes to me. "Okay. I'm sorry to bother you. I'll just entertain myself until you're done." I say evenly.
His lips twitch. "Be my guest, love."
Oh, I plan to.
Whistling to myself, I wander aimlessly around his large office, skirting past the couch and studying all the file cabinets and random drawers he has around the walls. My eyes pause on a label. Props.
Glancing back surreptitiously at my busy boyfriend, I grin and open the large cabinet. Flushing bright red at all the lube, condoms, and different varieties of sex toys littering the space.
I grab an unopened fancy bottle of peach and whipped cream flavored lubricant and a diamond studded pink dildo. Hmm...
The next cabinet is full of little bags of lingerie which surprise me since they seem to mostly be for women but this place is full of men. I get that some probably cross dress for their parts but it's still disconcerting seeing the items.
Interest peaks as I spot a pretty lingerie set buried under everything else, brand new and forgotten. I pull it out and study it. It's a sexy bunny costume. Hm. It's pretty. The silk pink and white baby doll nightie feels luxurious between my fingers. It's extremely short, no where near enough to cover someone's full behind. Maybe half, possibly.
It comes with a pair of white panties with the bottoms missing. Basically it's fully slit open making easy access to the private area and just for show around the hips and butt.
A cute white fuzzy bunny tail butt plug and a pair of fuzzy white bunny ears complete the outfit. Who the hell would wear this and under what occasion?
Another wayward glance at my boyfriend to find him still not paying any mind to me, I take the sexy set and the peach lube and dildo and saunter into his bathroom.
As soon as I see my reflection in the mirror, I get cold feet. I flush hotly and drop the items. Am I really considering this? I've never thought I'd ever be looking or holding anything like this and yet I'm actually thinking about putting it on my body just for attention? What has my world come to? I feel like I turning into Jimin—no offense to him.
This is definitely something Jimin would do. Groaning quietly, I decide to stop thinking and just go for it. Praying that he won't be disgusted with me.
I strip out of my clothes and fold them neatly on the sink before holding up the pink baby doll. It's tight, conforming to my muscular but slim body but feeling nice and sleek at the same time. It comes down just to the top of my thighs. My butt nearly fully exposed.
Blushing, I open up the lube and pour the peach and cream scented slick over my fingers and rubbing it all over the glinting butt plug. God, I'm nervous. To calm my nerves, I slip on the ridiculous excuse for underwear, feeling a light breeze from the slit.
I take the plug and rub it carefully over my entrance, wincing and biting my lip as it pops inside me with a little resistance. Okay, that hurt.
I avoid eye contact with myself in the mirror as I turn around and survey the tail now attached to my ass. Fitting perfectly between my cheeks and even making my butt look more toned. Hmm...
I look pretty good, actually. Maybe I should totally get into role play more often. It Tae likes it, of course. I slip the ears over my head and smile, completing the ridiculous outfit but I look cute. It's weird. Sexy and cute yet still masculine and a touch femininity still. It's crazy.
I grab the pretty studded dildo and lube and ease out of the bathroom. Tae still oblivious to my plans as I sit down on the couch and get comfortable. I begin giving kitten licks to the dildo teasingly all the while waiting for my boyfriend to notice me.
When it happens, I tense slightly, not realizing how nervous I'd be as I pretend to not notice his dark eyes on me as I continue toying with the dildo.
When I finally look back up, Tae is glaring at me, licking his lips. His hand tightening so hard on his pen I hear it snap. My breath catches.
"Sorry, don't mind me. I just got bored. Please continue your very important work." I utter, slipping the saliva covered dildo teasingly over my thighs and between my legs.
"Jungkook." His voice is deep and rough as he watches me intensely.
I sit up on my knees and turn around casually, making it look accidental as I reach for the lube I 'dropped', showing off my ass and tail. A strangled groan comes from behind me as I turn back around in surprise.
"Do you really want to play with me right now, beautiful? You better be prepared for the consequences of teasing me like this." He demands, leaning back in his chair. "I think this deserves a punishment, hm? Did you have permission to go through my things?" His lips twitch up into a smirk as I bite my lip.
"Do you not like it, TaeTae?" I plead, my eyes wide and innocent. "I've always liked to play dress up."
He growls and stands up, his hands clenching around the edges of his desk. "Baby, are you ready for me? Is that tight little ass of yours stretched and primed for my fat cock?" He asks, slowly walking around the desk and towards me. "Are you thirsty for my dick, bunny?"
Swallowing hard, I gasp. "I don't know. M-maybe you should check and see to make sure." I purr, running my hands up his toned body as he stares down at me with a poker face.
        "Perhaps I should. We wouldn't want to make you cry, would we?" He chuckles darkly, tilting my chin up and taking my lips in a painful punishing kiss that forces the soul out of my body.
       Devouring my very self with his tongue, lips, and teeth. I whimper as he grabs hold of my tail, tugging it roughly before pushing it deeper inside me. I jerk, moaning as my hard cock rubs wetly against my panties.
        He steps away from me just as quickly as he kissed me. I slump trying to catch my breath as he observes me, seeming completely unaffected. I pout.
        "Are you going to be a good little bunny for me, sweetheart, hm?" He demands, very slowly unbuttoning his shirt.
        Licking my lip, I nod. "O-only for you."
       "Mhm. Let's see if we can make you bad as well, shall we? I'd rather like to punish you tonight, baby." He murmurs, tapping my lips. I eagerly slip his finger into my mouth and suck.
        His eyes flair with lust and something dark. "Let's play, my sexy baby bunny."

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