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I'm going to be completely honest and admit I remember nothing of our exquisite and overly expensive wedding. It was bright and colorful and perfect in every aspect but I could only focus on one thing and one thing only.
My husband, Kim Taehyung.
     The entire night I've been completely drunk on love and desire. Every look, ever subtle touch, every little notion has slowly driven me insane. Only wanting everyone to leave so I can finally have some alone time with him.
     "...kook? Jungkook?"
     I blink, turning around to see Jin and Namjoon smiling widely, pulling me into a hug. "We're heading home. We'll really miss you at our place."
     "I'll visit and you guys are welcome anytime." Except now.
     "Have fun." Jin whispers, winking before lacing his fingers with Joon's and heading out the door. I sip my champagne glass full of sprite and sigh. I'd love some real champagne or wine right about now.
     Arms wind around my waist, my lips twisting into a smile. Tae's hot breath on my nape run shivers down my spine. "Done with business?" I finally got to meet that stupid cute blue haired guy. A business partner or something.
"Mhm hm. I'm finished."
I turn in his arms, tilting my head up for a kiss. "I've been waiting."
"I know. I'm sorry, baby." He surprises me by scooping me up into his arms.
I gasp.
"The rest of my life now belongs to you and only you." He begins carrying me up the stairs to our bedroom. The house now empty of all occupants but us. Even Jieun took Bogum away for the weekend.
    Anticipation and desire war inside me as I cling to his shoulders, eager for what the night holds ahead.

    I hadn't anticipated the rose petal covered bath or the soft candlight. It's not really Taehyung's style. He lowers me to my feet at the doorway and strolls inside the bedroom, he pulls out two things. A bag and a folder.
     I stare, confused.
    Winking, he hands me the file while pulling out massage gel, bubble bath, and scented lube from the bag.
    I snort. "Prepared, I see."
    "I thought my love deserved only the best." He teases, perching on the edge of the tub. "Read it." He nudges.
     Reluctantly taking my eyes from him, I open the file and try to focus on the contents. A lot of business jargon that I really don't care about at the moment.
      "Okay. I give up. What is this?"
     "Look at the last page, baby."
     I do as asked and read through it. I blink and read it again. And again. "Tae...w-what is this? Is this right?" When I look up he's right in front of me, smiling.
     "It is. That guy I was talking to—Soobin—he's now the owner of my company. I've stepped down. I no longer run a porn empire."
     I have no words. For so long this has haunted me in our relationship. Wanting to trust him but also having that insecurity always there. "I w-wouldn't have made you give it up." I whisper.
      Cupping my face, he gazes into my eyes. "I don't need it anymore. I just need you. I want to spend all my time with you. Making you and our baby happy. I also want to be a better father for Gummie. He deserves that as well."
      I tear up. I can't help it. I drop the file and wrap my arms around him, silently crying as I cling to him. "I love you."
     "Not as much as I love you." He kisses my hair. "That's my wedding surprise for you. I know it's not much but—"
     "It's everything." I beam. "But I didn't need it. I just need you."
     "Please keep needing me forever."
     Grinning, he tugs me towards the bath and we slowly strip one another before climbing into the hot lovely scented bath.
      Taking turns massaging and touching each other so gently, my body gears up for what's to come. I know this is just the warm up. It's been so long and i know my husband isn't the mushy goey soft kind during sex.
     No, I can feel the tension in his hard strong body as he stands up, stepping out and holding his hands out for me.
     I hesitate to step out, though. "No towel? What about the floor?"
     A dangerous glint shines behind his dark eyes. "Cute you think I give two fucks about the floor." He lifts me out of the tub and carries me hurriedly towards the bed. "When you know we're about to get soaked, baby."
       I gulp.

Need Me; Taekook Where stories live. Discover now