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I watch Jungkook sleep after a couple hours of snacking, watching movies, and talking. His crush on Taehyung is cute but honestly how can't he see it won't happen? Taehyung is not the relationship type. He's never been into any of his employees.
I would know. I tried so hard to get him to want me, to love me, but he just brushed me off like all the others. Sure, it hurt at first but then that turned to anger. I got over it though when Hoseok got here.
I really thought eventually he would notice me like that. He told me all his struggles with Yoongi so I tried to get closer and make him fall for me instead but it just never works.
Why?! What's wrong with me? Why won't anyone love me? Am I ugly? Am I not good enough? Am I too clingy? Too needy? Too fucking nice?!
I take a deep breath and smile down at my best friend. My Kookie. Perhaps...maybe I could get over Hoseok with his help. He promised to never abandon me. No one has ever said that to me before and meant it. I know he does. He's a real friend, not fake like all these other assholes around here.
I brush my fingers through his wet hair. Once he realizes that Taehyung won't accept him...I'll be here to comfort him and make him happy. I'll never leave him or make him sad. I'll be here to talk and make him feel good.
Like earlier when I cleaned him with my tongue in the shower. Sure, he was nervous and reluctant at first but he came so hard down my throat. Fuck, he's so hot when he comes. I can't wait until I get to fuck him. I think I would be happy to have him fuck me, too.
I'll happily bottom for him.

     Taehyung calls me into his office a little later so I carefully climb out of bed and get dressed. I opted for us to stay in bed naked so we wouldn't dirty up our clothes. Smart, right?
      I walk into his office and smile, leaning against the door. "What is it, boss? It's, like, the middle of the night." I say.
     He looks up from his paperwork. "Hey, feeling better?" He asks, motioning for me to sit down across from him.
      I nod. "Yup. I'm ready to work again. Am I still doing the shoot with Jungkook?"
      He rubs his thumb over his bottom lip. "Mhm, not sure. I know viewers have missed you with Hoseok and Yoongi."
      I tilt my head. "Didn't they like Jungkook and Hoseok together?"
      He laughs. "They loved it actually but you still have plenty of fans that miss you."
      I smirk, leaning forward and licking my lips seductively. "Be honest—you missed watching my ass, too, right?"
      He scoffs. "Get off it, Jimin. I'm just letting you know that I'm scheduling you a shoot with Hoseok and Yoongi tomorrow evening when he gets back in town."
      I lean back, pouting a little. "Mhm, okay." I stand up and trail my fingers over his desk as I slowly round it and lean over him. He looks at me without expression as I close the distance and meld our lips together. " seem tense. Why don't you take me up to that playroom of yours and fuck me hard? I'll let you do whatever you want..." I tease, rubbing his shoulders.
       He stiffens. "How do you know about my playroom?"
      I laugh softly and spin his chair, plopping down on his lap and working my hips roughly against his cock. He grunts and grasps my hips. "I know a lot about a lot of things, boss." I kiss him hard as I grind down.
      Just when I think he's going to give in and fuck me over his desk, he groans and pushes me off his lap. "I think you know why this isn't happening, Park." He glares, crossing his arms and knee.
      I smirk at his hard erection. I tug my shirt over my head and fall to my knees and rubbing my hands over his thighs. "You know how good I can suck cock. You know no one can do it better than me. Choke me." I groan, pinching my nipples and unzipping his pants, pulling his cock out slowly and licking the wet tip.
      He grabs a fistful of my hair and jerks hard. I moan in pain and suck his tip harder. "Fuck, make it hurt." I whimper. "Treat me like your dirty slut." I beg.
      Growling, he pulls me up by my hair and throws me over his desk, jerking my pants down and pulling his belt free. I muffle a cry as he whips me with the belt, drawing blood. Biting my lip, I force back tears as he whips me over and over again, while holding my head up by the hair.
      "Such a fucking cock slut. Don't know when to take a hint, hm? You fucking know that Jungkook likes me, you filthy bitch. Yet you come down here to show this sloppy dirty ass, hm?" I cry and grip the desk as he throws the belt down and spreads my cheeks.
      I flinch as he spits on my hole before shoving his big cock inside without preparation. He covers my mouth to stop my screams as he fuck me ruthlessly, the desk skidding a few feet across the floor. I moan as I notice the open door to his office.
      I force my ass back against his cock biting back the sting as my own dick flops painfully against the hard desk. "Fuck! Fuck me harder, daddy! I'm such a slut for you!" I cry out breathlessly. He grunts and pounds even harder inside my ass, my stinging welted cheeks burning with every thrust and slam of his hips against mine but fuck I need it. 
     I rest my head on the desk and moan loudly as I cum, spilling my sticky fluids all over his paperwork.
      He pants hard before his hips stutter and he fills me up. I whimper as he pulls out and jerks me off the desk by the hair and onto the floor. He sits back down in his seat looking all regal and kingly and master-like while I crawl to my knees and worship his feet, legs and thighs. Licking the blood and cum off his limpening cock.
      "You and I both know that he could never handle this. You need someone that can take the pain—that loves it and craves it, Taehyung. You don't have to love me but don't forget who was here for you during your darkest times. You hide your shadows for everyone else but I coax them out to play." I trail my tongue down his balls while reaching behind me to thrust two fingers inside my sore ass and scooping out his cum.
      I lick my fingers with a moan. His dark eyes watch me intently as I clean them. "Jungkook can't handle this. He's too gentle. He could never handle you out of control. We both know why you refuse to give yourself to anyone here. Both of us are the same in that way."
      He grimaces. "Get out."
      I slowly stand on shaky legs and gather my clothes. "You know I'm right, Tae. Don't give him hope when we both know he has no real chance to touch you, the real you. You give him the illusion and that's sweet but it's a lie. You'll just end up breaking his heart."
      He turns back to his desk and begins wiping it off. "You are supposed to be his friend." He mutters.
      I smile. "I am. I'm doing what best friends do—I'm protecting him. I'm trying to save his heart before you break it."
      He scoffs and sits back. "We both always have an ulterior motive. Do you...perhaps like Jungkook now?"
      I pause, looking away. "I could make him so much happier." I whisper.
      He laughs. "You're funny, Park. He really needs a broken slut like you messing with his life. I think you might be the worst thing to ever happen to him."
      I smile. "Maybe I'm thinking the same about you right now, boss."
     He nods. "Touché. Will you tell him the truth about tonight?"
      I bite my lip, hesitating.
      He laughs again. "Didn't think so. You'd lose him if he knew what you really are. Why no one here wants to bother with you. I will be honest with him, though. Because I like him sincerely. He knows no one can change overnight but, Jimin...I can change. You can't. You just can't fucking help yourself."
      My smile stays while my eyes water. "I c-can change."
      He smirks. "Prove it. Tell him, tell him his best friend just came and seduced the man he likes. That you bent over and begged for my cock like to hopeless backstabbing dirty skank you are. Tell him."
      I swallow hard and leave the room, slamming the door behind me. I ignore his mocking laugh. Fuck You, Taehyung.

Need Me; Taekook Where stories live. Discover now