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So....when Tae mentioned eating I honestly had no idea he meant anything other than sitting down to eat. Of course, I guess he was truthful in a way—except he's the only one getting to eat.
I groan as my stomach lets out another rumble. "Tae~~~"
"Hush, beautiful. Let me enjoy my meal."
Huffing, I blush hotly as I stare straight up at the ceiling,
Realizing too late the huge skylight mirror reflecting the scene back at me. My body—covered in only my blue silk thong—spread out and splayed on a large dinning table covered from chest to foot in a seafood spread.
God. This is humiliating. Tae sits at the end of the table all majestic and prince-like while eating pieces of shrimp and streak and rice off my body.
"I'm hungry!" I whine.
Sighing, he lifts a piece shrimp off my thigh in his chopsticks and presses it to my mouth. I greedily chomp on it.
The worst part isn't playing dinner plate—Nope, the worst part is being stripped down and held down by that intense commanding stare while servers pile the food on my basically naked body.
Sadly, they didn't even seem fazed by the request! What kind of people come here with their kinky selves?! I don't know if it makes me feel better or not.
I gasp as he spreads my thighs farther apart to dip his oyster in the stupid bowls of sauce under my legs. "Is this really necessary—"
"Can you please stop complaining?Can't a man enjoy his meal in peace, pretty boy?" He asks in bemusement.
I flush. "This really isn't fair!"
He chuckles darkly. "Oh baby, this is your fault. You play with fire you get burned, sweetheart. Teasing me with that body of yours—how can you expect me to not react, hm?"
I snap my mouth closed again. I blame Jin. He's definitely going to here from me when I get back. Freaking rainbow farting prick!
"Tae..." I groan.
He drops the chopsticks and stands up. My eyes widen in fear and anticipation as he grabs my thighs and flips me over into my stomach. All the yummy smelling food now being crushed under my weigh as he drags me down the table and spanks me a few times.
I clutch the table tightly, moaning. He runs his finger teasingly under the tight slick band between my cheeks, snapping it back against my hole, earning a loud cry from me.
He jerks my head up by the hair. "So impatient, baby? Hungry? Why don't I fill that big mouth of yours, hm? I'll make sure to ease that hunger." He releases me and moves around the table to stand right beside my head.
I look up at him—practically drooling—as he slowly removes his belt and unzips his pants. I don't waste time. I get to work pulling his large cock free and sucking it into my mouth, basking in the unique flavor of him. The flavor of Kim Taehyung.
He reaches down for a piece of shrimp and rubs it all over my ass before moving it towards my mouth. Groaning, I slip his cock from my lips and devour the shrimp. I really am hungry and beggars can't be choosers.
"That's good, baby. Let me feed you." He drizzles a bit of sauce over his cock and I make sure to lick every last drop from it before taking him in deep. So good.
He groans, clutching my hair and working his hips tightly against my face. I can barely move as he fucks my mouth ruthlessly, saliva, sauce, and precum running down my chin and into the table as he chases after his high.
My thighs tremble as he pulls out before cumming. "Turn around!" He demands harshly, panting.
My body moves without thinking and before I know it, I'm facing the huge window on my hands and knees on the table with my ass in the air. I bite my lip, beyond horny to the point of it being painful, as he continues to tease my hole with the thong strap.
He smacks my ass harder. "Fuck, look at you all needy and shit. Just can't help yourself can you, baby?" He abruptly jerks the thong down my thighs leaving them trapped on my knees as he spreads my cheeks and spits on my entrance.
I moan and shake my ass wantonly. He teases my hole with a finger before thrusting two inside at once. I cry out, gripping the smooth wood hard as he forces his fingers so fucking deep inside me, moving them in a blinding speed.
I force my ass back faster against his rhythm, my body about to release so hard—
"Not yet." He pulls his fingers free and I whine. God! So close!
I look back at him with a pout. "Tae!" I know I sound childish but I need to cum. And eat!
He smirks, licking his fingers clean. "I bet you'd taste much better that than sushi, hm?" He mutters, grabbing the bowl of sauce and pouring it over my lower back and ass. I gasp at the cold liquid and shudder, my legs naturally spreading just a little wider as I try to hold myself up on shaking arms.
He sits back down on his seat making my ass eye level with him. I squeal as his tongue strokes over my hole, slurping the sauce hungrily as he takes pieces of the food and rubs it over my drenched hole before popping it into his mouth and chasing it by eating me out after every single bite.

I'm a moaning, sobbing, sweaty mess by the time he finishes his 'meal'. My hole is raw and aching from his tongue and the spicy sauces while my nipples are throbbing and dick aching with need.
I take a large breath when he finally puts his chopsticks back down with a wicked smile. Carefully, he helps me onto my back to give my knees a break and massages my hips and chest, his mouth working mine with a furious intent.
"One last piece, baby." He whispers making me groan in defeat. I lean up on my elbows as he grabs a bottle of sauce from beside the table and slowly trails it over my leaking cock.
I watch him suck my dick hungrily, sucking on my tip and licking in my slit to get every last little drop. I pant, my abs flexing as my thighs shake and I release a scream as he twists my balls, shooting cum onto his face and shirt.
My chest heaves as I suck in precious much needed oxygen. I'm fully spent as he pulls me towards the edge and pushes his hard cock inside my tight sore hole.
I choke on a cry as he nails my prostate again and again, forcing me to ride out my orgasm and prolong it as I'm forced to full hardness again.
I claw at his biceps as he fucks me on the table, the dishes rattling by his massive force.
"Ughhh...god...Tae! Tae! I'm gonna cum again...." I whimper, gasping for air.
Growling, he lifts me into his arms and maneuvers us into his chair, forcing me to ride his cock, sinking deeper and deeper into my tired body. I can't help it—I love it. I fucking love it.
I'm exhausted and shaking from lack of breath, my thighs and stomach muscles burning in agony as I force my ass to bounce up and down violently on his erection, unable to stop myself and the flurry of passion consuming the both of us at this moment. Both of us sticky and desperately needing a shower but who cares? I don't. I just want to be fucked right. By him.
I release on a slow downstroke and collapse against him, his own cock twitching deep inside as he spasms thick ropes of cum drenching my inner walls.
I close my eyes, sleepy.
He runs his fingers gently through my wet hair. "Ready for dessert, beautiful?"
I scoff, still not opening my eyes. "Can I eat it off of you this time? I'm starving." I whine. "I need a lot of chocolate cake. Like...a mountain." I explain.
He chuckles and I like the rumble in his chest vibrating against my cheek. "Only if you plan to burn those calories off properly later."
I fight a smile, completely limp and replete against him. "Mhm. Maybe. It seems to me I've done most of the work while you've just sat here and got more fat eating. You should burn off those calories properly, too." I tease.
"Perhaps you're right. Maybe our next date should be a gym that way you can't distract me with your irresistible devilish charms and, of course, that ass."
I gasp in offense. "My ass comes first, don't you know."
He laughs and it lights me up from inside. "Mhm. I've come to realize this as well. I'm going to have to teach your ass some control on prolonging your orgasms."
I pout.

Need Me; Taekook Where stories live. Discover now