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     I'm dumped unceremoniously on his soft silk sheets, panting and gasping as my body still thrums with blissful after surges from my powerful orgasm.
     I watch lazily with hooded eyes as he slowly unbuckles his belt and wraps it around my wrists before fastening it to the headboard. I tug at the tight hold as he moves over to the closet and disappears for a bit.
      I whimper when he comes back out shirtless and holding that same butt plug he had in the bathroom along with a jar half full of something I can't make out.
      He kneels on the bed over me with a smirk, setting the items down beside me. "Lets get your ready for your first set tonight, hm."
      I hold my breath as he runs his hands over my body. "Spread your legs." He demands darkly.
      Shakily, I spread my legs.
      He moans, rubbing my inner thighs up and down, palming my heavy balls and aching cock. He rubs his thumb over the pooling precum on my tip.
      "So pretty. Fuck, you were made for this." He mumbles something else under his breath I can't make out and reaches over to open the jar.
      I blink at the milky white substance inside. "W-what..."
       He chuckles. "Oh this?" He tilts the jar, dripping the cool liquid over my chest all the way down to my groin. Some dripping down past my ball and thighs to my ass. Some running down my neck to the sheets.
      "Just a little homemade lubrication, baby. Taste it and tell me what you think." He grins, dipping his finger inside the jar then rubbing it over my lips. I moan, lapping at the salty bitter concoction mixed with the sweet taste of vanilla.
      "C-cum?" I whisper, sucking his finger clean.
     He laughs. "That's right, baby. Cum mixed with a little vanilla. You see..." He observes the jar almost clinically. "I much prefer using my own ingredients. It makes it all...sexier, don't you think, Jungkook? I know we were going to clean you out and get you ready for Hoseok but...I changed my mind. I think I want you filled with something else. He'll love it, trust me." He winks, pouring more of the sticky bittersweet fluid onto his fingers and rubbing them against my sore hole.
     I hiss as he presses them deep inside. "Nghhhnnn..."
"I think it's safe to go without a condom, don't you agree? I want to feel you more intimately as your tight ass suffocates my cock—milking every last drop of cum from my balls...mhm, what do you think, baby?" He whispers, leaning down to kiss me slow and sensual.
I choke. God, every word out of his mouth is turning me on more and more. I need to cum again so bad. "I w-want to feel you, too." I gasp as he begins attacking my throat with his teeth and tongue, his hands almost aggressive as they stroke my cock and finger my gaping ass.
     "Goooddd, Tae!" I cry out, the high intensifying every little sensation taking me to cloud nine.
      "Feels good, doesn't it, baby boy? God, I think you were sent to fucking test me." He groans, scooping up a generous amount of 'lube' and drenching his cock before pushing my thighs farther apart and thrusting inside me so hard I see stars, my restraints the only thing holding me in place as he pounds ruthlessly into my ass.
     I scream and wail.
     I beg.
     I cry.
     I fucking cum harder than I ever have in my life and I love every painful second of it. He fucks me harder than I imagined possible. My ass cheeks stinging as he slams his hips into mine, guttural sounds coming from his throat as he forces his tongue into my mouth and takes my breath away.
      My wrists are raw and chafed from my body being jostled so much from his powerful thrusts and my hips are sore as I cum and cum, him being completely insatiable on top of me. I pant, closing my eyes and moaning through the overstimulation as he refuses to stop for a second, instead repeatedly making me cum then working me back to full hardness.
      "I c-can't...can't...Tae...p-please..." I cry, pulling at my restraints. My voice hoarse and barely audible.
      He moans, hips finally beginning to stutter as his gaze burns into mine. "What do you want, beautiful?" He demands.
      I whimper, my hips twisting to get away from the overwhelming sensations. Too much. Oh god...I feel like I'm going to pass out but at the same fucked up time I never want him to stop.
     "I c-can't...take anymore...ughh..." My toes curl as another dry orgasm rushes through me, tears spilling from my eyes.
      He tugs my bottom lip between his teeth, almost growling as he stops as abruptly as he started and I can feel him filling me with his cum. I moan loudly, brokenly.
      Both of us are gasping as he shakily reaches up to unbind my hands. I can't feel them anymore. He shudders, moaning and slowly pulling out. I can still see his cock twitching as more cum drips onto my thigh.
      Without thinking, I crawl clumsily to my knees and suckle at his tip, wanting to taste him. He watches me, gripping my hair and jerking hard.
    "Fuck!" He spurts even more irresistible semen into my mouth and I groan, sucking hard. He smacks my ass hard before kneading my plump bruised flesh .
       When it's all gone, I let it slip from my mouth, cum and saliva running sloppily down my chin and throat as I gaze up at him.
      His eyes are wide and he doesn't seem to be breathing. "Goddamn, what you do to me, beautiful." He pulls me up in his arms and kisses me hungrily, licking the cum and saliva from my face and chin. When he lets go, I simply drop.
      Collapsing in utter exhaustion on the soiled sheets, sweaty and ruined as expected. I don't think I can ever come back from this. I know for a fact no one could ever compare to this man I'm so obsessed with. I don't want him doing this with anyone else. Want his eyes to always be on me.
      He closes his eyes, seeming just as shaken as me, trying to recover. I watch hazily, limp and wholey satisfied on the bed as he gets up and stretches. I realize with a start that he never took his pants off.
     He turns back to the bed looking distracted. I frown in confusion as he grabs my ankle and drags me down the bed making me yelp. I can do nothing but let him do whatever the hell he wants to me as he forces my legs apart and grabs the plug, pushing it deep inside me as almost an afterthought.
      I whine at the thick full feeling. I can feel his cum still inside me and god if I could get hard again I would but I'm literally dead from the waist down.   
     He glances at the nightstand before looking back at me. "Maybe I should cancel the set tonight..."
      I bite my lip, conflicted. I know I signed up for this job but...the thought of anyone touching me in the ways he does feels wrong. "As long as I don't have to put in much effort, I can still do it." I offer, forcing a smile.
      His lips twitch. "Baby, if that's true then perhaps I didn't fuck you properly. If you can still walk afterwards or think coherent thoughts then I've done it wrong." He nods towards the jar. "Hand me that."
      I reach for it—wondering how many men he's used this on...or will use this on—my clumsy hands drop the jar and I gasp as every last drop lands on my face and chest. Drenching me in the entire contents.
      I blink up at him, covered in his sticky fluids and hold back a smile. "Oops. I'm sorry."
       He's frozen rigid, just staring at me in shock. "Do you know how long it took me to make that?"
      I pull myself up into a sitting position and stare down at the jar. "It's okay. It's only fair I help you make some more, right?"
      "I'm going to hold you to that, pretty boy."
      My smile widens and I lick my lips. Can't wait.

Need Me; Taekook Where stories live. Discover now