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     "What...what does me being a virgin have to do with anything?!" I blush hotly and glance around in embarrassment.
     He only looks more amused. "It's not a dirty word, Kookie. You can say it." Rolling his eyes.
     I throw a napkin at him. "Explain please!" I hiss.
     He takes a deep breath and finishes his muffin before nodding. "Okay, I'll tell you but you can't freak out. I know perfectly well about the stigma of my job but honestly could care less." He says calmly.
     I frown in silence, urging him on.
     "I'm a porn star." He smiles.
     I blink. And blink again. "That's a joke, right?" Please be a joke..  
     He sighs. "No. I work in adult entertainment. I live in a mansion with my costars and boss but make enough money to own my own mansion should I choose so. It's true that I don't want you to do it but if you needed to, you're attractive enough. You'd be paid a lot."
     I gulp, paling. "I c-could never do that..."
     "Figured. It was just a suggestion should your job search fail. You can always call on me to help you, though." He checks the time, standing up and kissing my cheek. "I have to get to work. Keep the money and call me later, okay?"
     Biting my lip, I nod. "Bye."

     I walk home slowly, thinking. How can Kim Seokjin, the most serious and responsible guy ever with a serious parental a porn star? It makes no sense.
    Curiously, I get on my laptop as soon as I arrive home. Feeling embarrassed, I search up his name but nothing shows up. Pondering, I think of all the nicknames he could possibly go by.
Worldwidehandsome...nothing. Hm.
    I try one more time of one of the names I've heard him call himself. Yeah, he's pretty self centered and knows he's perfect but I still love him. I gasp as his pictures and videos come up. In very compromising sexual positions with many different and woman alike. Holy shit!
      I find the porn sight he's most affiliated with and find at least two hundred videos of him. I also notice him with one specific guy on most videos. Curiously I click on one and read the title, blushing.
Pinkdaddy fucks his baby boy, Jooniebear.
      Uhhh, I always thought Jin was a bottom. I was wrong. I don't know why it surprises me so much but it does. His bottom also looks way too dominating to really be a true bottom. Then I think about the fact that this is all fake. Just scripted sex. They probably have to switch around a lot. That makes sense.
     I search some more to find Jin being the bottom a lot as well. Now my world is turned back upright. I decide to spare my sanity by not watching them and turn off my laptop. Yeah, there's no way I could ever do something like that.
Virgin or not, I'm seriously not comfortable with the thought of being fucked on camera while a bunch of creepy strangers watch. I shudder at the thought. No way.
Sighing, I decide first thing in the morning I'm going on another job hunt.

Suffice it to say, by the end of the month I end up at Jin's residence. I gulp at the looming mansion out of the city. A large golden gate closing off the property. Even a security guard watches us pass as Jin drives us to meet his...boss.
"You don't really have to do this, ya know." He mumbles.
I clench my fists. "I need a job. M-maybe I can just do this a couple times to build up enough savings to find something else." I say nervously.
He nods. "That's true. You could probably make it quite awhile with only two jobs."
"Tell me about your boss..."
He snorts. "He's a self centered hedonistic prick most of the time but can actually be quite nice. I've known him a couple years now as he's grown on me a lot. He really takes care of his charges."
I play with my fingers. "Charges? You mean...his porn stars?"
"Yup. It's really not as bad as you're imagining. Seriously, it's just sex with really attractive people on camera. The pay is well worth it."
I lick my lips. "I can't see you as a porn star. You're just..." I study him. "You've treated me like an appa would for so long...I can't believe you're encouraging me to do this." I admit.
He frowns. "I'm not encouraging or forcing you. You are a grown man, Jungkook. You can make your own choices. I'm just trying to help by giving alternative options."
I blow out a breath. "How can I really do this? Like you said...I have no experience."
He nods. "That will probably be the only issue getting you a job here. Kim likes his employees well trained and experienced."
I wince. "He sounds...awful."
He smirks at me. "You'll see."
Jin leads me to a door right off the main floor of the mansion. He knocks a couple times before hugging me and wishing me luck. Uhh, yeah. I don't think luck will have anything to do with this.
"Come in." A deep voice calls from inside. Very deep. It gives me a chill.
Hesitating, I take a few deep breaths before forcibly talking myself out of running and open the door. I blink at the bright room facing me.
It's mostly all white and with grey accents. A pristine white couch rests on one side of the room while a huge grey desk sits across from it. Camera equipment as well as obvious file compartments take up most of the room.
A tall man closer to my age than I'd been expecting glances up from his desk. I blink again. He's...gorgeous. a dream god. If I could dream of what I want my boyfriend to look like it would be this guy before me. Holy shit.
"Uh, hi. I'm Jeon Jungkook. Jin brought me here..." I bite my lip, my nerves kicking into overdrive.
He smiles and stands up, striding over to me and shaking my hand. "Ah, Jin has mentioned you a few times. Glad to finally meet you, Jungkook. I'm Kim Taehyung."
Swallowing hard, I follow him into room as he closes the door and leans against the back of his desk, arms crossed, appraising me.
I shiver self consciously and sit down on the couch. Waiting. Our eyes stare into the others for a weirdly long time.
Finally, he speaks, lips twitching. "Men or women?"
"Huh?" I choke.
"Do you prefer men or women?"
Blushing, I look down. "M-men."
"You look really scared. Have you had any bad experiences you want to avoid while on set?" He asks casually.
My blush only deepens. "I'm n-not sure what you mean."
He frowns, eyeing me up and down. "How have all your sexual experiences been up to now? Anything you don't like or uncomfortable with?"
I can only stare in shame and embarrassment as this...this...dream guy asks me the most personal and invasive questions. I guess that's kind of the point though.
"No. I d-don't have any." I whisper.
He pauses. "No bad experiences or..."
I look back up, meeting his eyes. "Jin didn't tell you? I'm a virgin."
His eyes widen in shock and confusion as he stares at me. "You're lying."
I laugh, I cant help it. "It's true. I've never..." I can't finish it.
He straightens up and slowly walks in front of me. Dropping down to my level, he takes my hands in his. "Well...if you really want to join this career path then...I guess we'll have to remedy that, hm?"
I think I swallow my tongue.

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