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      "I'm really worried about Jimin." I mumble as I enter Tae's office and throw myself down on the couch across from his desk.
      He barely glances up from his paperwork. What the hell is he always working on anyway? I'm beyond curious.
     "What happened?"
     "He's just...I think he needs to see or talk to someone. Like a professional." I admit with a loud sigh.
       He looks up and places his pen down on the desk. "Again, tell me what happened."
      I hesitantly explain the whole situation while his expression darkens minutely. I just don't want to lie to him, though.
      When I'm done, he just sighs and sits back, shaking his head. "This is my fault. I've known Jimin for a while now and have known he's obviously got issues but just figured it wasn't my place to force him to get help." He smiles. "Which is one of the reasons I asked you to continue being his friend. I think you could help him."
       I frown, biting my lip. "I just don't want him doing something stupid like hurting himself. He's got so much pain locked up and just lets everyone use him..."
      He scoffs. "Park Jimin uses himself and others. Yes, I won't deny he has a lot of deep rooted issues and that people use him but really he begs for it. That's his form of self harm, he hates himself and thinks him not good enough so instead of cutting or hurting his image, he goes out looking for rough sex. He doesn't like the pain but he craves it. A form of self torture." He explains.
       I stare at him in shock. "Why don't you just be his therapist?"
      He laughs. "Jimin doesn't want help from me. He'll bait and use me to self harm but he'll never sit down and open up. Not to me."
       Groaning, I rub my face. "What do I do?"
     He opens his mouth to speak but stops when the door opens to a smiling Hoseok. "Hey boss. Jungkook." He winks at me.
      I flush and look down.
      "What is it?" Tae asks.
      Hoseok pauses. "Uhh...I was just in Jimin's know, letting of some steam...and I think one of you should go check on him. I didn't notice during sex but when I was leaving I realized Jimin has a huge cut on his hand. It's bleeding like crazy but I doubt he'll do anything about it." He explains looking properly shamefaced.
       Tae sighs loudly. "I suppose you and Yoongi are fighting again?"
      He pouts. "That fucking bitch took another vacation without me! And you know what? I found out he's taking fucking Jackson with him! How could he do that to me? Don't I deserve a vacation, love, and affection? No, instead he ditches his loving boyfriend to fuck his side bitch!" He rants.
       I listen wide eyed at this in amusement but my mind is worried about Jimin. I told him to stop letting himself get used. I can't really blame Hoseok because if Jimin doesn't tell him to stop then how should he know it's bad?
      "...I m-mean...I just fucking love the prick so much but he's such an ass and I hate him. I hope he drowns in a salty ocean of cum!" He sobs, breaking down and flinging himself down on the couch beside me, using my shirt to blow his nose.
      I look up at Tae in a panic. He rolls his eyes. "Beautiful, why don't you go on up and check on Jimin? I'll take care of this love struck idiot."
      Hoseok sniffles. "Why the h-hell don't you e-ever call m-me beautiful? Am I ugly? Is that why my boyfriend wants to take someone else on a lavish trip? why...."
      I duck out of the office with relief and run up the stairs to Jimin's room. I don't knock—just fling it open only to see Jimin naked on the bed hugging his knees to his chest, sobbing and rocking back and forth. Blood still dripping down his wrist.
      "Oh, Jiminie." I coo, climbing on the messy sheets beside him and pulling him into my arms. "Baby, it's okay. I'm here, okay? Talk to me." My voice breaks at the full on pain in his eyes.
      He lays his head down on my shoulder and sobs, clenching my shirt in his fists. "I'm so stupid, Kookie. I'm stupid...and p-pathetic.."
      "No, no you're not. Look at me!" I demand, cupping his wet cheeks in my hands and kissing his lips gently. His shaking body seems to relax ever so slightly as I keep our lips firmly pressed together. Not making out, not sexual. No tongue. Just a simple pressing of lips. A comfort. A form of love and affection. Something I feel Jimin doesn't get often if at all.
     "I'm so s-sorry about what I tried to do...and what I did with Tae...I'm so sorry I'm such a fuck up. God, I just want to die." He cries.
      "No. It's okay. I forgive you, okay? I promise." I rock him. "I love you so much. You always have me." I whisper against his hair.
      He shudders. "I c-can't stop. I've tried but I can't. I've never gave a shit what anyone here thinks about me but seeing you so angry and disappointed in me really b-broke me." He admits, clinging to me.
      I glance up to see Tae leaning against the door, looking in concern. "Jimin."
       Sniffling, he looks up past my shoulder. "Tae..."
      "I've made you a therapy appointment tomorrow at noon. For now all your scenes are canceled until you can get yourself back under control."
      Jimin gasps and tries to get up. "No! I n-need those! Please don't fire me—"
      "Hush! I'm not firing you. This isn't punishment. This is to help you. You will still stay here of course but I want you to stay away from everyone except Jungkook and Jin and Namjoon. After a few sessions...if you feel up to it, you can work again but this is serious Jimin."
      He wipes his face, nodding. "O-Okay. I'll do that."
      Tae nods and, after giving me a look, leaves the room. I sigh and lay back down with Jimin, cuddling him.
      "Tae really does care about you, Jimin."
     He sighs. "He loves you, though. H-how do you do it, Kookie? How do you make people fall in love with you so easily?"
      I scoff. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
      He lifts his head up to stare at me. "It's true, Jungkook. Everyone you meet gets sparkles in their eyes. Everyone else sees it. Hell, even Taehyung is crazy about you! That's...insane."
       I blush. "I d-don't..."
     "Since you want to help me and everything and said you l-love me...will you make love to me? I want to know what it's like to be touched by someone that actually cares about me." He whispers, vulnerability in his every word.
      I tease up. "Minie..."
      "I know. I know you love Tae and I'm not going to take that away but...if Tae is okay with it...will you please?"
      Staring into his pained face, I grab my phone and text Tae.
      He replies right away and I sigh. "Okay. I will. I'll do my best to make you feel really loved, Jiminie."

Need Me; Taekook Where stories live. Discover now