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     I can't stop thinking about what Jimin said. I left him at the pool pleading alone time and shut myself in my room to think. I've ignored all attempts to talk to me and just tried to regain myself.
      Taehyung never said he'd stop sleeping with the others. I didn't ask him to. I asked him to explore our feelings together so I can't be upset. He's doing what he said by taking me out tonight.
      Jimin is a known liar. I don't know what he's trying to gain by saying Tae attacked him but I know it's not true. Taehyung is far too controlled and disciplined to just go off and hurt someone like that. It's why he has a playroom. He likes control. He'd never do something to jeopardize his business like rape an employee that didn't want it.
      Jimin likes having rough sex—that's been made clear to me by many different people here. He's just trying to get a rise out of me. But why? He said he wants to be best friends but he knows how I feel about Tae. I just don't get it.
      A knock on my door brings me out of my thoughts and with a loud sigh I get up to answer it. Taehyung stands looking as godly as always in a fancy Gucci suit and silver jewelry.
      He looks me up and down, taking in my hoodie and shorts ensemble. "Ready for dinner?"
      Swallowing hard, I shake my head. He smiles and leans against the doorframe. "Have fun with Jimin?" He asks and I can sense the mockery in it.
      Again, I shake my head. Nodding, he takes my hand and begins slowly walking me downstairs and into his office. "Sit." He demands.
     Reluctantly, I sit down on the couch as he moves around and taps on his laptop for a couple minutes. He smirks and presses one last button before motioning for me to watch the television.
      My eyes widen as the image of Tae and Jimin come on screen. He was recording them? I sit in stunned silence watching their conversation before Jimin slyly begins trying to seduce him. It's obvious Tae wants none of it until he finally...
      I really don't want to watch this. I'm offended by the way Jimin talks shit about me and tries to get Tae to forget about me. I'm angry.
     The screen shuts off after Jimin is kicked out of the room. I can never look at that desk the same way again.
     "I'm sure he told you some fucked little sob story about me raping or forcing him but as you've been warned—Park Jimin is a destructive little bitch. He's only out for self gain." He sighs. "But I want you to remain friends with him."
      I gasp in shock. "What?! After what he—"
     "Yeah. I think maybe you could get him to come around and open up. That kid has had a seriously fucked up life and I'm not excusing him for what he's done but I'm hoping that you could get him to calm down and actually act human."
     I scoff. "How could he do this to me?"
    "Don't take it personal, beautiful. He's always like this to everyone. The number one reason I always record everything that goes on in my office. There are some manipulative pricks here that will try anything to up themselves." He explains.
       I silently try to take in everything that he's told me. How awful it must be to be unable to trust any of the people around you like that?
      "I've tried to be blackmailed nearly a dozen times. Doesn't work, however, with hard recording evidence." He chuckles.
      "Wow." Is all I can think to say.
      "I'm sorry I had to show you that but I want to be transparent with you. If I can help it—I'll never lie to you. I pride myself on honesty and integrity."
     I snort, snickering. "While running a porn empire?" I can't stop myself.
      He smiles back. "Well yes. A man has to make a living." He walks around the desk to stand in front of me, pulling me to my feet. "Now, I'll ask you again. Are you ready to go to dinner?"
Blushing, I nod as his lips find mine and I kiss him hungrily, my hands tightening around his neck as he lifts me into his arms and onto his desk. Moaning, I tilt my head back as he leaves vicious hickies down my throat.
"W-wait..." I whimper.
He pauses, catching his breath. "What is it, baby?"
I feel extremely happy with that endearment coming from him. "I r-really don't want to do this on the same desk you did that to Jimin on...and...a-and I'm hungry." I whisper, my stomach growling loudly. "I haven't ate all day." I pout.
He smirks, kissing my lips one last time before helping me back onto the floor. "He upset you that much, pretty baby?" He asks, caressing my cheek.
I tangle my fists in his shirt, nodding. Embarrassed at the obvious depths of my emotions for this man. "I didn't like it."
He nods. "We're working on it, right?" He asks quietly, rubbing my bottom lip with his thumb. I lick my lip, tracing the wet muscle over his finger.
His dark intense stare burns into mine making my body hot and burn for him. I shiver. "That's right, baby. We'll keep working on this...on us." He mutters softly.
I moan, nodding. I want him so much right now. I feel cold when he finally steps away and releases me. "Tae..."
He shakes his head. "Get dressed. Actually—have Jin dress you. I'm taking you somewhere special tonight. Let me take you mind off your troubles, beautiful."
Grinning, I nod and leave the office. My smile barely slipping as I pass Jimin on the stairs. I'm still not ready for that yet. I want to keep my good mood going for now.

Need Me; Taekook Where stories live. Discover now