Thirty Eight

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      I decide to shower before meeting Tae. I really don't want to smell and taste like other men while having a heartfelt conversation with my boyfriend. Just doesn't set the mood right.
      Stripping off my sticky clothes, I climb into the large shower and sigh as the hot steamy spray hits my sore muscles. Don't get me wrong—Jin and Namjoon weren't too rough and I could feel the care in their hands but still. Sex is sex and having it with multiple people at the same time is taxing and hard.
       Closing my eyes, I spend a lot of time making sure I'm squeaky clean for my boyfriend. I really hate this. Never in my life did I think having sex with so many people for money would become a daily casual thing for me. I'm not that person.
       I mean, there's nothing wrong with it with the proper precautions and I know some people are here for because they have no where else to go but myself...I feel I could do better. I've given up on my dreams because of Tae. Because I want to stay here with him I let myself sink into the familiarity of a lifestyle I don't truly like.
       I think...I think I should take up Namjoon's offer and leave with them. Get away from this environment and rediscover myself. Who I was before I came here. I just hope Taehyung still wants me.
        Sighing in contemplation of my thoughts, I turn around to—
       I'm slammed against the shower wall so suddenly, my lips attacked roughly as firm strong hands hold me in place, sliding down my hips to grope my ass. Gasping, I groan as Taehyung growls into my mouth, biting and sucking my tongue as he pushes three fingers into my hole.
       I cry out in pleasure pain—glad I'm still slightly loose from earlier. When he's done devouring my mouth, he spins me around and shoves me against the wall, smacking my cheeks painfully hard. I wail and claw at the wall as he nips at my nape.
        "Such a little cock slut, baby boy. Fuck. Did you enjoy me watching you getting stuffed and filled with cum, huh? Did you get off on it?" He spreads my legs farther apart and begins rubbing his cock around my rim teasingly.
        I feel tears of shame fill my eyes and shake my head. "N-no. I was pretending it was y-you...I s-swear..." I gasp in a breath. "Why did you l-leave?"
        He pants behind me, pinching and rubbing my nipples roughly. My head falls back on his shoulder as I take the intense pleasure he dishes out. I scream as he impales me, sliding his dick fully inside me without stopping, immediately fucking me hard and fast against the shower wall.
        I sob brokenly and shove my hips back to meet his thrusts, loving being trapped and helpless as he fucks me as he pleases. I can feel his jealousy and anger but also his love. He loves me. I know he does.
       "So loose and sloppy, baby. Looks like I'm going to have to tighten you back up." He bites my ear, licking stout my lobe. "Or maybe I'll just keep you on my dick for the rest of the night. Fucking you so full of my cum you'll taste it for days."
       I moan, nodding. "Ah! P-please...oh my...Tae!" He changes the angle, abusing my prostate ruthlessly. His hands grab a firm hold of my hips and begins pounding into me even harder than before. I scream, unable to hold it in as cum paints the walls, my cock slapping roughly against the tiles until I'm oversensitive and whining.
        Tae growls and abruptly stops fucking me. I try to breathe as I fill his cum oozing inside me. I moan and whimper as he pulls out and picks me up in his strong arms. I close my eyes and try to calm myself as he drops me on the bed.
       I open my hazy eyes ready to just cuddle but the look in his eyes and the items in his hands have my shaking. I lick my chapped lips and try to sit up, unable.
       He doesn't speak as he ties my wrists and ankles to the bedposts, trailing his tongue over my wet body until he pauses at my sore cock. "Ah! N-no...I can't...Tae...too much..."
        He slaps my thighs wide open and begins teasing my balls. "I'll say when it's too much, bunny." He chuckles darkly, reaching up to play with my nipples. I pull at my restrains uselessly, no choice but to take it. Swear forms on my forehead as he mouths my cock.
       "You know...bunnies were made to fuck and breed. I think that nickname suits you well."
       My toes curl as he begins licking and sucking around my hole, dipping his tongue in and out at a steady pace until I'm sticky with precum and ready to be filled again.
       I beg for him to fuck me.
       He shoves my discarded dirty underwear in my mouth, choking me.
       I cry and plead with muffled sobs.
      He doesn't stop. He teases and works my hole and erection until I cum.
      And cum.
      And cum again.
     And cum again and again.
      By my sixth orgasm, I'm completely limp and shaking from oversensitivity. I can hardly breathe and I can't see through my tears. My jaw is sore from clenching my teeth against the wet fabric and I can't stop convulsing.
     I stare at him through hooded eyes completely depleted. I can't even move as he licks his wet lips and positions himself between my legs, stroking his cock at the sight of me. His dark eyes hungry and insatiable.
       I whimper as he pulls the underwear from my mouth and pushes inside me at the same time. I'm to numb to even try to move my hips so he does it for me. Forcing my body back and forth on his hard cock like a sex toy.
       "T-Tae..." I whisper, moaning as he rams my prostate expertly.
       He groans, falling on top of me and taking my lips into another heated kiss. I open my mouth and let him explore and prod as he pleases.
      He unlatches my ankles and hitches my quivering thighs up higher as he pulses and strokes inside me, my inner walls tightening around him despite my overwhelming exhaustion.
       My mouth falls open in a silent scream as my body tenses up, another orgasm hitting me hard. I heave through it, milking him frantically as he pushes even deeper and harder inside me.
       He curses and collapses on top of me, his lips latching onto my shoulder, clinging to me. I blink, my vision blurring slightly as I try to focus on him. His grip is painfully tight and he doesn't move even after his pulses pass.
       "T-Taehyung?" My voice is hoarse and cracked.
       He turns his face to my cheek and kisses me softly. "I love you, Jungkook."
       I feel my heart pound. "L-Love you, too."
       He lifts off me a bit and stares into my eyes, his fingers threading through my sweaty hair, holding me firmly in place. "I don't want you to be with other men anymore. I can't take it. You're mine, Jungkook, and I want it to stay that way." He runs his hands over my body. "I want this only for myself."
       My breath hitches as I tear up. Wanting so badly to hold him. "I don't want to be with anyone else either. J-just you."
      Groaning, he cups my cheeks and kisses my passionately. "I don't ever want to be that jealous over you again. I wanted to kill someone."
       I whimper, unable to wrap my arms around him. He noticed and lifts up to release my wrists. They fall limply around him and I pull him down into another kiss. "I love how you get jealous over me." I admit. "It shows me how much you care."
       Scoffing, he nuzzles my throat. "You're going to be the end of me, baby boy."
       I smile, clenching and flexing my inner walls around him and he sucks in a sharp breath. "Baby..." He warns.
      Giggling, I sigh as he finally pulls out and rolls over. I grunt at the soreness but try to ignore it as cuddle into his side. Replete and relaxed.
      My smile widens. "I quit."

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