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I came ten times. The sheets are soaked with sweat and our mixed cum. I can't feel my lower body and my head feels like it's going to explode.
     Taehyung just left a few minutes ago and right now I'm lying under the sheets staring blankly at the ceiling questioning life while Jimin smirks and lies on the bed beside me—completely unconcerned with the dirty sheets.
      "I'm so proud! Not many people can please him like that. Believe it or not, that man hardly ever cums. The fact you made him orgasm in only twenty minutes is amaze balls!" He winks.
      I swallow hard, reevaluating my life goals. "Uh, do you have to be here right now?" I ask hoarsely, mostly embarrassed. I was really loud. I'm sure everyone heard me. I'm still naked and smell of Taehyung. Admitfully, Jimin still stinks of sex, too. I don't know how to feel about the fact that I know what that smells like now.
      He scoffs. "I'm here to look after you...unless you want me to get Jin to medicate your ass." He chuckles, lifting up the bottle of ointment I didn't know he had in hand. "If you don't take care of that then you'll never be able to walk again."
I huff. "What's in it for you?"
He grins. "Are you kidding me? I'm finally going to be able to top! Why the hell would I let you get injured and taken out before the game even starts! I'm your insurance policy. No way am I giving you up, sexy. Your ass benefits us both." He explains causally.
I stare at him for a long moment as he looks back complete unashamed or repentant. I look back up at the ceiling. "I don't know how to feel about you." I mutter.
He chuckles. "That's the fun of it, babe. Roll over and show me that ass."
I flush and squeeze my eyes closed. Maybe if I wish it really hard he—or I—will disappear. "I don't wanna!" I whine when he begins trying to roll me over.
"Hurry or I'm getting Jin." He threatens.
Groaning loudly and mostly to be annoying, I flip over, wincing. I bury my face in my arms as he shoves the blankets down and settles himself on my thighs, groping my ass cheeks before spreading them slowly. I cry out, tears welling. "It stings!"
He scoffs. "I warned you, beautiful. He's a rough one. You managed well enough it looks like. It's not as bad as I was expecting." He hums to himself as he squirts the cold ointment on my throbbing stretched hole and eases it inside and around my entrance. So casual about this. Ugh.
God, I've never been more humiliated in my life. I whimper as he adds more before moving away and washing his hands in the bathroom. "All good! Just don't be moving around too much for the rest of the day. You can come work out with Jin and me tomorrow, though. Have to stay in shape for the fans." He winks. "Do you want me to bring him in here for you? He was worried."
I nod, still too embarrassed to look him in the eye. Sensing this, he leans down and kisses my cheek. "Don't worry, this happens all the time. We all help each other out. Nothing to be ashamed about. I've been in your position way too many times. I get it."
I turn my head to face him. "R-really?"
He smiles. "Yes. All of us have been on both sides of the playing field. Keep bulking up and you can be on the other side." He winks.
I slowly sit up with his help, holding back another moan of pain. "Yeah...I'd like to work out with you guys." That's probably the most comfortable I'll be here, I think.
"Good, good! I'll let you rest and tell Jin to visit in a while, Okay?"
I smile. "Okay...thanks, Jimin."
"That's what friends are for, right?" He closes the door behind him.

I sleep for a bit. Eventually the pain in my bladder is too much, though, so I have to limp to the bathroom to pee. God, I can't believe I'm in this position. What the hell has my life come to? Though I have to admit...having a man like Kim Taehyung ravage you and take your virginity is...well, a dream.
I can't stop reliving every moment as I look down at the messed up sheets. I kinda don't want to get back on them. But at the same time I kinda do just to smell him again. God, I'm weird. I have serious issues. I need a shower but don't know if I can do it without falling and hurting myself.
I'm in dilemma mode when the door opens to Jin. I flush and wrap the sheet back around my body hastily as he sighs. "Oh, I was so worried. Are you okay?!" He moves to my side, wrinkling his nose up in disgust. "Ugh, need a shower."
I scowl at him. "Really? I didn't know."
He notes my sarcasm and smacks my arm. I pout. "Don't! I'm in paaaiinn.."
Rolling his eyes, he helps me back into the bathroom and removes the sheet. I yelp as he sees me naked but he ignores it and starts the water. "I'll help you."
Hesitating but internally admitting defeat, I climb in and hold onto the wall. I'm shocked, however, as he strips naked and climbs in behind me.
"Chill. It's just easier this way. I'm going to help you wash. Hold on to me." He explains.
Nodding, I hold on to his shoulders and try not to think about how this looks from the outside as he begins scrubbing down my sore body.
" was it?" He asks, a small smirk playing on his lips.
I gripe. "Well...isn't it obvious? I'm practically a cripple!"
He scoffs. "Better get used to this feeling. I think Taehyung likes you." He chuckles.
I frown. "What does that mean? He's like this with everyone, right?" A thought comes to mind. "Have you..."
He meets me eyes. "Slept with him? Yes, once. It was only the one time though. Tae doesn't make a habit of sleeping with his employees. He's never had a relationship with any of them either. It's strange. He doesn't seem to be sexually attracted to any of us really but...with you he seems a little different."
"What do you mean?"
He tilts his head, considering. "He looks at you. Really seems to look at you. He also came up here and had sex with you. He's never done it anywhere but his office for interviews. It's weird he came up here with you."
"Isn't it just because we didn't get to finish in his office?"
He shrugs. "I don't know. Maybe I'm seeing things..." he trails off.
" come you've never told me about your relationship?" I ask, a little hurt.
"Oh. So I fell in love with the clumsy pornstar across the hall." He pauses, smiling. "He's actually the one that introduced me to Taehyung. I met Joonie by chance and went on a couple dates. He admitted his lifestyle to me so I was curious and came to this place. He said he didn't like keeping secrets with someone he was interested in."
"That's...considerate." I admit.
He grins, helping me dry off. "I thought so, too. I was a little iffy about dating a pornstar but then I somehow managed to join the ranks here." He rolls his eyes. "Joonie got so jealous, it was hilarious but hypocritical. He got over it. Eventually we started getting serious and mostly only work with each other now."
"So romantic." I tease.
"It kinda is, though." He snorts.
I sigh and sit on the comfy chair across the room while he strips my sheets and puts fresh ones on for me. I smile widely. "Thanks."
He glances at me. " and Jimin..."
"What about us?"
"Do you like him? He's a little...hard to get along with here. He pisses most people off." He admits.
"He's really been friendly and helpful to me."
He nods, humming to himself. "Maybe he really likes you. Just be careful. Park Jimin is only in this for Park Jimin. on guard, okay? I love you and don't want him to screw you over."
I smile cheekily. "Isn't that his job."
He stops short, eyeing me with amusement. "Smartass."

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