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"Spread your legs."
Blushing, I grasp onto Taehyung's broad shoulders tightly and open my legs as he scrubs the soapy sponge around my ass and cock, thoroughly washing me off of what we've just done.
As soon as it was over, he pulled me into my room and we got into the shower. It was embarrassing since he didn't even bother to put clothes on me. Just carried me naked down the hall to my room.
Thank god no one was around but, to be honest, I doubt anyone would have blinked twice at our disheveled sweaty appearance.
I can't believe I just did that. I definitely wasn't expecting Taehyung to convince me to help make Hoseok feel better when I knocked on his door. Seeing the other guy sprawled naked on my lover's bed, bound and crying should have maybe effected me a little more but honestly it didn't bother me.
I've come to accept what Taehyung and I have. Change is hard and I have no right to demand him give up his familiar lifestyle when we actually aren't really even an official couple. I don't think.
I'm really confused about the whole thing, though. Taehyung didn't seem to mind me joining in, actually seemed to enjoy it but as soon as it was over, he pulled me off Hoseok and hasn't stopped touching me since. Is he jealous? He asked me to do that...
       I swallow hard as he falls to his knees and lifts one of my thighs over his shoulder. I grasp onto the wall as he spreads me open and licks me softly. I groan, still sore from the pounding I received.
      He looks up at me with dark eyes. "All clean." Standing back up, he takes care to wash my hair and the rest of my body, all the while kissing all over me. My stomach, my chest, my neck and my face.
     I steal the sponge from him and begin washing him eagerly, letting my soapy hands trace over his lithe muscular body. I clench my thighs, craving him inside me again. I want to do what we did earlier again but I want to be Hoseok and it just me and Tae.
      "Are we boyfriends?"
      He stiffens, worrying me. I stop washing him as he turns around and tilts me chin up, staring into my eyes. "Boyfriends." He repeats.
       Ducking my head, I nod. Nervous. Maybe I shouldn't have laid it all out like that...
      "I think...I like that. We can't tell anyone else, though." He sighs.
     I frown. "W-Why not?" I want to share my excitement with Jin.
      "Although a few people know we've been going out, if they found out our real relationship and how serious it is, people might try to use you to get to me. It's not that I'm ashamed of this, of us, but it's for your own safety."
      He smiles, cupping my face and kissing me deeply, leaving me breathless and hard from his touch. "There is nothing I want more than to keep you all to myself, beautiful, but unfortunately I can't do that." He rests his forehead against mine.
       "It's okay. I get it." And I do as much as I hate it. "I won't tell anyone."
He nods, pecking my lips once more. "Good. Glad you understand me." He turns off the water and climbs out, toweling off quickly before reaching his hands out for me. I step out cautiously and cling to his arms as he dries me off.
"How is Jimin doing?" He asks me as we walk back into my bedroom. I plop down on the edge of the bed and shrug.
"He was sleeping here earlier so I'm guessing he woke up and left. I hope I helped him." I sigh.
He sits down next to me, a towel tucked around his waist and water still dripping down his hair to his chest. So lickable.
I bite my lip, shy of my own nudity. Needing some type of cover, I walk over to my dresser and grab an oversized t shirt and a pair of boxers. I feel his eyes on me the whole time I get dressed making me flush.
"S-Stop it."
"Stop What, beautiful?"
Rolling my eyes, I push his chest playfully and slide down onto his lap, straddling him and locking my arms around his neck.
His hands grip my hips, eyes devouring me hungrily despite our recent activities. This man is clearly insatiable.
      And I really don't mind it at all. Nope. He leans up to kiss me, our lips melding together, tongues dancing in a sensual dance as my hips grind down over his hard cock poking out of his towel.
       "Don't tease, beautiful." He groans.
      Grinning and feeling quite confident, I push him onto his back and kiss him hard and rough, my hands reaching between us to remove his towel. I flip myself over so that my face is hovering over his leaking cock.
       Moaning, I take him all. Suckling on his tip before twirling my tongue around his girth, my hand massaging his balls.
      Gasping, his wet cock slips out of my mouth as he jerks my boxers down and immediately goes to work on my ass, thrusting his tongue in and out, frantically stretching me with three fingers.
      He smacks my cheeks hard earning a wail of pleasure from me, my cock rubbing harshly against his abs. "Don't stop." He demands, sucking on my rim.
     Obediently, I sink my mouth back down and deep throat him as best I can, letting him fuck my mouth as he eats me out, basking in my own pleasure.
     I ride his face wantonly as I suck the cum out of his balls, swallowing every drop, crying out as he strokes my cock frantically. I spill myself on his chest, my hole flexing around his fingers and tongue as I ride out my high.
       When it's over, I collapse down onto his chest, closing my eyes as he rolls me off and pulls me into his arms.
      "You're mine, beautiful. Don't ever forget that." He whispers, kissing my neck.
      I smile, snuggling into his chest and yawning. After all the activities today, I'm exhausted. Nothing better than falling asleep in my wanted lover's arms. My boyfriend.
      Secret or not, I'm happy. Finally Taehyung is mine. And I'm his.

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