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      I knock hesitantly on Jin's door, flinching when it swings open immediately like he was just waiting for me. Creepy. His smile is also creepy as he jerks me into the room and flings me on the bed.
      I gasp in surprise as he heads into the closet. Namjoon lounges casually and completely unbothered by the scene of his crazy boyfriend while playing on his phone.
      I let out an embarrassingly high pitched squeak of fright as Jin tosses a silk shirt on me. I take it carefully and survey it. It's nice and cost probably more than a car.
      He hums to himself as he whirls around like a gay colorful tornado, tossing articles of clothing on me now and then while I just groan and try to relax.
      He stops and claps his hands, startling me. "Get dressed, Kookie!"
     I huff, eyeing the mountain of clothes now heaped in my lap. "Uhhh.."
     He looks at me expectantly. "Well? What are you waiting for? Taehyung expects you down in about ten minutes."
      I whine. "What are you? My gay pink fairy?"
      He sniffs. "Uh, it's handsome pink fairy, if you must."
      Rolling my eyes, I look up at Namjoon for assistance. He looks between us before quickly escaping out of the room without a word.
      "Coward." I mumble under my breath.
      Sighing, Jin pulls me to my feet and into the bathroom to change. He pushes me into the shower while sorting through the heap to perfect an outfit for me.
      Once he deems me clean enough, he hands me a blue oversized silk shirt, soft black slacks eyes widen in shock and embarrassment as I hold up the silk blue thong.
     "I'm not wearing this!"
     He glares at me. "Don't make me put it on you myself. I'm trying to help you. I promise he won't be able to resist you as soon as he knows you're wearing these." He chuckles darkly.
      I gape at him. "Why would he know?!"
     "Oh honey, we both know he's going to have his hand down your pants before dessert. Might as well give him a nice little gift and incentive to get his act together, right?"
      I cross my arms, mad that he has a point. "Fine!" Groaning, I slip the thong up my legs and have to admit that it feels really good on my skin. I tug on the pants and button the shirt while he styles my hair and slaps on a little makeup in record time.
      By the time I'm walking down the stairs, only eight minutes have gone by. I swear that man really is a miracle worker.
      Taehyung is, in fact, waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs and I blush as his eyes trail slowly over my entire body before meeting my nervous gaze. He takes my hand and kisses it—kisses it!— before leading me out to the garage.
      I smile widely at the shiny black Ferrari waiting. He holds the door open for me and I get in, extremely excited for what tonight might hold.
     I can't believe how far I've come with him within just a couple weeks. "Where are you taking me?" I ask impatiently.
He smirks, lacing our fingers together over the gearshift. "It's a secret." He winks. "I think you'll like it, though."
I settle back for the drive and just watch the view go by. I can't believe how much I was struggling and how alone I was just weeks ago. Now I'm on my way to being very wealthy, a decent—somewhat—job, and a sexy man I'm totally looking forward to making my boyfriend. Hopefully.

     I gaze around at the exquisitely lavish sight before me. A penthouse style restaurant on the 100th floor—obviously private and only for the rich.
     Taehyung comes up behind me as the beautiful host walks us into a private area that's kept away from the rest of the open concept space. My eyes settle on the huge floor to ceiling window taking up the entire back wall for an amazing night view.
      "You like it?" His hot breath hits my neck and I shiver.
      I look up at him with wonder. "It's amazing."
     Smiling, he wraps his arms around me as we stare down at the sparkling city lights. So beautiful.
      "You are."
      I blush. "Did I say that out loud?"
      "You did."
     "So articulate." I tease, turning around in his arms with a smile.
      His lips twitch, hands trailing slowly down my back to squeeze my ass. My lips drop open and I try to keep breathing evenly as his eyes darken. "No underwear, hm?" His fingers slide between my cheeks, separated by only my thin slacks and a tiny string...
      I bite back a moan. "N-no."
     With a puzzled look, he forces me back around and places my hands on the glass before jerking my pants down to my thighs. I gasp at the chill as his hand comes down hard on my ass, the loud smack making me wet and needy, embarrassingly enough.
      "Fuck. You really wanna tease me like this, baby?" He growls, biting my earlobe as he toys with the waistband of my silk thong.
     I tilt my head back, resting it on his shoulder, enraptured. "Mhm. W-wasn't my idea." I try to defend.
       He scoffs. "Very well. I had quite a few nice plans for us tonight but I think I'm going to have to change some around now." Sighing, he releases me and I stumble against the window, ashamed as my leaking covered cock leaves a steak over the pristine glass.
      Before I can say anything, though, my back is pressed tightly against the window and his tongue is in my mouth. I groan at the amazing taste of him and feel myself getting lost. This man...this man is...everything. How has no one captured his attentions yet?!
      He tugs my bottom lip between his teeth, our eyes glued to one another. "I'm starving, beautiful. Let's eat."

Need Me; Taekook Where stories live. Discover now