Fifty Two

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    My cheeks and ears redden as I hide my face behind my hands, shy and embarrassed as a shameless Jieun looks on at me with amusement. Taehyung took Gummie out for ice cream and left me alone here to fend for myself against the goddess that is Kim Jieun. The bastard.
     She's been relentless in asking boldly about Tae and I's relationship and all the sordid details. How can such a graceful lady be so perverse?!
     "I d-don't know...maybe..."
     Her scoff fills the room. "You don't know if you two have had sex yet?! Come on, Kookie, you have to give me details! It's been so long since I've had any sort of action. I'm living vicariously through you two."
     "That is....grossly incorrect and I don't feel comfortable with this conversation." Mumbling, wanting to die on the spot. "B-But I was a porn star so of course we...I mean I...we"
     Her eyes twinkle as she laughs. "You're so easy to rile, Kookie." She ruffles my hair. Sitting up straighter in her chair, she fixes her skirt. "Look, I'm thinking spring."
     I frown, thrown off by the randomness of her train of thoughts. "Huh?"
     "Keep up! Your wedding! I'm thinking spring. I want to plan the whole thing!"
      I gape at her. "Aren't you two still married?"
     Her delicate shoulders shrug. "We can divorce any time. We've always been together as family and convenience. Now it's an inconvenience to Taehyung so we will end it. I want to be a part of this, though, if you don't mind."
     "I don't. You're always welcome."
     Smiling, she leans forward and hugs me. "You're too cute, Jungkook." She winks. "Soon to be Kim Jungkook."
      "D-Don't you think you're moving too fast?" Whose relationship is this again? I'm confused now.
      "Nonsense. You two love each other, you're cute together, Gummie loves you already and I think you are beautiful and just perfect for my TaeTae." She counts off on her fingers. "Why wait?"
      Why indeed?
     "Maybe Taehyung wants to wait—"
     "Nope. He would marry you today if he could." She says quite smugly.
     "What makes you think that?"
     She stares at me like I'm stupid. "I can see how he looks at you. He's never looked at someone like that before—the way he stares at you. Like you are his everything, like you are his air. Anyone could see it but I know how hard it is for him to show any kind of serious emotion besides anger. He's very soft hearted, you know? He would definitely marry you today."
      I resist the urge to cry like a baby. I'm a grown man. Surreptitiously wiping my eye a bit, I clear my throat. "Well...I know I'd marry him if he asked but still...spring is only two months away."
     "Good thing we have the money for rush orders."
     A weird tingling sensation fills my stomach. A touch of excitement filling me at the thought of marrying Kim Taehyung. Of making him officially mine forever. Of me officially being his forever."
      The front door opens and Gummie runs right past us and up the stairs to his room screaming about dinosaurs and chocolate ice cream. I smile fondly at my boyfriend as he groans, removing his coat.
      "I forgot how much energy that kid contains."
     I scoot over in my large chair when he slumps down beside me and begin rubbing his shoulders. He moans in approval. Tilting his head a bit. I bite my lip.
      Ignoring the smirking look Jieun gives me, I dig my fingers into his sore muscles, wanting to relieve his stress. "Did you have a good time?"
      "I did. Next time I want you to come with us." He sighs. "I want you to get close to them. For me." He says, glancing into my eyes.
     "I want that, too."
     "Okay you lovebirds. I'll get started on dinner." She gives me a look. "Kookie, sweetheart, why don't you take Taehyung up and run him a hot bath? He looks a little tense."
      I internally groan as my boyfriend glances between us in confusion. Deciding I don't want to answer any of his forming questions, I take her advice. "Let me run you a bath."
     I jump up and nearly take the stairs two at a time, running to start the bath as promised. I feel him behind me, watching me from the doorway. "What's going on? I feel a weird vibe going on between you two."
      I shrug nonchalantly. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
     "Are you two gossiping about me?" He narrows his eyes.
     I turn red. "No!" Shit.
     "You're a horrible liar, baby."
     "I'm n-not."
     "Not what?"
     "A horrible liar."
     "So you admit it?"
     "...admit what?"
     "That you're lying to me."
     I stare at him blankly, unsure where this conversation has landed me. I don't think it's in my favor. "What?"
     "What, What?"
     "What was the question again?"
     He groans. "You're too much, beautiful." Striding forward, he pulls me into his arms and kisses me. I melt into his touch. "But definitely a liar."
     Cupping my cheeks, he deepens the kiss and I taste the vague flavor of strawberry on his tongue. It's delicious. My arms wind around his neck and I tilt my head, tangling my tongue with his own, my knees going weak.
    Only he can make me this crazy. Only  he can cause such chaos with a simple touch or kiss. I love this man so much.
     He groans low and deep and the sound reverberates off my tongue and I feel it run throughout my body like a electric shock, my erection pulsing in my jeans.
    I whimper.
    Panting and desperate to get closer to one another, we both move at the same time—somehow one of us slip in our haste and before I know it—
      I choke as we end up in the tub, completely dressed and soaked. I look at him in shock before we both burst out laughing.
      Jieun throws the door open, a scared then surprised look on her face. "What happened?! I thought someone was dying!"
     Tae smirks, poking my pouting mouth. "Kookie wanted to join me in the bath. I guess he got a little too eager."
     I gasp in outrage. "Liar!"
     Jieun snorts. "Please don't kill each other—at least not until I plan your dream wedding." She laughs, dancing gracefully out of the bathroom before either of us can speak.
      I gulp. Glancing at him before looking away again.
     "Look at me." He forcibly turns my head and stares into my eyes. "I know I haven't asked officially but...will you marry me?"
      Breath catching, I nod without thinking making him smile. I love his smile.
     "My beautiful bunny..." he murmurs, tugging me into his lap and kissing me again and again, his swift, sure, fingers removing my wet clothing easily. Somehow we end up naked while never leaving the tub, me straddling his hips as his legs hang over the edge of the tub.
      He squeezes my ass and I moan, grinding down. Our kiss becomes hotter and more needy. "Baby...I need you."
      "Mmmhm....ah!" I pant against his mouth as he slips inside me and I begin riding him nice and slow, our fingers laced tightly together as our bodies join as one. "T-Tae....nghnnn..."
      "You feel so good, baby. So perfect. Like always." He grunts, circling my hips to help guide my movements on top of him.
      My head falls back in passion. Lost in the pleasure and heat. The bubbly water around us moving like a torrent from our motions.
      "Say it." He groans.
      "Say you'll marry me and become mine."
      I can barely breathe as my body quickens, my climax building. "I'll marry you! I'm already...y-yours, Tae." Wailing, I gasp and release my cum between us. Shuddering.
      His gaze burns into my soul as he takes control, using my body to fuel his own pleasure, eventually filling me up to the brim.
     I collapse against his chest, tired and shaking from the results of my strong orgasm. I'm drained. My inner walls tighten around his and he twitches inside me. I moan. "Mm'tired."
      Chuckling, he somehow manages to get up and carry me into the bedroom, wrapping himself around me like a koala. I snuggle deep in his arms, content.
      "So about our wedding..."
     A smile graces my lips even though I don't open my eyes. "I'm thinking...this spring."

Need Me; Taekook Where stories live. Discover now