Fourty Six

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"Are you ever going to stop looking like the walking dead? You're starting to freak me out."
I ignore the rude comments from my stupidly attentive friend and continue playing lifelessly with my dinner. Definitely not hungry. I haven't been hungry for a long time. Just going through the motions. No one ever knows what to say to me. So they don't. They tried at first but what could they really say? When I left Taehyung's wife's house I confronted everyone about it and asked if they knew.
They were just as shocked as me. Was I ever going to know about his secret life? What the hell was I even to that asshole?!
It's been two months since I left that place. His home. I've been broken, my heart torn to bitter pieces and I've just closed myself off from everyone.
A month since Taehyung has supposedly come back from his 'unexpected' business trip. Was he just running away from his dirty lies?
I glance up at the tone of Jin's voice, his eyes staring reluctantly past me. I whip my head around to see the very person I never ever wanted to see in this lifetime again.
Kim Taehyung.
How dare he still exist in my world?! I hate that my eyes devour his strong form in his usual fit business suit, his newly styled and dyed blonde hair covering his face just in a way to make every male and female swoon over his masculine features.
A gold watch peaking through his long sleeve as he glances at the time, walking assertively towards the cash register to order his usual drink I remember from before. I hate that I still remember it perfectly.
"Do you want to leave?" Jimin whispers, lacing his fingers with my own. He's been really good for me recently, always there to comfort me and listen to me cry or wail my woes out about his old boss.
Our old boss. That's all he is to me now.
"No." I try to muster up the strongest voice I can, refusing to falter in his presence. Sure, he used me. Fucked me up really good mentally and physically before dropping me cold.
I'm glad I slapped him when I had the chance. It was well deserved even without me knowing the full extent.
I watch his every move, noting when his gaze travels the surroundings of the restaurant—
Our eyes meet.
I look away, swallowing back tears. My throat is too constricted and I'm tempted to rip off the necklace secured and perfectly—shamefully—hidden under my shirt. Why the hell am I wearing it even after everything? I have no fucking clue.
I've tried everything to rid myself of its presence but somehow...I could never find it in me to destroy it or trash it. One day I just slipped it on without thinking about it and refuse to take it off.
     God, I'm pathetic.
I tense up when Taehyung begins walking our direction. My breath catching as he smiles his signature smirky smile. God, I loathe him. Ignoring the fact my body still yearns for him. Fucking stupid attractive dickhead!
"Long time no see, gentlemen. How have you been?"
They all look like deer in headlights, glancing between my now mortal enemy and myself. I roll my eyes and shake my head.
Hoseok clears his throat. "Good. Jimin and I have moved into a bigger place and found good paying office jobs."
"I'm opening a restaurant." Jin chimes in. "Namjoon is going to manage the whole place for me, though."
Taehyung nods.
I have no right to force them away from him. They all knew him way before I did. They were his first. Just like I was....I close up.
I stand up, scraping my chair back and wiping my eyes stealthily as I stride outside, mumbling to them about being in the car. They don't stop me nor reply.
      I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! Why does he have to appear all cool and unbothered unlike me? Why does he have to continuously draw me in and break my heart without speaking a word?
Why can't I...hate him enough.
      I jump when there's a knock on my window. I wipe my face and glance up, all the color draining from my face. Seriously?
      Taehyung presses his lips into a tight line and lets himself in the driver's seat of Jin's car.
      "W-What do you think you're doing?!" Sputtering from the backseat. I try the handle to get out and walk but he locks it before I can manage. I close my eyes and slowly count to ten. "Why are you doing this? Can't we just pretend the other doesn't exist?" I plead, honestly unable to take my own advice.
      I scowl at my supposed friends as they allow him to start the car and drive off with me trapped in the backseat.
"You can't just steal Jin's car!"
He snorts. "I asked him if I could borrow it—in turn lending him my Jag."
I deflate at that. No way would they turn down Taehyung's precious red Jaguar. I huff and sit back against the seat. "I have nothing to say to you. Take me home."
     I can feel his intense gaze burning into me through the rear view mirror but refuse to meet it. I, instead, stare out the window, frowning when I notice we are driving away from the city.
     "Where are we going?! I'm seriously, Taehyung! Let me out!" I try the handle again in desperation. No way do I want to be stuck with him anywhere!
He ignores me the entire hour ride, only stopping the car when we reach wherever the hell he has planned. I glance around feeling uneasy. There's nothing. We're in the middle of nowhere with no one around.
Anger rises in me. "What game are you playing at? Is this fun for you! can you do this to me?" I ask, my shoulders slumping in defeat. "Just let me go."
His hands tighten on the steering wheel as he takes a deep steadying breath. His eyes fixed straight ahead. "I can't." He finally answers me.
I frown. "What?"
"I've tried. I can't—I don't think I can give you up, Jungkook." His eyes meet mine again through the mirror. "I've done just about everything to erase you from me but...I just can't seem to do it."
I scoff. "Please. This is all just a game for you. I was a good conquest, right? Corrupt and fuck the little virgin? Make him fall in love then tear his world apart." I laugh bitterly. "You won, hands down."
      He whips his head around and glares at me. "Fuck You, Jeon Jungkook. You know absolutely nothing."
     I smile, hating him and hating myself. "I know you're married and have a fucking son. When was I going to be privy to that? If you truly loved me so much then why..." My voice cracks. " used me."
      His eyes widen in shock and I'm at least left with the satisfaction of shocking the great Kim Taehyung into silence.
     Go me.
     To bad I only feel more pain than victory from it.

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