Fourty Two

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God, they are so embarrassing! I hide my face in shame as Taehyung laughs softly against my neck. Yup, we can hear everything from Jin's room.
Why it embarrasses me now so much when I've literally had sex with them both while my boyfriend watched? I don't know but it is. They're just so loud!
"Bunny, why don't we see if your sweet voice can compete, shall we?" He wiggles his brows, caressing my cheek.
My blush deepens. "Tae!"
"What? We all know why I pulled you in here. Let's give them a run for their money."
Pouting, I give in and help remove his button down, feeling on his chest and abs while he kisses my neck and chest, removing my own clothes.
I love his hands on me—just his. Only him. Taehyung. I pull him down into a deep kiss, our tongues sliding against the other as he rolls us so that I'm straddling his hips.
Balancing myself on his chest, I lift up a little so he can prepare me, moaning loudly when his fingers thrust deep into my ass.
I clench the sheets tightly, rocking my hips back and forth to ride his digits.
"Fuck, beautiful. You're a goddamn natural. All mine." Growling, he uses his free hand to jerk me down into a dirty thirsty kiss while his fingers twist and turn inside me.
He licks the drool off my mouth before withdrawing his fingers and smacking my ass. "On all fours, bunny."
Shakily, I pant hard and move to onto my hands and knees as told, licking my lips in preparation for his rough entry.
The sting is shocking and causes me to cry out but it ends quickly as he immediately begins pounding inside me, hitting my sweet spot with his huge cock.
"Uhhh...Tae! Nghhnn..." I squeeze my eyes closed and hold on for dear life as he dominates me in the best way, maneuvering my body to suit his needs, touching me in all my sweet spots to drive me insane.
I cum quickly but he doesn't stop. If anything it spurs him on to move even faster and more powerfully against me. Our skin slapping and panting the only sounds.
Finally his hips begin to stutter. "Speak up, bunny. I want them to hear what I do to you." He commands, jerking my head up by my hair and licking my throat.
He forces my body up and holds my back against his chest as he slams up inside me over and over again. I scream out, desperate for release, clawing at his hands and arms.
Growling, he strokes my cock until I shout out my climax, sore and shaking. Overwhelmed. He fills me up and drops my body back on the bed.
Gasping and groaning in satiation, I roll over and stretch as he drops down beside me, catching his own breath. I admire his sweaty beautiful face, smiling. All mine.
He smirks down at me. "You—"
"Guys! We got pizza!"
My eyes light up. "Ooh! Pizza!" I jump up—instantly regretting it. Wincing, I pout and try to gather my clothes up much slower. Taehyung helps me before dressing himself and carrying me into the kitchen.
Namjoon and Jin look just as wrecked as us as they scarf down their own pizza. I hoard five pieces for myself while Taehyung gets his own. It's so so good after a heavy workout.
I glance up to see Jin smirking at me. I stick my tongue out at him making him roll his eyes.
"Childish, don't you think?" Taehyung whispers in my ear.
"I don't think so at all." I look at him. "Do you think I'm too childish? Do you not love me anymore?" I tease.
He scoffs. "I think my affections for you are more than obvious."
"Ugh, you talk so weird sometimes." Mumbling through my bites.
He shakes his head, opening his mouth to speak but getting cut off by his phone ringing. "I have to take this." He kisses my head then walks out of the room.
I slowly finish my meal as we discuss the new place. It's really amazing. "Are you sure you don't want me to help pay the bills?" I ask.
Jin waves me off. "Nonsense. We invited you to live with us. You're like my son! You're staying here as long as you want. No obligation and no paying bills. We have those more than covered."
Feeling heavy emotions, I walk over and hug him impulsively. "Thanks hyung. I really appreciate all you've done for me. You've always been there for me."
He pinches my cheek. "Of course...bunny."
I flush as they both start laughing. Ugh. Stupid Tae. "Guuuyysss."
"It's cute, really. You do look a little like a bunny actually." Namjoon notes, still chewing his pizza.
Ducking my head, I cover my face. "Only Tae can call me that."
"I'm not!"
"You are!"
I put my hands on my hips ready to throw down—when Tae walks back in. "I'm sorry, baby, but I have to go. Some business to take care of." He smiles tightly to the others as I walk him out.
"So...what's the business?" I ask timidly.
He stares at his car in the driveway. "Well I've got a few auditions lined up to replace the six of you." He snorts. "I've lost a huge number of workers, remember."
I feel guilty but not enough to go back. A thought comes to mind, though. I grab his hand and look up at his face. "Y-you're're not going to have sex with them, are you?" My voice is small and nervous. Remembering my own audition.
He hesitates and I don't like it. "Of course not, beautiful. I'll just do the recording and hiring. Not the actual audition part."
"Are you sure?"
He grins, leaning down to kiss my lips. "I'm sure. I have no desire to sleep with any of my employees anymore. Just my little bunny."
I groan as laughter is heard from inside. He winks at me before leaving me at the door. I watch him go with a strange anxiety I don't like. I want to believe him. I do.
But why do I feel so concerned? He promised to always be honest with me, right? I shouldn't worry. I trust him. I do.

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