Thirty Three

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I bite my lip, holding back my cry of pain as Tae's hand slaps harshly against my ass. My cheeks bounce from the force of his hits and I whine as the plug is constantly forced deeper inside me each time.
My muscles strain from effort and sweat clings to my skin, sticking the silk nightie to me. I can hardly breathe as I writhe around the cum stained couch. My knees slipping in the mess as my boyfriend moves around behind me, positioning the camera around to showcase my bruised and red welted ass.
"I-please, Tae! I need you..." I cry, choking on a sob. We've been at this for the last two hours with no signs of stopping. After forcing me to cum three times he slipped a ring on my cock under my wet and sticky panties. "Please just fuck me already!" I whine.
He chuckles, squeezing and kneading my sore ass, teasing the plug by twisting it and forcing it in and out of me. "So pretty. Such a mess. Tsk, you've ruined this pretty outfit." He points out the cum stains all over it.
I pout, slowly turning around and spreading my legs. Wincing as I sit back down on my sore cheeks. "Are you ever going to fuck me?" I groan, annoyed and pained by the sexual torture he's been putting me through. I know he's no where near done yet though.
He winks at me. "I'm just giving you the time you've been craving for baby." He leans down and grabs my face, thrusting his tongue roughly into my mouth, his spit running down my chin as he kisses me. "You want more?" He growls.
        I nod, licking my lips as he steps back. I glance into the camera, blushing. "Do we have to record this?"
      He glances at the stand. "I want to replay this later when I have to be away from you." He says.
      "Okay." Pouting.
      "So beautiful, my bunny. God, you look so fucking sexy right now. Red and marked up, trembling and covered in cum." He clicks his tongue. "You were made for me, Kookie, my beautiful bunny." He whispers, biting my neck and rubbing my thighs.
       Whimpering, I grind down on the plug, wanting so much more from my sexy dangerous boyfriend.
      "I'll give you what you want since you took your punishment so well." He says, pulling away.
       My eyes widen happily as he picks up the pink studded dildo and smirks. "Don't think we'll need this one right now but I'll definitely keep it in mind for next time." He puts it in his desk and begins slowly undressing before me.
       I moan at the sight of his naked body. Fully turned on. My cock leaking and throbbing so hard, I can feel it pulsing along with my thudding heartbeat.
      "Stand up." He demands.
      I stand. My breath coming out in harsh breaths as my legs struggle to hold me up.
      He walks around me and I wait in anticipation....
       I squeal as he jerks the plug out of my ass unexpectedly, holding it up as I grab onto the couch to remain upright, breathing hard. Okay, that stung.
        He steps back in front of me, his dark eyes glinting mischievously as he eyes my body with obvious cruel intent.
       "Open." He demands.
      I open my mouth and he shoves the plug into my mouth. I choke on it as he pushes me down onto the couch and forces my legs wide.
      I moan, sucking lewdly on the plug that was just in my ass as he rips my panties in half and takes my cock into his mouth, sucking hard, bobbing his head ruthlessly despite the ring still clenching tightly around my base.
       I open my mouth in a silent cry as I dry orgasm against his tongue, the plug slipping from my lips.
       He stops sucking me off, growling and forcing the plug back into my mouth. "You suck on it like the dirty slut you are for me, bunny. Turn over."
      He slaps my ass hard when I turn slowly onto my knees, grasping the couch tightly and sucking on the plug desperately, obediently, as he spits on my hole and begins eating me out, squirting peach lubricant inside me and sucking it out.
      So dirty but it feels so damn good. My hole gaping and flexing already from the stretch of the plug.
       I wail as he kneels behind me and forces his large cock in my ass. He grabs my hips and pounds into me hard and fast, his powerful strokes forcing my own hard cock to slap against the slimy couch, relentlessly.
        "Ugh! T-Tae...oh god....f-fuckkk!!" I cry, burying my face in my arms as he holds my shoulders for leverage, forcing my ass back on his cock. The lube squelching between our bodies as he grunts, cumming. I gasp, clenching my thighs. "P-please let me cum..." I sob.
       He jerks my head back by my hair and kisses me hungrily, his free hand sliding down my sweaty torso to stroke my cock, finally freeing the ring from around me.
       I scream, immediately soaking myself and the couch in cum. He slams me down on his lap and I sink back down on his cock, bouncing frantically as he strokes me off through my heaving orgasms. I'm so sensitive it hurts but I know better than to beg him to stop. He'll just make it longer and rougher.
        "Tae!" My thighs burn and strain as I fuck myself on him, his hands hard on my body, ripping into the nightie and tearing it in some places as he bucks up under me at a blinding stinging speed.
        I feel him cum inside me again and twist my hips, my prostate being abused over and over as I cum one last time. Unable to continue another minute, I collapse onto his chest, gasping and choking in the aftermath.
        "Bunny." His arms wrap around me and he kisses my forehead. "You did so good for me." He eases me down on the couch and pulls out, causing a hiss out of my mouth. So sore. Whimpering as he pushes the slick plug back inside me to hold in his cum.
        I groan.
       "Sorry I haven't been able to spend more time with you." He sighs, getting up and turning off the camera before putting his clothes back on.
       I yawn, closing my eyes. Beyond exhausted. "I get it. It's okay."
       "Mhm. Let's get you cleaned up." He chuckles, staring at my wrecked appearance.
        "You ruined it." I nod towards the rips and tears on the nightie. One strap torn off and the sides slit open. "I actually liked it."
       He smirks. "Lets go shopping for as many as you want. I think I like you in sexy lingerie." He murmurs, wiping me down with a damp cloth that smells like vanilla. Mhm.
        "I'm so tired."
        "Let's take a bath then go to bed, baby." He helps me stand up only for me to collapse into his arms, whimpering at the pain in my ass and legs.
       He places a soft robe around me and picks me up, carrying me upstairs to his bedroom. I watch him rummage through his special closet before removing the jar. I giggle as he winks at me and sets it on the bed.
      "What are you doing with that?" I ask, curious.
       He kisses me. "Turn over baby. Hands and knees." He mutters darkly. Hitching my breath at just how sexy he is, I do so. He slowly removes the plug,  receiving a loud moan from me, and my legs are spread apart as he holds the jar under my ass, letting his cum dribble down my balls and into the jar.
       God, that's so hot. He's so dirty. I bite my lip as he pushes two fingers inside me and helps empty the cum out. I watch in shock as it fills almost half full. Did he really cum that much in me?
      When he's done, he strips me naked and tosses the ruined outfit in the trash much to my protests. After running me a hot bubble bath and having a nice soak, we snuggle up in bed and watch a movie. I fall asleep in his strong arms.
       God, I love Kim Taehyung so much.

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