Fourty Eight

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    Every nerve ending in my brain and body are on fire as Taehyung touches me, barely skimming his hands over my sides as he removes my shirt. Biting my lip, I admire the fire in his eyes as he stares at my neck and the necklace secured around it.
He's so damn handsome. I hate that I still have doubts on why someone like him would want someone like me. I'm trying, though. I'm trying to tell myself that he does love and want me. Just me.
My breath catches as that fire darkens, igniting, in his gaze and becomes lustful and very much dominating. God, I want it. I don't care we're out in the open in the middle of nowhere or that anyone could stumble across us at any time. Nope, the only thing I care about is Taehyung being inside me. Soon.
"Hands and knees." He rumbles, tugging at my jeans. Swallowing back saliva, I shakily roll onto my hands and knees as he jerks my pants down my legs along with my underwear, leaving me exposed to his intense gaze.
I drop my head between my arms and try to breath evenly as he spreads my cheeks and licks a wet stripe up between them. I yelp, moaning and clawing at the ground.
Oh fuck! It's been way too long since I've been touched and I'm not ashamed to admit I'm needy AF. "Tae..." Whimpering as his tongue thrusts particularly deep inside me. My knees begin to shake. My hole wantonly sucks him in.
"Mhm, my sweet little bunny. I'm going to thoroughly enjoy reacquaintancing myself and wrecking your beautiful body. Placing my claim on every inch of your gorgeous figure." He growls, slapping my ass hard.
I bite back a moan, shuddering. "Nnnghnn, Tae..."
He licks a wet stripe up my ass to my lower back. Kissing and licking his way up my body to my shoulder where he bites down. Gasping, I'm slowly losing my sanity in his roughly yet still gentle touch.
     "You smell and taste so good, baby." He groans. "You haven't let anyone else touch you, have you?" He pushes three fingers in my mouth and I suck on them eagerly.
      "N-no." My voice is muffled by his fingers.
     He pulls them free and circles them around my twitching rim before forcing them inside me. I choke on another moan and force my ass back on them. S-So good...
     "So needy for me, bunny. I like it. I'm needy for your sweet little ass, too. Do you know how long I've been waiting for this?" He grunts, forcing a forth finger inside me.
      My mouth opens in a silence scream of pleasure pain. Oh my god...
     "Ughh...t-too m-much..."
     He chuckles darkly and my eyes widen in shock when I feel him spit all over my ass and his hand and...and...suddenly I feel his fucking fist in my guts. "Fuck!" I yell, jerking in shock and trying to adjust to his large hand completely inside me.
     "Fucking little slut. Just for me, right? You only take it from me." He demands.
     I nod brokenly, moaning. He uses his free hand to lift and turn my chin and kisses me sloppily. I choke on saliva and slowly try to work my ass back and forward on his fist, trying to stretch myself out a little. I've never felt anything like this before. My senses are overwhelmed. I'm oversensitized.
      He hums, staring at my stretched and abused hole as he works his wrist around, flexing his fingers inside me. I gasp as that bundle of nerves are rammed into to. Wailing, my thighs shake as cum dribbles down my cock to the grass.
     "Fuck, baby boy, look at you—all fucked out just by my fucking fist. Is my dick even enough for you, hm?"
      I close my eyes, drooling a little, and nod. "Y-Yes..."
     "You want more, baby?" He growls low and deep in my ear.
     Licking my wet lips, I nod again. "P-please, Tae...I need you."
     Humming, he removes his hand. My neck muscles strain from the uncomfortable feeling of emptiness but it doesn't last long.
     I'm flipped over onto my back on the hard ground and splayed open, his thrust thrusting back inside me so fast and hard it takes my breath away. I cry out, gripping the grass so hard it snaps in my desperate grasp. I can't help it, I release a fountain of cum over my stomach. My entire body shaking.
     His eyes are dark and animalistic as he fucks me with his fist, staring intently into my very soul. I whimper and spread my legs wider, wanting to give him everything of me.
      He licks his lips. "Ready for me, baby?"
     Closing my eyes, I nod. My heart pounding like I'm running a race. He removes his fist and I peak my eye open to see him licking the sticky mess off his fingers.
      I blush hotly at the ridiculously dirty action. He winks at me and slowly moves down to unbuckle his belt and dress pants. Fuck, that's hot. I'm fully naked out in the open and yet...he's still fully dressed this whole time.
      I reach up for a kiss and he obliges, allowing me to unbutton his dress shirt and tug it off his shoulders while his pants are pushed down to his knees. I grasp his ass and squeeze, pulling him closer to me as our tongues twirl and dominate. He wins, of course.
      I lay back and moan as he pushes his large cock inside my somehow still tight inner walls. It feels so good. He groans long and dark, going deep. "Fuck, how are you still so goddamn tight for me, beautiful?" He collapses down on top of me, brushing sweaty hair out of my face. Our eyes meet. "I'm going to wreck you, sweetheart. I'm going to make you so desperate and needy you'll never even dream of anyone else. Only me. I'm going to take you to fucking heaven and back but having you craving and begging for hell." His voice is deceptively soft and gentle making me shudder.
      "I l-love you." Is all I can rasp.
      He smiles and it takes my breath away. He's so fucking gorgeous and mine. No one else can have what we have. Just us.

      It starts to rain. Taehyung never slows or stops his aggressive pounding into my body, even as we slip and slide over the muddy ground, water soaking us through, our breaths mingling in the chilling air.
     I cry out, arching up as another orgasm is ripped from me for the sixth time. I shudder and beg incoherently as he flips me over and starts fucking me again.
     The man's insatiable. Pumping my body full of his delicious milky cum over and over but never faltering in his movements. My ass cheeks are sore and raw from his hips slamming into them but still...I crave for more. I'm just as insatiable as him. We're both beasts.
      I yelp as he suddenly lifts me off the ground, both of us standing—his front to my back—still inside me. He maneuvers us back towards the car and pushes me into the backseat. Never once disconnecting us. It's fucking hot.
      I groan, feeling like a damn pretzel as he frantically fucks me in several different positions, trying to get every last drop of cum out of my body. I'm drained. I'm so tired and numb I can hardly move. Throughly fucked out as he wanted.
     I still shudder apart despite little to no cum erupting, though. I gasp and whine as Tae curses loudly and fucks his cum into me one last time before collapsing down on top of me. The rain now a torrent outside as we fog up the car windows. I'm not cold, not with his hot body on top of me.
      "I love you." He rasps, sounding just as wrecked as me. Sweat and rain water covering us from head to toe.
     I wrap my legs and arms around him. "Love you, too."
     Lifting his head, he grins tiredly up at me. "I think I need to get you home before you get sick."
     I snort. "Like you won't?"
     His brow furrows. "I refuse to get sick. Who would take care of you then?"
     I smile widely, flushing. "We can just be sick together and make Jin cater to us."   
     He scoffs. "Right. I'm sure he'd love that." He begins to lift off me but I whine and pull him back down. "Baby—"
     "No. Stay." I pout.
     He threads his fingers through my wet and mud streaked hair. "I have to get our clothes and drive us back to the city before we get stuck out here in the storm." He explains, forcibly untangling himself from my limbs.
      I grumble but let him go. Sitting up, I wince at the fresh sharp stinging pain. God, I'm going to be sore for weeks. I don't think my ass will ever be the same....
     Tae runs back to the car, still naked with arms full of our soaked clothes. I grin at the view. He rummages through the trunk for some blankets and tosses me one before grabbing one for himself. I huddle myself in it, now feeling the cold seep in. I'm freezing.
      Grumbling, he climbs behind the wheel and starts the car, starting the heat. I climb into the front seat and lace my fingers with his as we head back towards the city. I glance back and laugh at the state of Jin's car. I don't think he's going to be happy.
     I speak my thoughts aloud.
    Tae smiles. "It's okay. I think I want to keep the car for sentimental value. He can have the Jag."
    I glare at him, pouting. "What about me? I don't get a car!"
     He gives me a smoldering look that goes straight to my cock. "You get me—and anything else you could want." He pecks my cheek. "You think I could really deny you anything?"
      I press my lips together to hide my glee. I settle back comfortably in the seat despite the unwavering pain in my ass.
     Totally worth it.
     He could cripple me and I think I'd be fine with it as long as he would be there to take care of me always...
     Kim Taehyung—my own personal servant. I chuckle at the thought. He glances at me but doesn't ask.
     My free hand finds its way under the blanket to clutch my necklace. The symbol of our love and bond. I'm never taking it off. It comforts me.
     The only thing that I would love more would be a set of rings. I can be patient, though. As long as I know he loves me.
      I know he loves me as much as I love him.

Need Me; Taekook Where stories live. Discover now