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 someone would have told me I'd be chained up and hanging to a bathroom wall with the most god-like sexy man in the world smirking up at my wet naked, shivering, body holding an enema kit and a freaking butt plug...I would have laughed and had you checked for insanity...and we are.
     I tug at the chains secured around my wrist as he grabs my waist and turns me to face the wall, his hands groping my ass roughly before spreading my cheeks wide.
      A wet sensation makes me think he's eating me out but I can't see. I really wish I could. I moan, bucking my hips helplessly as he thrusts his tongue deep inside. "Just making sure you're ready, beautiful." He teases, stepping back and smacking my ass a few times.
      I muffle a whine as he spins me back around and opens the box, laying out the items inside. I really don't know how to feel about this and yet...I know I'm going to let him do whatever the hell he wants to me.
      He holds up a small hose. "This, baby boy, is going up that tight ass. I'm going to connect the other end to the water faucet. It's going to fill your ass so full it might become a little painful. It might make your stomach ache. When I turn it off, I will remove the hose and I want you to hold it in as long as you can. It will feel like you have to use the bathroom very badly. Hold it. When I give you the go ahead—let it go. After that, you can take a shower and I'll help you down." He explains casually like this is nothing—or something he does everyday.
      I gape at him. "L-like I'm going to shit on myself? Right in front of you?!" No way! Hell no! How humiliating...
       He chuckles. "It's perfectly normal and hence the reason I have you set up in the shower." He winks.
      "So why am I chained up?"
      He shrugs. "I like being in control. You want my help then you can do it my way."
Right. If he wasn't so damn hot, I'd be totally freaked out right now. I guess Jimin was right about one thing, though. There is no modesty in this stupid house.
      He walks up to me after setting everything up and looks into my eyes. Licking my lips, I trail my eyes down to his.
      His hands grip my hips tightly. "Tell me what you want right now?" He asks, a little more intense that I can handle at this moment, being so vulnerable.
      "I w-want you to kiss me." I whisper honestly, breathless.
      Before I know it, his lips and tongue are devouring mine. I wish I could touch him right now. Instead I focus all my energy on the connection of our mouths. My hard cock bobs and grinds painfully against his clothed abdomen.
     He pulls back abruptly and I try to catch my breath. Panting raggedly as he spins me around and spreads my ass again. Fingering me open, he slowly eases the lubed hose inside me.
      I wince and moan, straining against my restraints. "Oh god." I whimper.   
      "Shh. Almost in place, beautiful. Breathe." He mutters.
     I shudder and try to do as he asks. Trusting him completely as he pushes it deeper and deeper inside me. When he stops, I take a deep breath in relief.
     "Good boy." He spins me to face him and kisses me again. "I'm going to turn on the water now." He mumbles against my mouth.
       I make a small noise of fear and discomfort as my body jerks. The rush of cold water immediately begins filling my insides. "Ugh...Tae!" I cry out, tears spearing my eyes at the foreign cold and uncomfortable sensation inside me.
       He coos and whispers dark words of encouragement before finally, finally after what feels like forever turning the water off. "Okay, baby. I need you to hold it for me. Hold it in until I say, okay?"
     I shake my head frantically as he slowly begins pulling out the hose. I cry out loudly, my thighs shaking from effort and sweat forming on my head. "I c-can't! It hurts!" I sob.
       He watches me with dark almost obsessive eyes as I struggle before him. Naked and vulnerable and honestly hurting. Talk about a sexy sadist...
      I can see him counting silently as he stares into my eyes. I can't hold it much longer...I release another loud sob.
      "Let it go." He demands and I immediately unclench my thighs and allow the water and...uh...other substances to exit my body and down the drain. My entire body shakes with the effort as I go limp in exhaustion.
      He runs the warm water over my body, washing me with delicious body wash that smells like him, before pulling me against him and wrapping my thighs around his hips, stroking my still straining erection while taking my lips again.
      I moan into it, I can't help it. He makes me feel so many different things I don't know what to do with it all. He kneads and massages my ass while running his lips down my neck and sucking lightly on my skin. "You did amazing, beautiful." He sighs. "I honesty expected you to break."
      I whimper, arching my body in the air as my climax hits me suddenly through the endorphins rushing within my veins. I feel high. I scream, spilling hot cum all over his fancy expensive soaked shirt. He doesn't seem to notice or care. "The best thing about enemas is the fact that it causes the body to release natural endorphins which heighten orgasms. Feels good, doesn't it, baby boy?"
       I nod, defeated and beyond aroused. I just came and I'm still so hard. Knowingly, he licks his lips. "Want to know what feels even better during this rush?" He rasps, bending down to lick around my tip, suckling the last drops of cum from my aching cock.
I gasp, shaking my head.
He reaches up to release me and I drop effortlessly into his arms. Sore and horny and exhausted. "Sex." He says, carrying me back into his dark dungeon like bedroom.
I shiver at the look in his eye. Oh god yes.

Need Me; Taekook Where stories live. Discover now