Thirty Seven

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I'm nervous sitting on the set bedding as the camera man works on positioning the camera this way and that to get the best angle.
Namjoon sits against the pillows unbothered as he scrolls through his phone. Both of us waiting for Jin. Apparently it takes him three times as long as anyone else to get ready for a shoot.
     Namjoon seems used to the waiting game while I'm just getting more and more anxious by the second. It's annoyingly actually. "Why is he like this?" Huffing.
       He snorts. "Well it takes time to create infinite perfection—his words not mine." Rolling his eyes, he puts his phone down. "Are you okay? I know you're probably nervous and uncomfortable about all this. You don't have to worry. Well make this as easy for you as possible."
        I avoid his gaze, playing with the simple white sheet. "So...this is your last shoot?" Wanting to change the subject.
       He smiles. "Yep. After this we'll officially have enough funds to purchase our dream home. Actually.." he pauses, looking around and lowering his voice. "Jin was thinking about asking you to move in with us. We'll have more than enough room and you could quit this job and have time to find something else you'd really like to do."
       I'm truly surprised at the offer. "R-really?"
     "Yeah but he's afraid to ask and offend you. He knows this job isn't for you and honestly if you want a true relationship with Taehyung...well fucking men constantly on the side for cash isn't really healthy. He knows you don't like it, too." 
       It's true. I've thought about this a lot. I'm thankful for being given this opportunity but honestly I just want to share my body with Kim Taehyung. My boyfriend.
      Every time I get another scheduled shoot I feel sick. Especially when Taehyung comes to watch. I always have to look into his eyes, hating having to cry out other men's names when I just want it to be him.
       I know he hates it too but won't say anything because this is my job. He hired me on for this. I can't just ask him to support me and freeload because I don't want to do this but I have no where near enough funds to leave. I don't really want to leave here, too, though...
       "I'll think about it."
      "Great. I think that would make him really happy."
      "Jin or Tae?"
      "Both." We both laugh.
      Jin eventually makes his way into the room looking like a freaking world class model. Dressed in a simple pink dress shirt and grey slacks. His pinkish blonde hair messily arranged around his face.
       "Baby, we aren't going out to dinner. We're fucking. Why all the hard work when you know it'll just be ruined in minutes?" Namjoon sighs, pulling the man into his arms and kissing him.
       Jin scoffs. "We're still on camera. I have to keep up my reputation. You could learn from me." Sniffing disdainfully at his fiancé.
        I stifle a laugh at the indignant look Namjoon shoots back. "Rude."
       Jin turns to me. "Are you sure you can do this?"
      I smile at them both, my nerves easing. I trust these guys. "Yup. I'm good."
       "Alright, lets get it!"

      Taehyung walks in about halfway through, breaking my concentration as I'm in the process of deep throating Namjoon. All of us naked and sweating on the bed as Jin fucks me roughly from behind, both of them kissing passionately above me as I pleasure them both.
       My watery eyes land on my boyfriend in the doorway and I'm surprised by the amount of anger I catch sparked in his eyes before he gives me a serene fake smile and clears his expression. I've never seen that on him before. He's always cool and calm and fine with everything.
      I groan as Jin grunts above, grasping my hips and pounding inside me hard and fast, cumming into the condom within seconds. Choking, I swallow Namjoon's cum as it fills my mouth.
       I'm getting distracted and need to focus. I ignore Taehyung and sit up, wincing as Jin eases out of my sore hole to remove the condom.
       I moan as they position me facing away from Namjoon and I sink down on his gloved cock. Bouncing my hips up and down with Jin's help as he takes my lips, kissing me with every bit of passion directed at his lover.
       I cry out as I'm yanked backwards and Namjoon thrusts up forcefully over and over again until my own orgasm drives me and I squirt milky cum all over my thighs. Jin laps it up then sucks on my cock until oversensitivity.   
       Namjoon clutches me tighter until I'm sure I'll have bruises and fills the condom. All of us slumping in exhaustion on the sweaty sticky sheets.
      I'm cuddled between the two men as the camera is turned off and the set is over. It all took about an hour. I look over Jin's shoulder to see Taehyung gone. He always stays...A pang fills me chest.
      A pair of lips latch onto my cheek and I laugh. "Can you walk?" Namjoon asks, sitting up and helping me off the bed. Jin stretches and cracks his neck, smiling at us warmly. This whole situation is surreal.
      I just let both these men fuck my ass and throat sore and raw and yet I feel no different. I still feel childlike parental like love for them and it doesn't seem awkward like I'd expected.
      "I think I can manage."
      "Right. I forgot you let Taehyung fuck you all the time. I should have known this would be nothing for you." Namjoon laughs.
       "Shut up!" I smack his arm, blushing.
       We all get dressed and go our separate ways—after I promise to think about their offer from Namjoon. I could see myself living happily with them and dating Taehyung without this porn business hanging over our heads.
       Of course I would want him to stop having sex his employees as well. It's only fair. Surely that shouldn't be an issue, right? He could be satisfied by only me, right?
       A tiny little bit of doubt filters into my mind but I push it back and slowly head to my room to shower. I then have every intention of talking to Tae about my thoughts and make a decision.

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