Fifty Three

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     Cupping my fingers under my chin, I observe the young man before me. Blue highlighted hair and bright smile, he looks a little too innocent for this meeting.
     I shake my head. "I don't know."
     "Mr. Kim, I promise you can believe in me. I can do anything I need to do to make this work. I can prove myself before we complete this—if you wish. I will follow all your rules to a tee. You will not be disappointed." He urges.
     I look down at the paperwork on my desk. "This is a huge step. Nothing to take lightly. I have a lot of boys under me that need protected. They aren't just whores."
     "I understand that perfectly. They are perfectly safe."
     Lips twisting in contemplation, I decide to trust my gut feeling about this kid. I guess he's not really a kid, though. His eyes obviously show a young man that's been through some shit. Much like myself.
     Nodding, I finally sign the paperwork. The very contract that hands my entire company over to this person.
      The buyer, Soobin, patiently waits for his turn to sign.   
     "Are you sure this kind of business is for you? You don't seem—"
      He cuts me off. "Trust me. I'm perfect for taking over the business. I won't let you down." He stands up, bowing respectfully multiple times. "I will care for everyone like my own family. You can come check up on them anytime." He says, shaking my hand.
      I watch him leave, tapping my pen while staring around at my now barren office. I've been thinking about selling for awhile now. Now that I have Jungkook and most of the boys closest to me have moved on well...I really feel this isn't the place for me anymore. I r grown out of it.
      This place represents my past and I want to focus on the present and my future. I don't need this anymore.
      I want move on as well. I have plenty of money tucked away and the money I'm receiving for this company is more than enough to live on by itself so I'm not worried. I haven't told anyone about this decision, either. I want it to be a surprise for my sweet fiancé—among other things.


     Once home, I find Jieun talking with Jin as they create their masterpieces in the kitchen. Hoseok and Namjoon lounge on the couch. Both nod at me as I pass but I don't stop, my attention searching for one and only one person.
     Up the stairs, I see Gummie coloring and drinking juice, singing to himself. Cute. Shaking my head, I near the bedroom and crack the door, hearing Jimin and Jungkook arguing in the bedroom.
     The door is tugged from my grip as, huffing, Jimin pushes past me, muttering to himself. Quirking a brow, I enter the bedroom to see Jungkook pacing the room. He looks nervous.
     Jumping in surprise, he looks like a deer caught in headlights. "Tae! I, Uh, thought you were working late tonight."
     We both knew I'd be home early tonight. I take his hands, trying to calm him. "Are you alright? Is it the wedding?" Maybe he's having second thoughts. Maybe he's decided he deserves much better—which he does.
     "No. Nothing like that." He finally stops moving. Taking a deep breath, he drops his head on my chest. "I have something to tell you but I'm scared. I don't want to but Jimin said I have to." He pouts.
      Smirking, I lift his chin and gently peck his lips. "Bunny, there is noting you can't tell me. No secrets now, remember?" After everything...before the wedding we put in a 'no secrets' policy where no matter what it is or how mundane, we always tell each other the truth. Tell each other everything.
     I realize I'm keeping my secret from him but it's for his surprise. He'll know soon enough.
     "I don't like that stupid policy anymore." Grumbling.
     Rolling my eyes at his snippy tone, I sweep him into my arms—ignoring his protests—and drop him on the bed. Gasping, he whines as I begin removing his shoes and clothes.
     His hands stop me, however, when I lift on his shirt. Biting his lip, he looks at me with fear. Frowning, I sit up and take my hands off him.
     "Baby, what's wrong?" I know it's been over a month since we've made love but still. Jieun, the witch, thought it'd be such a great idea if we could wait until our wedding to have sex again. I wanted to choke her but for some unfathomable reason Jungkook agreed.
     "Jungkook. Baby, did I do something wrong? I promise I wasn't going to go in! I was just helping you to relax!" I defend. Stupid unreasonable boundaries. Ugh. How am I suppose to survive without touching him?!
      Slowly, he sits up. "No, it's okay. I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm acting like this. Well, I do, but still..." he trails off.
      I sigh in frustration. "Truth, beautiful."
     A single crystallized tear runs down his cheek. "I'm afraid you won't want to marry me anymore."
      "There is nothing you can tell me that will make me not want to marry you. Baby, we are getting married tomorrow." I remind him. "Everything is ready and set. There is no doubt in my mind you will be Kim Jungkook by then."
      He stares at me for a long time. "Okay. I guess you're right." He leans over the bed and pulls out a shopping bag.
     Confused, I take it and open it up, my eyes widening at the contents. "I don't understand."
      Scoffing, he jerks the bag back. "You do, too."
      "H-how? I mean...Jieun..."
      He gives me a look of impending death. "It isn't hers!"
     I stop breathing, staring at my fiancé with shock and love. "Kookie..."
     More tears tip the surface, flowing down his face. "I'm s-sorry. I don't know how it happened. I'm scared, Taehyung."
      Cupping his face, I lean forward and kiss him hard, wanting to distract him with the depth of my love and passion for him. "It's not your fault, love. It's mine. I should have been more careful." I press my head against his.
      He pouts. "I like when you're not careful, though."
     Snorting, take his lips again and again, reclaiming them. My hand slides under his shirt to explore. My palm rubbing over the tiny bit distinct bump.
     He whimpers.
     "You're pregnant." I whisper, awestruck.  
     Sniffling, he nods. "I'm pregnant. And a man. And I'm really unhappy it right now. How can this happen!"
     I smile. His short temper now making sense of late. "You know how that happens."
     "For women!"
     "It's rare but possible for men, too. It makes sense really." I tease. "After all bunnies do like to breed."
     He smacks me. "Shut up, you bitch!"
     "Sorry. Couldn't help myself." Snickering.
     Flopping onto his back, he groans at the ceiling. "I'm so fat. I look like a walrus."
     The mental image of my fiancé turning into a walrus with his Kookie face sticks and I laugh.
      He scowls. "Glad this is funny to you."
     I fall over him, holding myself up. "You don't want to have my children? I think this is a blessing." I admit.
     "You're not upset?"
     "Nope. I think it's sweet and amazing and I'm so happy Gummie will have someone to play with and take care of now."
      His eyes light up. "That's true."
     I thread my fingers through his hair. "I love you, my beautiful bunny. I thank God everyday you walked into my life. Somehow he gifted me you and I'm so lucky."
     "You got that backwards."
     "Nope. You could do better but I...I got the best out of this deal."
     "Ugh, too cheesy."
     His stomach lets out a huge growl. "God, now I want cheese!"
     I have a feeling this wedding is going to be more interesting than anticipated...I wonder how the others will react? Besides Jimin, of course. Glad to know he was on my side for once.
     "Alright. I'll go get some food to feed my ravenous beast."
     He glares at me. "I'll give you a ravenous beast!"
     "Baby, you know we can't break our promise of waiting. You'll have to be patient."
      I run before he can throw something at me.

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