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    "Oh, I'm so excited for my Kookie!" I coo happily as I stare at the clock. It's late and they still aren't back yet. Namjoon looks at me like I'm insane.
      "I'm not sure your investment in this is healthy, babe. Why do you care if this works out or not? I didn't even think you liked Taehyung that much." He muses.
     I huff. "Joonie! Why do you have to spoil my fun? Can't I just enjoy playing matchmaker?" I ask, throwing a pink rubber dildo at his head.
      He groans as it hits him in the eye. "The fuck...when did you get this!"
      Rolling my eyes, I ignore him as I get changed for bed.
      "Uh, hello? You gonna tell me how long you've had this! You said you didn't have any toys!" He grumbles.
     "Don't be jealous, sweetie. Green really isn't your color." I say calmly as I wash my face.
      He glares at the offending object before tossing it in the trash. Gasping in shock, I run to save it, smacking him upside the head on the way to the trash. "What the fuck, Jin!"
      I tuck the toy away in my dresser while he scowls at me from the bed, rubbing his head. "Do you have any idea how expensive that was!" I gripe.
      He throws his arms out in exasperation. "What? I'm not good enough for you? Huh? My dick not big enough anymore?"
      Sighing long and hard, I pull the pretty toy back out and walk over to the bed. As he watches, I slowly open the top of the toy up and dump it over, all the contents spilling out.
      Cash. Lots and lots of cash. He gapes at me, his eyes moving between me and the money and back at the toy.
     "It's a bank. Pretty great, right? Figured no one would ever think to check inside a dildo." I caress the toy lovingly. "Of course it's got more than one use to it as well." I wink.
      He closes his mouth and snatches it from me. "Damn. You better only be using this as a bank and that's it."
      I climb into his lap and press my lips to his, kissing him slow and deep, out tongues wrestling in perfect harmony for a long long time. "Baby, you have no worries in that department. I'm thoroughly satisfied."
       He suddenly looks anxious, clutching my hips tighter. "Are you sure? Jin...I love you so much and I know I'm crazy. You make me crazy jealous over everything because I know you could do so much better. Are you sure you're ready to give this life up and marry me? Be only mine? I hate sharing you." He whispers, caressing my cheeks.
       Smiling and feeling loved, I nod, kissing him again and again. "Yes. I've only ever wanted you, Joonie. I love you so much, baby. We only do shoots with each other now and only rarely adding a third. I could care less about the others here. It's you I'm vowing my life to, Namjoon." I remind him. I trail my lips down his jaw to his ear. "Besides, it's inappropriate to marry a matter how pretty and pink it is."
      He shoves me off him with a huff while I laugh hysterically at his childhood worries. Seriously? Jealous over a sex toy? How can I not tease?
       "Why are you like this? Sometimes I wonder why I bother with you!" He crosses his arms, shaking his head.
"Hm..." I crawl up the bed between his legs and caress his thighs. "Could it be my gorgeous face? My sexy body? My sunny disposition?" I straddle his hips and slowly trail my hands up his chest, my lips twitching as his breathing becomes heavier. "Or is it my kisses? My fuckable ass and cock?" I squeeze him lightly, tugging his bottom lip between my teeth. "The way my body sucks the cum out of you or the way I fill you so fucking deep, hm?" I growl.
A lot of people question who is the real top in our relationship and most of the time they believe it's always Namjoon but actually...we both like it when I take control. He likes being bossed around and I'm a fucking boss ass qween so...
"Fuck, baby....just get naked already." He groans, groping my ass.
"Ah, Ah, Ah. Let me tonight, baby. I want to take care of you." I coo, slowly stripping him naked and tying his hands to the bed with my favorite hot pink fluffy cuffs.
He watches me intently as I grab the lube and palm his thick erection. "So hard for me already?" I sigh.
Moaning, he nods and drops his head back onto the pillows. I bite down on his hard nipples eliciting a low painful groan from him. Chuckling, I sit up and grab the pink dildo much to his surprise.
"Don't worry baby—" I start but get cut off as the door swings open.
"Hey guys—" Jimin begins but stops short as he takes in the scene before him. Namjoon groans in annoyance while I glare at him.
"Do you mind? We're a little busy!"
He walks in and closes the door. "But I'm bored and Kookie isn't back yet!" He eyes us, pausing on the dildo in my hands. "Ooh! Can I play, too? Please?"
Rolling my eyes, I toss the dildo to him. "You can do a solo over there and watch us. How's that?" I compromise.
He nods cheerfully and begins stripping naked and sits comfortably across the room where he can watch everything. Well...not like we can't still have fun with an audience. I very much enjoy embarrassing my fiancé begging under me anyway. No one believes I'm top most times anyway. It's refreshing getting a witness.
      Even if it is Jimin.

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