Fifty Four

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I can't stop smugly smiling as Hoseok and I drive back to our apartment. He keeps giving me questioning glances but I ignore them. This is my little secret. I don't feel like sharing until they do. I feel special being in on it.
I quite enjoyed the hug Taehyung gave me when leaving, letting me know my little talk with Jungkook was for a good cause. I feel appreciated.
"Are you ever going to talk to me?" My boyfriend mutters rather dryly as we finally make it home. Shrugging, I head for the bedroom to shower for bed.
Hoseok follows me. "Are you mad at me? Are you upset that I spent so much time with Joon? You know he only has eyes for—"
Rolling my eyes, I cut him off. "I'm not upset about anything. Why do you always assume I'm mad?"
"Well you always ignore me when you're mad!"
I step into the shower and sigh, enjoying the hot spray. He takes the hint and leaves me alone. Okay, maybe I'm being a little petty and jealous. He barely spoke to me the whole time we were at Tae's house. I sat alone and watched them hang out most of the night.
Even Namjoon eventually pulled Seokjin on his lap and nuzzled against him a lot. What did I get? A whole lot of jack shit. Like, what the fuck? Is he ashamed of me? He never had a problem with PDA with Min Fucking Yoongi. Is it just me?
The worst part is he doesn't even realize he does this. He has no clue and it hurts. I love him so much. I even forgave him for cheating on me with that rapist and yet he's still pulling away from me. What more do I have to do? God, he makes me so frustrated!
My mood only lowers as I get out and pull my favorite fluffy robe around me. I'm sure Hoseok is already asleep and shit—
I stop in my tracks, staring into the bedroom. Candles are lit around the room as well as red and black and pink rose petals. Hoseok, naked in all his glory, sits waiting on the bed on his knees. A diamond collar around his neck attached to a leash.
He looks at me steadily. Love and want clear in his hungry gaze. My cock immediately comes to attention. "W-what—"
"I know you're mad at me. Punish me. Please, master." He whispers, closing his eyes.
Stepping forward, I take the leash without thinking and tug it, jerking Jim off his knees and onto his stomach. He groans as the collar pulls and chokes him a little.
Fuck. What this man does to me. We haven't played like this in a while. Although I started doing this sadistic shit mostly for him, I'll admit it's grown on me. I love it. Love dominating him and seeking my own pleasure selfishly. I love being in control of us despite his much larger and stronger body.
I thread my fingers through his hair and pull hard, jerking his head up. Licking my lips, I bend down and kiss him lightly, refusing to give him more.
I release the collar. "On your back." I command, a little breathily.
He moves into position instantly, his large cock leaking precum and looking so pretty. I want to taste it. Staring him in the eyes, I very slowly remove my robe, dropping it to the floor before climbing on the bed, stalking my prey.
He moans, palming his erection. I slap it.
"You think you deserve a reward. This is punishment remember?" I drop my head between his legs and teasingly lick a trail up his inner thigh to his balls, suckling lightly as he bucks under me.
"JJJiiimmmiiinnnn..." he pants.
Lust shoots through me as I sit up and take in my waiting meal. All mine for the taking. To do as I please with. Grinning, I scoot up his body and sit on his chest, rubbing my cock against his lips.
He takes me in immediately, lapping at my precum as it oozes down his mouth. Gasping, I grab hold of the headboard and begin rocking myself in and out of his mouth, desperate for some relief.
He gags on my length as I force it down his throat, moaning loudly and at my limit. I scream as cum erupts from my tip on his eagerly waiting tongue. My fingers dig into the wood, my body shuddering.
I grab his face harshly, spitting on him. "Get me ready. Open me up." I demand, turning around sitting on his face. He groans, cupping my ass and thrusting his tongue in my mouth. I hold in my whimpers as I bounce my ass frantically, riding his face.
Fisting his erection, I pump it only to stop right as he reaches his edge, driving him back down painfully before building his climax back up again.
He turns his head to the side, gasping for air. "Baby, l-let me...please..."
I hiss, slapping his cock hard. He moans in pain. "Don't. Fucking. Stop." I growl, slamming my ass back down on his mouth and nose. "Eat me out right and I might let you fuck me." I rasp, dropping my upper body down as he gets to working my ass right, going in deep.
     Moaning, I suck on his head before licking his cock like a fucking treat and squeezing his balls, twisting them in my palm.
     He lifts my ass off him, grunting. "I c-can't hold it—fuck, let me have you." He whines.
     Feeling generous—and way too fucking needy myself—I relent, wiggling down and flipping around to straddle his hips. Biting my lip, I stare into his eyes as I slowly sink down on his erection.
     We both groan.
     I ride him greedily, working myself frantically, losing myself in the pleasure as his hands squeeze my hips painfully tight.
     "Baby....oh feel so good..." he matches my pace, both of us chasing our highs, too far gone to focus on much else.
      Throwing my head back, I keen loudly as I lose it, cumming hard all over his sweat slick chest.
     Bucking his hips roughly, I'm nearly thrown off as he fucks me hard, desperate for his own release. Collapsing down, I take his lips, claiming them as he reclaims my ass over and over, filling me up completely.
     Harsh pants consume the air as we let go, the tension draining from both our bodies.
     His hand trails up and down my back gently, relaxing me. "You were mad at me." He whispers.
      Burying my face in his chest, I sigh. "Yeah. I was."
     "I'm sorry."
     Pouting, I look up at him grouchily. "You didn't pay any attention to me."
     He has the right to look guilty. "I know. I was...just talking to Namjoon about some important things..."
      My eyebrows raise. "What important things?"
     He snorts. "Nosy."
    "You expect anything else of me?" I defend.
     His lips trail over my cheeks and nose, fingers trailing my lips. "Nope. Okay..." Taking a deep breath, he reaches over to the nightstand and pulls out a black velvet bag.
      I frown.
     He sits up with me still straddling his body, his arm going around my waist as he holds up the other with the bag. "Jimin."
     I swallow. Anxious for some reason. "Yeah?"
     "I love you. I love you so fucking much I know if I ever lost you I'd never survive it. You're the air I need to breathe, the water I need to drink, the hope that keeps me living another day. We've both had really fucked up pasts and made it through—finding each other after all the darkness. You're my light."
     My lips press into a hard line. "Hobi..."
     He stretches out my palm and dumps the contents of the bag out. I choke up.
     A gorgeous sparkling rose gold diamond ring shines reflectively on my skin. I can't breathe.
     "Marry me, Jimin. Everyone around are living their best lives and I want that for us, too. I know I'll never want anyone else. Please marry me. I promise I will spend my entire life dedicated to making you happy and making up for all my past mistakes with you—"
      I cut him off with a hard kiss. "Shut up. You talk way too much." Giggling, I slide the ring on my finger and admire its beauty.
     He beams happily. "You'll marry?"
     I smack his chest. "Stupid. Of course! You had me at the sound of my name. I love the way you say my name." I tease.
     Rolling his eyes, he flips us over, pinning me down and taking my mouth quite dominantly for a sub.
     I moan, my eyes still staring over his shoulder at my new ring. YES!!!!!
     He huffs. "Are you only going to look at that instead of me now?"
     Smiling, I nod. "It's way prettier than you."   
     He glares in offense. "I'm taking it back for something ugly so you only look at me!"
     "No! Don't you dare!" I wiggle out from under him and run away, desperate to protect my beautiful diamond. "You'll have to pry it off my cold dead fingers!" I scream, laughing as he chases after me.
     "Damn it, Jimin, and you tony midget legs!"
     I gasp in outrage, slowly down. He uses the advantage to tackle me to the couch. I yell, hiding my hand. "No!"
    "Tell me I'm prettier than that ring right now, Park Jimin."
     "Say it!" He tries to pry my hand from behind my back.
     "Park Jimin!"  
     Finally, I relent. Gazing up at him, I cup his face. "Jung Hoseok, you shine brighter than any sparkly ring ever could. You shine like...the sun. You're my sunshine that lights the dark. I love you and nothing will ever compare to your bright smile. Please never stop smiling at me." I whisper, embarrassed and chock full of emotion.
      His eyes sparkle with tears. "If I'm the sun then you're the entire galaxy to me. Holding me in place. Just for you."
      Our kiss is sweet and innocent. Perfect unlike our relationship but I love us just the way we are. Perfectly imperfect. Made just for one another.

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