Thirty Six

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      I wait anxiously for my boyfriend after Jimin leaves. What the hell is going on? I feel like I've missed a lot around here and do not like it.
      Hating the pit in my stomach, I get up slowly and dress, ignoring the pain in my backside. Stealing one of Tae's expensive Gucci shirts, I slip it on over some sweatpants then exit the room. I have no idea where to find him at.
        A door down the hall opens to reveal an irritated Jin and a guilty looking Namjoon. They stop bickering when they notice me. Jin smiles widely. "Oh ho, having a sexy sleepover with your boyfriend?"
       Blushing, I duck my head. "What?! N-no..."
       "Don't lie to me. It's obvious and you know I totally support. Where is the lucky man so I can congratulate him?" He teases.
        I shrug. "I don't know. There's something going on with him and Hosoek and Yoongi and Jimin."
       He blinks in surprise. "Really? Hoseok is usually so cheerful and well...Jimin is just Jimin."
Namjoon snorts. "And Yoongi being his usual flavor of flaming asshole."
Jin smacks his arm. "Hush. Don't be rude and gossip."
"It's just your precious Kookie! He can know the dirty deets of the house." He snickers.
Jin smacks him again. Rolling his eyes, he smiles at me. "Are you ready for our shoot tonight? I know we've been putting it off but we've just been so busy getting our things packed and all. You will probably be one of our last shoots—if you're still comfortable with it, of course."
I bite my lip, hesitating. "Doesn't it weird you out? I mean you've been a parent figure to me for years and's weird." I shudder. "I mean I'll do it and there's nothing wrong with you but..." I frown, unsure where I'm going with this.
He laughs. "Of course it's weird. You're like my son! But honestly it's not any worse than being with some of the other boys around here. All of them think of me as their 'eomma'." He shrugs. "I've gotten used to it."
"Mhm, I guess that's true."
      Just then, we see Yoongi walking up the stairs seeming annoyed and tired. He ignores us as he walks into his room and slams the door. I flinch at the loud sound.  
      "Uh, okay, rude ass bitch." Jin scoffs. "I swear I don't see what Hoseok wants from that loser. He's a cheating ass."
       "I wish he'd give Jimin a chance. I know he really likes him." I smile.
       "Maybe if he ever gets his head out of Min's ass." Namjoon snorts. "Wait! Jimin likes Hoseok?!" He says, surprised.
        Jin and I laugh. "It's pretty obvious. I support as long as he treats him right."
        "Same for me. Jimin is a piece of work but he's honestly a sweet boy when he wants to be. Sure, you have to be careful and watch him but otherwise he's okay."
        "I honestly expected him to rob us blind that time we let him join us..." Namjoon mumbles. "But he didn't." 
       Jin gasps. "Right! The money slipped out and he handed it back to us. I was very impressed. We gave him extra attention that night." He smiles widely.
        I stare at them in confusion. "Huh?"
       "Oh, nothing. We like Jimin and want him happy as well." They avoid my question.
       A loud bang echoes down the hall making all of us jump and run towards the sound. Jin throws the door open to Yoongi's room to see him fighting Taehyung. Tae had slammed Yoongi's head in the door causing a massive hole in it.
       I gape at my enraged boyfriend as he kicks Yoongi's ass. I'm impressed and inappropriately turned on at his strength. What the hell happened?!
        "Pack your shit and you better believe your ass is getting a restraining order for Jung Hoseok and Park Jimin as well as any other of my employees living under this roof. Everything will be out of here by tomorrow morning. If you so much as look at anyone I will have you arrested, understood?" Taehyung growls, holding him by the throat.
       Spitting out blood and glaring, Yoongi chuckles. "Crystal clear, boss. Now get your fucking hands off me before I charge you with assault." He hisses.
       Tae laughs. "You want to charge me...with assault? You're fucking hilarious, Min. Right back at you." He releases him and Yoongi collapses onto the floor, coughing and cursing.
        Tae sees us and immediately walks out, closing the door. I bite my lip, frowning at the busted lip and knuckles. I pull him into a soft kiss. "What's going on?" I whisper.
         He sighs, eyeing Jin and Namjoon who take the hint and, grumbling, disperse. He ushers me back to his bedroom. "Sorry about that. Had to take care of a little issue."
        "Soo...Yoongi is gone?"
        He nods. "Yes. He's fired and will be escorted out in the morning. I was being overly fair and generous."
      "W-What about Hosoek? Won't he be upset?"
       He looks at me for a long moment, pushing me to sit down on the bed. "No, I think he'll be happy. Yoongi hasn't treated him nor Jimin very well, baby. Hoseok asked me to do this."
       I gasp. "S-so that time...he really did hurt Jimin badly even though he denied it."
        He nods, kissing my cheek. "Yes, baby. I wish someone would have brought this to my attention a lot sooner than now but it is what it is."
       I run my fingers over his bleeding knuckles. "Come on, my big strong boyfriend. Let me clean you up." I smile.
       He caresses my cheek. "Isn't that my job?"
      "Nope. Tonight, I'm your doctor. Doctor Kookie." I laugh.
       "Mhm. I like the sound of that."

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