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     Holy shit. I can't believe I'm actually doing this! I hide my internal panic well as I run my hands over Taehyung's toned body. He smirks down at me as my eyes every so often flicker to the blinking red light.
     "I told you that you aren't live." He chuckles.
     "T-then why do you need to record this?" I ask hesitantly as he sucks on my neck vigorously, rubbing my thighs hard.
     "My own...personal records. I might want to revisit this." He admits.
     "Y-you do this for everyone?"
     "I do, beautiful." He stands back up and roams his eyes over my naked form. "I think that's a good amount of time for recovery. You ready?" He asks.
      Biting my lip, I nod. "I t-think so."
      He nods to himself before pulling me up onto my knees, leaning me over the back of the couch. I grunt as he slides a hand between my cheeks, rubbing my entrance teasingly.
     Shivering, I hold my breath as he gets down to the floor and begins blowing his hot breath over it. I grip the couch tightly, moaning as his tongue brushes my sensitive flesh. Oh god...I think I can cum just from this!
     I can't stop my hips from bucking and my wet cock rubbing against the couch needily. He thrusts his tongue inside me and I jerk, crying out. "Tae!"
     He pulls back a little. "I like that. I'll have you screaming my name again soon enough."
Oh I have no doubt about that. He's a sex god obviously. I close my eyes and push my ass back against his face without even thinking. He slaps my cheeks roughly before getting back to business.
     "Fuck, you're a natural, baby boy." He groans deeply, his words vibrating my sensitive inner walls. "You taste so good."
     Whimpering, I open my mouth to beg—
    The door swings open and I yelp as a young guy around my age walks in calm as can be and strides over to the desk. A lollipop between his lips. I cover my face in shame and humiliation as he watches us with amusement.
     Taehyung huffs and turns to him. "What is it, Jimin. I'm busy."
      "I can see that. The camera guy is having issues. Needs you stat." He winks at me. "New recruit?"
      I cover myself frantically as Taehyung gets up and begins dressing. "Yes. Just warming him up."
      "Ooh, I call first dibs!" He says, eyeing me while blatantly being crude with his lollipop. "He looks like a fun ride."
     I say nothing.
     "Oh no. You have a shoot in ten minutes and you better be there. Don't terrorize the new kid before he gets a chance to start." He turns to me. "I'll be right back."
     Nodding, I swallow hard and begin pulling my pants back on. Jimin's eyes never leave me. "Don't bother, cutie. As soon as he gets back they'll just be on the floor again." He swaggers over to me and plops down on the couch. "Park Jimin." He holds out his hand.
     Hesitantly I take it. "Jeon Jungkook."
     His eyes twinkle. "What made you decide to join our little family?" He asks.
     I fidget nervously. "My friend Jin told me about it. I n-need a job bad." I admit.
     "Ooh! You know Jinnie? I love him. Such a daddy but of course you've seen him." He winks. "He's even more fun in action."
     It's uncomfortable to think of Jin in those terms. "Uhh, I guess."
      He frowns, studying me. "You really don't seem the type to be here. Are you sure you want to do this?"
      I give him a small smile. "I've been on my own for a long time. I can do whatever I need to do to survive."
     "Fair enough." He stretches out. "So...what do you think about Taehyung? Piece of work, isn't he? Granted, a fine piece of work but still." He rolls his eyes. "I mean, I like it rough but that man can make a seasoned soldier cry."
     I frown at the thought. I know Tae warned me about that but's weird hearing it from someone with first hand experience. "Oh."
     He looks me up and down. "Please tell me he isn't going to be your first? That you're seriously not a virgin because you're giving me those vibes."
     I blush. "Is there someone wrong with being a virgin?"
     He gasps. "Oh god. I pray for your tight ass."
     I clench instinctively at his words. "I'm sure it will be fine."
      He looks away, shrugging. "Your ass not mine. Look, I'm sure we'll be seeing and working around each other a lot. I want to be friends. It's really hard to find that in a place like this, though. Don't believe everything people say about me, either." He scowls.
     I smile in relief. "O-okay. Friends."
     "Cool. After you're done with...ya know, why don't you come to my room? Here's my number." He snatches my phone from my jeans pocket and puts it in as Jiminie.
     "Cute." I tease.
     He rolls his eyes. "All part of the game. I love being dominant but make more money being submissive. You might have to top me sometime." He doesn't sound happy about it.
     "You don't like it?"
     He scoffs. "I like the money but the sex? So so. I'd get off more if I were the one fucking. You're lucky though. You just scream natural bottom and seem like you'd enjoy it. Maybe they'll let us switch around." He smiles.
     I frown. "You're sure me and you will have to—"
     "Trust me. By the end of the month you'll have fucked everyone here at least once if not twice."
     "I don't want to be with Jin like that." I shudder at the thought.
     He shrugs. "Maybe Tae will let that slide but it's all up to him and what the audience wants, ya know. We do get requests frequently and work with that. It's where the real money comes in."
     I open my mouth to ask him something just as the door opens and an irritated Taehyung stalks back in. He glares at Jimin. "You're going to be late. Move your ass."
     Huffing exaggeratedly, he kisses my cheek sloppily before getting up and tossing the rest of his lollipop in the trash. "See me later." He reminds me.
     I nod silently as he leaves.
     Tae shakes his head as he leans against his desk. "Sorry for that interruption. I hope Jimin didn't scare you too much. He likes to freak people out."
     "I'm okay. He's...nice."
     He laughs. "Park Jimin...nice? He must really like you. He's been called a lot of things but never nice."
     I ponder that. "I like him."
     "Good because he's going to be your first pairing."
     My eyes widen at the new knowledge. Already? "He mentioned he doesn't like bottoming..."
      He snorts. "He does too just hates being vulnerable. He likes to be in charge. He's so tiny though that no one likes to give him that power. He's a power trip bitch."
      I laugh, I can't help it. "What does that mean?"
      "It means that you will have a lot in store for you because I'm going to let him top you."
     I lick my dry lips. "Oh."
     He checks his watch. "As much as I'd love to finish our...interview. I have some business to attend to. I'm going to let you go on to your new room. I know you have an apartment but I want you moved officially in here by the end of the week. You'll get paid after your first shoot. I'll schedule it soon."
     I nod and finish dressing, now awkward. I don't know why I'm so disappointed but I am. "Which room—"
     "Just choose an empty one. I think there is one next to Jimin's room actually. Jin and Namjoon also live on that floor as well. I'll get with you later."
     I take that as my queue to leave and grab my things, texting Jin to meet me and give me a tour.
     I walk back towards the lobby but pause when I hear a loud moan from two doors down. Curiously I walk to it and look inside. I blush wildly as Jimin's shoot is taking place.
      I want to turn away and run but I can't. Instead I find myself enraptured in his voice and the scene before me. I have to say...he's certainly an amazing actor. And pretty damn hot, too.

Need Me; Taekook Where stories live. Discover now