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     I lean nervously against the door as I watch the scene before me. I d-don't know if I can do...t-that. Will I have to do that with Jimin?!
     It's a scary thought. Shit. I really don't think it's a good idea to put a clueless virgin in front of the camera with someone like him. He's...god, I don't even know.
     "Mhm. I see you've already gotten a first look at the job requirements."
     I jump in surprise as the deep quiet voice mutters behind me. Blushing bright red, I spin around, embarrassed. "I w-was just—"
       "Chill. It's okay. We've all seen each other work. It's why they didn't bother to close the door." He hesitates. "I have a meeting in an hour but let me show you to your room." He takes my hand and we walk up the stairs to the second floor.
He stops after about five doors down a wide long hallway. This place feels like a hotel. He takes a key and unlocks the door, checking it to make sure it's empty. We walk in and he hands me the key. "Jimin is room 6 and Jin is room 4. I hope it's to your liking."
I nod, my mouth dropping open. It's really bigger than my apartment almost. Huge! The bed is a magnificent king size—much better than my little single bed at home. Which sits on the floor.
I feel his eyes on me and turn to look. I get entrapped in his gaze. Biting my bottom lip, I have no idea what to say or do. He brushes a lock of my hair back. "I have some time left. Want to...finish where we left off? Try out that new bed of yours?" He asks huskily, stepping closer to me.
My breath catches. Can I really say no to that? I mean...he's fucking hot and well...I guess I'm literally a whore now...getting paid to have sex.
I try not to dwell on that fact and nod. Gasping as he scoops me up into his arms and immediately begins kissing me.
I open for him and his hot tongue slides in to duel with mine. He climbs onto the bed with me still in his arms and lowers us so that he's on top of me, pinning my hands above my head.
The bed feels heavenly under me as he pushes my shirt up and off, moving his talented mouth down my chest and stomach. I lift up as my pants and underwear are easily discarded and I'm once again naked in front of him.
My mouth opens in a silent cry as he spreads my legs, taking my hard cock back into his mouth. I buck my hips and clench the sheets tightly in my fists as he works up and down my throbbing shaft. The slow burn in my stomach growing to fire.
I moan loudly as he takes each of my balls into his mouth and sucks on them skillfully, his hands pulling my cheeks apart and spitting on my hole. I gasp as he dives right in, eating my ass so so perfectly I know I'll be cumming in a few more seconds—
He stops and I whine, shuddering at the loss of my orgasm. He chuckles, looking down at me. "So pretty." He runs a hand down my body as he unbuckles his pants and pulls his massive cock back out. I watch him breathlessly as he pumps his erection in his hand while keeping my gaze.
"Reach into the nightstand and grab the lube and a condom." He rasps, eyes on my thighs as he removes his shirt, naked.
I stretch up and do as asked, handing him the condom. He tears it open with his teeth and slides it on before reaching for the lubricant. I flinch as the cold liquid is drenched over my hole and he rubs some all over his cock.
He drops the bottle and lowers himself over me with one hand while using his other to line our bodies up. I can't breathe. Oh god...this is it. I'm losing my virginity. Can never go back...
He kisses my lips softly. "You ready, beautiful?"
     I nod jerkily. My hands clutching his shoulders.
     His lips trail over my cheek to my ear. "Breathe, Jungkook. You have to breathe."
      At his urging, I suck in a deep breath just as he pushes inside me. I cry out in pain at the shock of the penetration. Losing the breath I just took. Okay...okay, I wasn't ready. Holy shit. It hurts! "Nughhh!" Tears fill my eyes as I try to pull more air into my lungs.
      He pauses, watching me steadily. "Shhh, it's okay. I won't move until you're ready." He reassures.
      I feel stupid as a tear escapes an slides down my cheek. "B-but I thought you only—"
      "I do only like it rough but I'm not going to intentionally hurt you, baby. This is your first time. I'm going to try not to traumatize you. There will be plenty of time for that." He smiles.
      Shuddering, I nod. My hands slide off his shoulders to hold onto his hips, trying to let my body adjust to being ripped apart. I try to breathe as evenly as I can, closing my eyes and willing myself to relax, as he continued to place gentle butterfly kisses all over my neck and chest.
      "I t-think it's o-okay.." I stutter out.
      He slides a little deeper inside me and I whimper, my nails digging into his skin as he burrows fully inside my body, only stopping when his balls hit my ass.
      "There, all in, beautiful. You're doing amazingly well." He whispers against my lips. I feel secretly proud at his words. It matters to me. What he thinks of me. I open my eyes and stare into his. He runs a hand through my hair as his hips begin to move in a slow steady pace, the head of his cock hitting my prostate.
     "Ughh...hhuuuhh...Tae..." I gasp, panting as he moves a little faster, his hips now slamming roughly against mine, my body being forced up and down the bed from his powerful strokes. "T-Tae..."
      He groans, taking my lips again. "Keep saying my name, beautiful. I want it on your lips when you cum." He growls.
     I moan as he presses down against me, my cock being stimulated between our tight bodies. Every thrust of his, working my erection as well. My entire body shakes as I scream out a release, cum hot and sticky covering our stomachs.
      He tsks as I try to catch my breath. "You didn't say my name, baby. Looks like we need to work on that. I guess I'm not doing my job properly, hm?" He groans in my ear.
     I whimper as he slowly pulls out of me. It stings a bit. Smirking, he rubs my inner thighs, licking his lips. "Turn over. Let see how many times I can make you cum in the next ten minutes, shall we?"
     Shuddering, I shakily climb onto my knees and turn around, clutching the headboard as he comes up behind me, groping my ass. "So sexy. I think your body was made for mine, hm?" He slowly eases his way back inside me and I moan both in pleasure and pain. This angle is different, letting him even deeper inside and it still hurts.
      "Fuck, baby. So tight." He groans loudly, slamming his hips against mine, using my hips as leverage as he begins a quick steady rhythm.
      I gasp and moan, resting my head on top of my hands still clutching the headboard for dear life. Oh god...
     "Gonna cum again already, beautiful?" He asks, licking my ear as his hand wraps around me and begins stroking my cock fast.
     I suck in air. "Nghhnn...ahh! Gonna c-cum." I whimper, white hot fire shooting through my body as I cum in his hand. "Tae!" I scream.
     His hips never stop slamming against me. "That's right. So pretty. I love your voice screaming my name. Mhmm...not done yet, though. Let's test out that amazing stamina, hm?" He groans, sucking on my neck.
     I shudder, my body sliding down onto my stomach. He follows, grinding his hips against my ass, still nowhere near climax.
     Shit...I'm never going to be able to walk again. Jimin wasn't kidding...

Need Me; Taekook Where stories live. Discover now