Thirty Four

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      As soon as Jungkook goes to sleep, I kiss his head and slip out of bed. Pulling on my robe, I yawn and head downstairs to get some water. Many moans can be heard behind several doors as I pass.
       Typical. Rolling my eyes, I end up at the kitchen and grab a glass. Pouring the water, I see Jimin walk in and sit down. He looks awful.
      I take a seat. "You okay? You look pretty bad."
      He shrugs. "Have you seen Hoseok lately?"
      I tilt my head. "Not for a couple days. Why?"
      "Have you seen...Yoongi around?"
      "No. I know he got back from his trip the other day but that's it. Are you sure you're okay? Have you been talking to Jungkook?"
       "No. I h-haven't wanted to talk to anyone. Expect Hoseok."
       "He's here for you if you need to talk. Jimin." I say sternly, noticing the look of pain on his face and movements. He looks up. "You can talk to me, too. I know I told you to take a break. I'm your boss and your physical health is very important to me. You're obviously in a lot of pain. What the hell is going on? I try to stay out of everyone's personal business but I can't ignore this anymore."
        He fidgets in his seat. "It was Y-Yoongi." He whispers.
       "What about him?"
       "Yoongi hurt me. A lot. I t-think he hurt Hoseok a lot, too. He's avoiding me. He broke up with Yoongi but I haven't seen either of them since. I'm worried, Taehyung. I think you need to check up on him."
I frown. "Define 'hurt' Jimin. This is serious. Hurt as in rough sex and a little BDSM...or hurt as in rape." I demand, stiffening as fear crosses his face. "Jimin!"
"Rape. H-he raped me. I'm really scared for Hoseok. He might hurt him, too."
Rage fuels me as I stand up. He jumps up and follows me as I stalk up the stairs towards their bedroom. I don't put up with any foul play or rape allegations in my place of business and if this is true, Yoongi is out on his ass if not jail if they decide to press charges.
I bang on the door despite Jimin's protests behind me. He pulls on my arm but I shake him off. I'm not letting it go. A tired and obviously battered Hoseok opens the door. His eyes widen when he sees me and a sobbing Jimin.
"Where's the little fucker?" I demand, pushing the door wide open.
       He looks nervous. "W-What?"
       "Yoongi. Jimin told me what happened. Don't fucking play stupid. Where the fuck is he?" I walk right past him into the room. My eyes focus on the messy sheets and bloodstains. "What the fuck is going on in here?" I kick the bed making both men jump.
       "Yoongi isn't here. I'm really tired, Tae." He whispers, wincing as he sits down.
       "You got sometime to tell me, Hoseok?" I demand.
       He swallows hard, mumbling. "I don't know what you're talking about."
       I punch the wall. "Fucking stop! Now, I know I like to make it clear that I'm here to be everyone's friend but goddamn it this is my fucking business. It's a job. You live here to work for me. If someone here is harassing and assaulting my other employees then it's my job to take care of it. You should have fucking told me!"
        He flinches, looking sick.
       "Now do you want to fucking try again?" I demand angrily.
       He looks about ready to cave but all of a sudden he stiffens and shakes his head, becoming stoic. "I have nothing to say to you. You know Jimin's a liar."
       Jimin gasps from beside me. "Are you fucking serous? How can you do this to me?! He fucking raped me and you know it! You beat him up because of it and now you're lying for him again! Fuck you, Hoseok!" He wipes his eyes.
       I growl. "Jimin go to your room." I grab his arm. "Actually—go to my room and stay with Jungkook."
       As soon as he walks out, I sit casually on their messy bed and stare up at him. "You have two choices here, Jung. You tell me the fucking truth and stop lying for that trash of a cheating abusive boyfriend so I can get rid of him...or you keep lying and I kick you both out of here. If you don't speak up this makes you an accomplice and I will have Jimin and any others press charges."
        He slowly sits down on the chair across the bed, his robe slipping down slightly revealing his cut and bruised skin. I keep my face calm and blank.
        "I c-can't do this, Taehyung. Please don't make me do this." He pleads, closing his eyes.
       "All this BDSM shit you two do...has it ever been consensual? I'm sick of the lies so don't even bother to try. I try to respect all my employees but this has pushed the limit and I can't do nothing. Whether you like it or not, I'm you're boss. I'm Yoongi's boss. He's committed a serious crime in my establishment. Do you want to be dragged down with him or not? I'll make it simple."
        He rubs his face, looking frantic. "He's...he went out. He might be back tomorrow." He whispers.
        "Did you walk in on him raping Jimin or not?" I demand.
        He gulps, nodding as tears fall down his cheeks. "Y-Yeah."
       "Why didn't you come tell me? Did he threaten you?"
        Another nod.
       "Has he raped you?"
       A pause. Another nod and loud sob. He break down in front of me. "I'm s-sorry. I'm scared."
       "I want you to change rooms right now. Get all of your shit out of here. You will not see or talk to him. I will be waiting for him when he gets back."
       "He's going to blackmail me. I'm going to be sent to jail." He cries.
       "What do you mean? What does he have against you? You better tell me everything right now before I find out from him."
        He's so upset he's shaking. "I m-messed up, Tae. I messed up so much. Only Yoongi knows what I did."
"I'm listening."
"B-before I came here...when Yoongi and I first started dating...we both got into drugs. N-not too bad but bad enough. One n-night I was on something really strong that he gave me and not myself. We left a party and he made me drive." He sobs. "I h-hit someone." He shudders. "I killed someone."
        I blink. "And you didn't tell anyone?"
        He cries harder. "N-no. I was terrified of going to jail and wasn't thinking straight. It was a hit and run. I f-found out later who is was...god...I'm so sorry..."
        I feel apprehension. "Who was it, Hoseok?"
       "Jimin's eomma. I'm the r-reason he doesn't have any family and had to go into this life."
        "Is that why you've kept him away from you? You know how much he likes you. Don't try to deny it. We both know he wants you to notice him."
        "I know that. It's the reason why I'm so fucked up. Why I'm so masochistic. I have to cause myself pain to make up for what I've done, I guess." He wipes his face. "It's why I put up with Yoongi's shit. He could easily turn me in. He could destroy my entire life."
        I look away, eyeing the bloody knife on the floor. "It looks like he's already ruined your life. I'm going to give you some advice, Hoseok. Not as your boss but as your friend. You need to tell Jimin. He deserves to know and have closure. I'm going to deal with Yoongi. He's out. He will not he allowed on the property after this. He's fired and banned. I suggest you get a restraining order on him and move on with your life."
        "D-Do you think Jimin will hate me? That he'll...put me away?"
        "I honestly don't know. I'm going to leave that up to him. If he lets you off the hook then I'll forget all about your confession. It's in his hands as it should be." I remind him.
        He nods. "I'm s-sorry, Tae."
       I stand up. "I sincerely think you should get out of this line of work before it takes too much from you. You're spiraling. You came here because of Yoongi. Do you have any reason to stay after he's gone?"
       He frowns. "I d-don't have anywhere to go."
      "I'm not kicking you out. You can stay here but I seriously want you to consider quitting adult entertainment. I don't think it suits you anymore."
       He nods. "I'll think about it."
      "I'm going to wait here for Yoongi. Get your things and move down the hall."
      He takes a deep breath. "Alright."

Need Me; Taekook Where stories live. Discover now