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     I lean back as Taehyung moves towards me. I end up pressed hard against the couch while he smirks at me. My breath hitches.
I open my mouth to protest just as he pulls away and straightens his suit. "You should go. A kid like you isn't cut out for this shit. Go find another job." He sits back at his desk.
I'm shocked. W-was he testing me?! That was completely unfair! "Why do you say that? You startled me, that's all. You're a stranger." I argue.
He laughs. "That's the point, Jungkook. I pay people to fuck strangers. I usually fuck all my employees on the very first day of the job to decide their strengths and weaknesses. You..." He pauses, shaking his head. "I know you won't be able to do this. You'd just end up losing me money in the end. Probably chicken out at the last moment."
I stiffen, offended. "I'm not that kind of person. If I say I'll do something then I will."
He raises an eyebrow. "And I only have your word on that?"
"Kim Seokjin can vouch for me! He knows I'm reliable. Please." I sit back down and drop my head. "I really need this job. I'll be honest, I'm terrified and know I'll probably hate every second of this but I'm desperate. I'm willing to do anything." I beg, throwing pride and dignity out the window. This is my last chance.
He sighs, frowning. "I don't understand. You're young, attractive, and obviously smart. I've seen your credentials—not that they matter for this job. Why here, of all places?"
I lick my dry lips. "I trust Jin. He's here. I really don't want to lose my apartment and tuition. I'm so close to graduating."
He steeples his fingers, resting his chin on them, watching me. "Well, actually, I require all my new hires to live here for at least the first six months of our contract. After that, they are free to live on their own but most choose to stay here."
I frown. "Jin never mentioned that."
"You didn't know he lived here?"
"No, I did but I didn't realize it was required."
He nods. "Yes. So even if I gave you the job then you'd still lose your apartment. Now about schooling...I could go ahead and pay off your tuition in our contract and allow you time to finish your classes on campus or here online."
"Can I ask...why do they have to live here? Why so strict?"
He smiles knowingly. "I know it sounds harsh but the business I run is a very...gray area. I'm strict with all my employees until I get to know and trust them. To protect them as well as my business, I have them live here and not allowed to get another job so I know they aren't out fucking random strangers and picking up STDs or doing drugs. I also require several tests be administered every three months. The money they make is well over the amount for living expenses and savings but I also set aside a little trust from every person I employ for the tests or damages."
He rolls his eyes. "Obviously having a house full of very sexually active adults, many get together off camera and that's fine but sometimes things can get messy or damaged. I make them pay for that." He snorts.
I blush. "Oh."
"I believe I've already had to take out a damn full insurance policy on your friend's boyfriend. They break every room they stay in, it's ridiculous."
"Jin? Him and his boyfriend, Namjoon. That poor guy breaks everything! He once broke one of my $5000 cameras without even fucking touching the damn thing!"
I choke out a laugh. I hadn't realized Jin was dating that guy but as many videos as they have together...I suppose that makes sense.
"That's...that's crazy."
"I know. I've actually had to ban them from having sex in the mansion off camera. They now have to find elsewhere to get their kicks." He chuckles. "But they've both been here long enough to gain my trust. Both are free to leave and I'm pretty sure they are about to move out together anyway."
"Seriously. You should really find somewhere else. I'm not sure this is the place for you and I'm not into babysitting."
I swallow hard. Now determined. Challenged. "I can do it." I say firmly, Way more confidently than I feel.
He nods. "Alright. I get it. I was serious earlier, though." He says, getting up and perching back on the edge of his desk.
I frown, confused. "About what?"
"You can't go behind the camera still a virgin, Jungkook. It would make your partner uncomfortable as well as come off as awkward for the viewers. I have to have you more experienced if you're going to do this."
I can't breath. "S-so...what does this mean?"
"It means that if you truly want this job then you'll have to prove it. Show me that you're willing to do what it takes. Here, now." He explains, crossing his arms and smiling in amusement.
Does this mean...he really plans fuck me here? In his office? Now?!
Shivering, I meet his gaze head on, swallowing my fears and self consciousness. Ignoring the butterflies in my stomach. "Alright. How do you want me?"
I never fail a challenge.

Need Me; Taekook Where stories live. Discover now