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I'm completely on cloud nine right now! After my interesting yet reassuring conversation with Tae, he had to go back to work while I'm supposed to go back to my room to recover.
Apparently you have to build up a tolerance to getting fucked by several different strangers a day. Who knew? Tae most definitely didn't take it easy on me so even thought Hoseok was very kind and different than what I was expecting...I can still barely walk.
As I round the stairs, I see Jimin coming out of my room. I smile. "Hey! Feeling better?" I ask, leaning against the wall for support.
He notices. "Y-Yeah. Did you just come from a shoot?"
I nod. "I was asked to take over for you with Hoseok since you weren't feeling well." I admit, opening the door to my room, unconcerned.
He follows me back inside, looking upset. "Why? Why would Taehyung do that? I asked him to reschedule but he went ahead and replaced me?!" He plops down on the bed.
I frown. "Hey, it's no big deal. I was supposed to do my debut today and he needed a partner. It just made sense, I guess, right? I'm definitely not replacing you, Jimin." I say calmly, reassuring him.
He bites his lip. "D-did you talk to Hoseok? Was he mean to you? Did he hurt you? Did he—"
"Whoa! Chill. No. Yeah, we talked and he helped calm my nerves. No, he wasn't mean and he didn't hurt me. Not at all."
He lays back and stares up at the ceiling. "What did he say? Did he talk about me?"
I hesitate. "He asked if you were alright. I told him you were recovering."
He huffs. "That's it?!"
I study him for a long moment. "Jimin, are you okay? Why are you so upset? Are you mad because I did a set with Hoseok or are you mad that he didn't mention you enough? I'm trying to understand what the problem is...".
He turns his head to look at me. "Can I be honest with you, Kookie?" His voice is small and vulnerable.
I nod. "Of course."
"I r-really like Hoseok. I've done everything to get his attention. I was one of the first people he was with when he got here. I know that him and Yoongi have a thing but I hate it! I hate him! I endure all Yoongi's harsh punishments and painful sex just to be closer to Hoseok but he doesn't even care or seem to notice me! I j-just want someone to notice me..." he stutters, tears welling up in his eyes.
"You know that he loves Yoongi, right? I mean, I haven't been here that long but even I could tell. I don't think it's you, Minie. I just don't think anyone would have a chance with him except Yoongi."
His crying becomes more prominent. "I went through all of that for nothing!" He yells, sobs heaving out of his chest.
"You've got to have more self-worth than this, Jimin. You're killing youself over people that shouldn't have such power over you. You deserve so much more than this! You need to love yourself first!" I grab his shoulders and shake him a little. "Purposely letting yourself be hurt just for attention? You're so much better than that."
       He looks away from me, his eyes red rimmed. "I know it's just...just..."
      I pull him into my arms. "Tell me the truth, Jimin. You asked them to hurt you, right? Hoseok told me the truth..."
      He wipes his face, nodding. "I told you I'd be fine be honest—I did tell them it hurt too much—but they know I wanted them to keep doing it." He sighs. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I just grew up in a fucked up environment, okay? I've always been abandoned. I'm scared to get really close to people. You're the only one since I was a kid..."
       I help wipe his tears. "Best friend's right?"
      He nods helplessly.
      I kiss his cheek. "You can always tell me the truth. I'm not going to leave you, okay? I won't abandon you." I promise.
      He leans forward and kisses my lips, surprising me. I don't recoil though because I know it would hurt his feelings. I tentatively return the kiss before pulling back as quickly as I can without making it obvious.
      He curls into my side and buries his face in my shirt. "Can I sleep here, with you?" He asks.
      I smile. "Yeah. I have things to tell you anyway!"
     He glances up. "Is it about Taehyung?" He chuckles.
     I nod happily. "I'm so happy, Jimin!"
     "Okay. How about let's shower together then grab some food, then we'll cuddle up and talk?" He offers. "I'll help you wash up since I'm sure you're really sore." He raises his brows suggestively.
      I scoff but let him drag me towards the bathroom anyway. It's not like he hasn't seen me naked or I haven't seen him. I realize I need to be patient with him. He's sensitive. Maybe a little obsessive but he knows how I feel about Taehyung so...everything should be fine, right?
      It's not like he likes me like that. No, he admitted to liking Hoseok. We're just friends and that's it. And I'm sure it's normal for...friends to eat you out in the shower, too...r-right?

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