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    I stare awestruck as my best friend explains his and Taehyung's whole story. I knew Taehyung had a bad past but not...not like that. Or that he's been married this whole time! Taehyung has a kid?! Holy shit!
     I'm honestly speechless. "Jeon Jungkook...I don't...I mean...what the hell?!"
     He nods, smiling softly.
     "How can you smile when the man you love has a whole family without you?!" I gripe, feeling weird being the only concerned one out of this.
      He shrugs, sipping his strawberry milkshake. "It bothered me at first but now that I've spent time and gotten to know Jieun and his son, Bogum...I'm happy, Minie. I love Taehyung and I know he loves me. Jieun supports us and Bogum already thinks I'm his second daddy." He chuckles, love struck stupid.
      I shake my head in disgust. "Ew. Do you even want to be a parent?"
     His gaze drops and I watch in amazement as he finishes his extra large milkshake in less than two minutes. How the hell...
     "I like the thought of parenting with Tae by my side."
     "You are ridiculously whipped. It's sickening." I gag.
     Rolling his eyes, he pokes his straw at me. "Oh please, what about you and Hoseok?"
     Sniffing, I sip my own chocolate shake. "What about us? We aren't...we aren't anything like you."
      He gives me a disbelieving look making me blush. "Liar. You are so obsessed with that man and it's obvious he's attached to you. You're telling me you two aren't actually in a mushy relationship?" He scoffs. "No way."
      I fidget nervously in my seat. "We love each other but...after everything...we haven't actually taken anything to that next step. We're going slow."
     "You live together and sleep together and eat together and shower together—"
     "Yeah, Yeah, I get it! We still haven't established anything yet too much, though. We're keeping it simple and I don't want to ruin anything."
     "I can't believe Hoseok hasn't asked you to marry him yet."
      I stare down at my drink, pushing it away. My stomach upset. He gives me puppy eyes so with an eye roll I give him my drink. He sucks it down just as fast as the first.
      "Damn, Kookie. When did you become such a bottomless pit? You never eat this much." I muse, wanting to change the subject. "You're going to lose those abs." I tease half heartedly.
He sticks his tongue out at me. "It's not going to work. Don't think I don't know what you're doing. Is everything okay with you two?"
I pout, annoyed he knows me so well. "Not really."
I huff rather loudly, irritated. "I don't want to talk about it."
He raises a brow, slurping the rest of my drink. "Why not? I told you everything! Best friends, remember."
Rolling my eyes, I sigh. He's right. "It's nothing, okay. We just...we haven't had sex in a long time. No big deal."
He frowns. "What do you mean? How long is long?"
I hesitate. "Like...since we quit porn long."
His eyes widen. "Wait—you're telling me you two haven't had sex as a couple yet? It's been months!"
I duck my head, embarrassed. Imagine that—an ex-porn star ashamed of not having sex. "Well...every time one of us initiated it...something would come up and it just never happened." I pause, biting my lip. "The other night I, Uh, was playing on his phone and I saw something."
He blinks. "Please elaborate."
"There was a message. From Yoongi."
"I'm sure that it was just old from before—"
I shake my head. "It was dated and received five days ago. It was vulgar and sexual and bordering on abusive but...but he didn't delete it."
"Did he reply to him?"
He blows out a breath. "Well, that's good, right? I don't think Hoseok would do that to you."
"I just don't understand why he never said anything to me about it. Why would he keep it. D-does he regret choosing me over Yoongi? I k-know that Hoseok has issues. Serious masochist issues and I'm not a sadist but..but...what if I can't give him what he needs and he goes back to that asshole?" I feel panicked at the thought. Broken.
He grabs my hand. "Stop. You're worrying way too much. Why don't you bring this up to Hoseok? You two need to talk about this. Just because he got a message and didn't erase it doesn't mean he regrets being with you. You're being ridiculous."
Maybe he's right but I can't stop the pit in my stomach from growing just thinking about it. "Maybe."
The cafe door twinkles open and we glance over to see Taehyung making his way over to us. I still can't get over all this new information about the private man.
Jungkook beams and leans up for a kiss as his boyfriend gathers his things for him. I'm extremely jealous.
He looks down at me. "Go home And talk to him, okay? Call me later."
Nodding, I watch them go then slump in my seat, lost in thought.
A body slips down in the seat across from me and I look up to see a handsome guy around my age grinning at me. "Hey, beautiful. You look familiar. Have we met?"
I hesitate. "No. We haven't."
He tilts his head. "Are you sure? I know you from somewhere..." he clicks his tongue, tapping his fingers on the table.
Rolling my eyes, I get up and grab my things, leaving. Unfortunately he follows me out. "Are you stalking me?"
"No, it's's driving me crazy. I know you." He persists.
God, he probably knows me by my ex-profession. Well, I'm not going to fill in his lax memory. "I really have somewhere to be." Hoping he takes the hint.
"I'm Henry, by the way." He smiles, holding his hand out.
Reluctantly, I shake his hand. "Jimin." That's all he's getting. I pull away and start walking. He keeps up. God this kid is relentless.
Suddenly he gasps, grabbing my arm to stop me. His eyes are wide. "I got it! Park Jimin?!" His voice lowers. "Like the porn star?"
I frown internally. "Ex-porn star. I don't do that anymore."
"But why not? You were the best." He glances away, embarrassed. "I, Uh, loved watching your stuff. You're beautiful."
"Thank you but I just wanted out. I'm not like that anymore. Sorry." I finally arrive at my car and begin unlocking the door. He presses his body against it so it can't open. I glare at him. "What do you want?!"
"Are you with someone? Can I maybe...take you out? My treat."
I breathe slowly counting to ten. "I have a boyfriend. Sorry."
     He smirks, slow and quite arrogantly for a nice looking guy. "Really?"
    "Yes, I do, so can you please move!"
    "I don't see him anywhere. Surely a guy that has you wouldn't just leave you all alone, right? Please. Just one date." He grips my arm painfully tight.
     Over it, I jerk free. "No! Now leave me alone." I shove him out of the way and get into my car, locking the door so he can't get in after me. He smiles at me from the window before waving and walking slowly back into the cafe.
      What a freak.
     I rest my forehead on the steering wheel and try to regain control. Reign in my oncoming panic attack. As if my day could get any worse.

      After awhile I deem myself okay enough to drive and head back to our apartment. I just want to take a hot bath and relax. Maybe take a nap.
     I walk in to the apartment and close the door, leaning against it and taking a deep breath. I need to chill. Removing my jacket, I notice something weird.
     An extra pair of shoes.
     Shaking it off, I swallow hard and ignore the pang in my stomach. I open my mouth to call out for Hoseok but stop myself. It just feels off. The whole environment. Frowning, I silently walk towards the bedroom, hearing my boyfriend's voice.
      I stop dead in my tracks at the revelation of another voice. Yoongi. I can't breathe. I press myself against the wall and listen as Hoseok and Yoongi talk. Well, less talking and more insulting.
      How could Hoseok bring that monster into our home? After what he did to him...after what he did to me. I steel my resolve and force myself to move.
     I walk into the bedroom. Freezing.
     Two pairs of eyes focus on me and it's too much. Tears building, I turn and run, grabbing my jacket and keys.
     "Jimin! Wait! Stop." Hoseok runs after me but I get out of the door before he can grab me. I know he won't follow me out.
     Not naked.
     I make it to the car before breaking into painful sobs, my phone blowing up with tons of messages and calls. Growling, I throw it out the window, shattering it to pieces.
     Like my heart.  
     I thought we could have something. I thought we could heal each other. I thought he loved me.
     I knew I wasn't enough for him.
     I'm never enough for anyone.
     Why? Why does this keep happening to me?
     Wiping my eyes, I find myself driving mindlessly back towards the cafe. My safe place. Walking inside, I pull up my hood and try to hide from the world. I hate everyone. I'm better off alone.
     Taking a seat, I order a black coffee and stare out of the window. I'm not surprised when the chair across from me moves.
     "Back already?"
     I shrug, avoiding lifting my head. Unfortunately, a finger slips under my chin to lift my face. Henry looks back at me with concern. "Hey, you okay?"
      Sniffling, I laugh bitterly. "I'm just fucking great." I stare into his pretty brown eyes. Licking my lips, I let the anger fill me. "You still want that date?"
      His brow furrows. "Thought you had a boyfriend."
     "Was that really going to stop you?"
     He smirks. "No, not really."
     I force an insincere smile. "Well, I don't have a boyfriend anymore and I need some stress relief." I stare up at him from under my lashes. "Think you can handle me?"
     He rubs his hands together, excitement in his gaze. "I think I can."
     I lean across the table and peck his lips. "Well see about that."
Fuck You, Hoseok. I hate you.

Need Me; Taekook Where stories live. Discover now