Fourty Nine

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     I'm a nervous wreck as I hide anxiously behind my boyfriend, cowering in immense fear at seeing his wife and son again. After our little heart to heart then passionate lovemaking in practically hurricane weather, we drove back to my place to shower and warm up before Tae announced rather abruptly that we'd be spending the night at his home.
      I wanted to protest but the look in his eyes said no dice. I know better than to argue with conviction like that. So whining and pouting, I watched lazily as he packed up a large amount of my clothes and tossed them in the car.
      "Bunny, you have nothing to worry about. She'll love you." He gives me his very rare boxy smile that has me melting.
      "Fine. I don't believe you but I'll go."
     And so here we are.
    He unlocks the door while I cling to the back of his shirt—imaging myself being slapped or beaten. Friend or not—she's still his wife. I'm a home wrecker!
      He steps inside. "Jieun! Gummie!" He pulls me inside and closes the door.
      The same beautiful young woman from before walks down the stairs this time dressed very elegantly. Her wavy dark hair complimenting her pale dress and pink heels.
     She looks like someone that belongs by Taehyung's side. Not me. His son—Bogum, runs after his mother before being swept up in Tae's arms and kissed heavily.
      Releasing the child to play, he grasps my hand and pulls me forward. "Jieun, this is the boy I've talked to you about. Jeon Jungkook." He says proudly, displaying me forward.
      Her eyes widen and a little gasp leaves her mouth, covered by her delicate hand. "Jungkook! You should have told me who you were! I never would have let you leave, honey." She lunges forward and gives me a surprisingly warm hug smelling of fresh spring flowers.
      I blink, nearly tearing up. "Y-you're not angry with me?"
     She laughs. "Why would I be angry? I've never seen Taehyung so happy as when he talks about you. I'm glad you've appeared in his life." She hesitates. "I suppose he's told you about our circumstances?"
      I nod, swallowing hard.
     "Good. Then you know that what I mentioned to you before is from personal experience. Living a life like that isn't healthy or good. I trust Tae to take care of his boys but I'm glad you've gotten out."
      Tae watches our exchanges curiously. "I hadn't realized you two have previously met."
      She giggles. "He stopped by last month looking for you. It was late so I invited him in and gave him a drink but he never told me why he came by. I explained you'd left for your trip. I was afraid I'd never see him again."
      I duck my head, ashamed of that night. Of my thoughts and feelings for the both of them. Of the desperation and fear I let myself believe. I was in a bad place.
Tae places an arm around me and kisses my cheek. "I'm sorry I never told you his name." He turns and looks me in the eye. "And I'm sorry I never mentioned my home or life here, baby. You deserved to know."
My eyes widen when Jieun smacks him. "How could you not tell him about us?! No wonder the poor boy looked so confused and devastated." She smiles, winking at me.
I blush in embarrassment.
"Appa, appa! Look!" Bogum runs up and hands Tae a large colored picture. A smile plays on his lips as he shows me. It's a picture of two men and a woman and child. A child's signature stick figures but names drawn above. I eye them.
He giggles and shyly looks at me. "W-will you be my new daddy, too? I like your smile. It looks like a bunny! I wuv bunnies!" He jumps around excitedly. "Right, appa!"
Taehyung snorts. "Yeah." His gaze falls back onto me. "I like bunnies, too."
     I blush, grumbling under my breath at the embarrassment. Bogum runs off laughing while Jieun smiles warmly at us.
      "I will go start dinner for us." She leaves us alone for the kitchen while I try to recover from my humiliation. Ugh.
     Chuckling, Taehyung takes my hand and begins pulling me up the stairs. I hesitate, wondering if they share a bed...
     He takes me down the hall and pulls out a key, unlocking a door. "My bedroom. Jieun has her own." He explains, pushing me inside and flipping the light on. "I have some personal things in here I don't want Bogum to stumble on so I keep it locked while I'm gone."
      My mouth opens in a silent 'oh' as I walk in and sit on the edge of the huge clean bed, watching as he removes his jacket and places it in the closet.
     The room is nice and simple. Nothing notorious like his dark playroom in the mansion. This room is all creams and blues. Nice and comfortable and plush. Proper somehow almost. " always stay here when you get back from your trips or work? I thought you lived in the mansion, too."
      He actually looks embarrassed. "Actually I usually only stayed in the mansion a few hours at a time to get my business calls taken care of. I never started staying all days and nights until you came." Admitting, shamefaced.
      A huge smile graces my face and I stand, placing my arms around his neck and kissing him deeply. "I love you, Tae."
     Groaning softly, his hands find my waist. "I love you, too, Jungkook."
      He pushes me back against to bed, falling on top of me, deepening the kiss even further, our tongues tangling in a frenzied passion as our hands explore one another.
      It's only been hours since we've made love but it feels like days or weeks. I can never get enough of him and I feel his rush and lust in every touch to my body.
     "T-Tae...we shouldn't—" My words are cut off by a long moan as his hand slips inside my pants and fondles my aching cock. "Oh god..."
      "Shh, beautiful. Don't want to let them hear your sweet moans, hm?"
     My breath catches in my throat, heart pounding as I stare up at the man I love more than anything. The man I want to spend the rest of my life with.
     I run my hands down his back, clutching his shirt. His kiss and touch addicting, driving me to crave and cling on to him. "Tae..."
      "Hm?" Currently distracted with running his lips and tongue down my jaw and neck.
     Swallowing hard, I stop him and lean up, looking into his eyes seriously. "Are you planning on...staying married to Jieun forever?" I hate the tremble in my voice. The raw desperation. The fear of rejection even still...
      He blinks, surprised, but after a moment, he kisses me hard. "No, baby. I'd much rather be married to you."

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