Fifty Five

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    "Oh god, oh god, oh god. I'm gonna puke."
     "Calm down, jeeze. You look amazing and it's just Taehyung." Jin sighs, fitting my suit around my stupid pudgy stomach.
     I scoff. "Just Kim Taehyung. Are you insane?! Kim Taehyung isn't just anyone! Do you have any idea how many people are dying to be in my place? One wrong move on my part and he could change his mind."
     "Get ahold of yourself. I've worked extremely hard with Jieun to make this day amazing and perfect. Don't let your unreasonable anxiety ruin this for me." He crosses his arms pensively.
      "This isn't about you, Jin hyung! I'm dying here. I'm so scared."
      He finally softens his expression and takes me into his arms. "Aw, my baby bunny, chill. Taehyung loves you so much. He would have never asked you to marry him if he wasn't sure. That man doesn't do anything half assed. He's here for a reason and that reason is to become yours."
      I sniffle. God, I hate being so emotional right now. "You think?"
     "No, I know so and so do you." He grabs my hand to flex my ring, shining brightly on my finger. "This belongs on your finger and Taehyung knows this, too."
      I nod, taking a few deep breaths. I peak out the door to see all the guests milling around. Most are porn stars that I've worked with and a lot I've never seen before.
      I spot Tae walking around like a damn god in his red and black suit, a large sash belted around him like a king. He's so handsome. "Who's that?" I point at the blue haired man shaking his hand, their heads drawing in close to chat.
      Jin looks at where I'm pointing. "I have no idea. I've never seen that guy before." He shrugs, unbothered.
     I scowl at him, shoving him. "Go ask! I want to know."
     "Jeeze! Fucking jealous much? This is literally you're fucking wedding day and you're worried!"   
     Rolling his eyes, he walks out, straightening his pink tie, and wandering around before heading towards the duo. Biting my lip, I watch as they all begin talking.
     How come I've never met that guy? Tae's never mentioned anyone like him. He's cute. Does he think he's cuter than me? Does he wish he were marrying him instead—
      That's enough. Okay, even I can admit I'm reaching. Being ridiculous. Ugh.
      My nerves are shot as I pace the room, my heart pounding. Jieun sneaks in, pulling me into her arms. I take the bait, resting my head on her shoulder.
     "Ah, my Kookie. Are you okay?"
     I hesitate, pouting. "I'm ugly."
     "You're gorgeous."
     "I'm fat."
     "You haven't gained more than two pounds."
     "I'm moody and he hates me."
     "Kim Jungkook, Stop this madness right now!"
      Yelping, I turn to see Taehyung glaring at me in the doorway, arms crossed. Jieun kisses my cheek before smiling and running off.
     The traitor.
     I avoid Taehyung's gaze as he stalks towards me, cornering me against the wall. He doesn't speak, just waits for me to meet his eyes.
     Giving in, I look up.
     He's smiling? Wait—did he call me Kim Jungkook?
     His fingers trace my nose and lips. "You look beautiful, bunny."
     I blush, tugging at my white and baby blue suit. My dark hair falling into my eyes. "R-really?" My voice is small.
    "Mhm hm. From the moment you stepped into my office...I knew I'd never see anything more beautiful in my entire life. I wanted to claim you as mine right then and there but I held back out of stubbornness. When I learned you let me be the first..." he shakes his head, eyes flashing. "You don't know what that meant to me."
     I clench his shirt in my hands. "I'm not special, Tae. I don't know what you see in me."
     "Perhaps I feel the exact same way. I've been terrified and waiting this whole last month for you to change your mind and run while you still could. I never thought you'd choose me for the rest of your life."
      I laugh. "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You're my everything Kim Taehyung."
      His head dips down, lips claiming my own in a soft slow sensuous kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck, our bodies barely touching but our month of no sex has my senses in overload at the smallest of contact.
     Cupping my face, he deepens the kiss, reaching around to squeeze my—
     "Hey! Save it for the honeymoon, you two! Separate. Now!"
     Groaning, Taehyung curses under his breath and wipes my bottom lip of our shared saliva. I lick his thumb, desperate for more but resigned to having to wait.
     He releases me. "Sorry, baby."
     I whine, glaring at Hoseok and Jimin as they grin at us conspiratorially. I point at Jimin threatening. "You better believe I will be doing this same thing to you at your wedding." I vow.
     He pales a little and skitters away behind Hoseok who just laughs. "Try me, bitch!" He calls, hiding behind his boyfriend.
      "Come back here you little shrimp!" I lunge but Taehyung grabs my waist.
     "Careful, sweetheart." He pulls me to him, his lips at my ear. "Watch our baby in there."
     I flush, almost forgetting. Right. Pregnant. I flash him a bright smile. "Sorry. I got a little carried away."
      He bops my nose. "Why don't you save that energy for after the wedding, hm?" He winks.
      Annnd now I'm hot all over again. Damn you, Kim Taehyung. Squaring my shoulders, I nod. "Alright. Is it time yet?"
     Jin pokes his head back in. "You guys ready? Let's do this."
     I can't stop smiling. "Let's get it!"
     Taehyung grasps my hand, squeezing. "Let's get it."

Need Me; Taekook Where stories live. Discover now