Thirty One

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I cant believe this shit! How could Jimin do this to me? He knows all my insecurities with Yoongi and yet he goes and fucks him on his own anyway?!
I was always under the impression that Jimin had a thing for me. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he's been after Yoongi all along. God, can I not trust anyone here? Fuck!
I wipe my tears as I stride down the hall to my room. Anger building and replacing—masking—the hurt. The first thing I see is a picture of me and Yoongi. It's one of my favorite most treasured items. Before I knew about Yoongi's secret life as a porn star. Before everything was so goddamn complicated. Just...before.
We were happy—it at least appeared that way. I was happy. I guess I can't say the same for him. Why can't I ever be enough for him? He fucks more people for free then he ever does on camera for money. Why? Why does he have to be like that.
I take the picture, my tears dripping and fogging up the frame. My fingers tighten painfully on the edges, cutting into my skin, before I release a scream and lodge the picture at the wall, shattering it.
That's it. I'm done. I'm done with his lies and the pain. I'm done with his evasions and manipulations. He really thinks he has me under lock and key but he's a fucking fool. I know what he's doing. He's trying to prove a point using Jimin and all the others.
He thinks I'll never let go.
But I'm stronger than he realizes and I will cut the fucking cord. It's not worth dragging my life down anymore. I'm tired of being angry and depressed and used.
Used...I think about the look on Jimin's face just before I walked out. Pain and fear. He was terrified.
I stiffen. Maybe he wasn't so scared of seeing me. He was reaching out...
Fuck! Fuck you Min Yoongi!
I run back down the hall and into the room, raged at seeing Jimin crying and in pain as Yoongi fucks him hard, forcing the poor boy's head down into the pillows so he can't breathe. There's blood. A lot of blood.
"Leave him alone!" I yell, grabbing Yoongi's arm and jerking him off the sobbing boy. Jimin looks horrible. Clearly abused. Shit. I didn't realize. Glaring, I punch Yoongi right in the fucking face and shove him against the wall.
He looks surprised. A little less smug than normal. "It's over, asshole. Leave me and Jimin and any of my other friends alone. I will tell Tae about this and you better believe he will fire your ass. You disgust me!" I push him away from me and move over to Jimin's side.
He's curled up in the blankets, shaking uncontrollably. I lift him into my arms—blanket and all—and carry him into my own room. I sit down beside him, holding him as he cries.
"H-Hobi...I didn't...I would never..." he stutters, trying to speak but his words coming out in harsh ripping pants.
"Shh, it's okay. I'm sorry I left you with that dick. I was wrong. I'm so sorry." He shudders, clinging to me. "I h-hate him." He cries.
I press my lips into a hard line. "Y-Yeah. I hate him, too." It's a lie. Not really, though. Maybe to and hate are the same thing. I can't just stop feeling for him after so long but the hate is definitely there as well. "Come on. Let me clean you up."

       A few hours later, a long hot bath, a few tears as well as hot cocoa, and a nap with mocha cuddles—I find myself anxiously standing in front of Taehyung's office. Chewing on my bottom lip, I hesitantly knock.
       I have to do this even though Jimin begged me not to. He said he just wants to leave it behind and forget about it but I can't. I should have helped him sooner but I let my own feelings come in between the safety and well being of another. I need to take responsibility.
        I've let Yoongi get away with way too much shit over the years, looking over a lot of questionable things he's done and said. It's not right. Maybe if I would have took it more seriously or not thought just about myself then Jimin along with probably many others wouldn't be suffering. Min Yoongi is a fucking menace. My menace. It's my job to take care of this.
        I realize that maybe Tae isn't in his office. Probably with Jungkook. Sighing, I turn around only to be face to face with Yoongi. Gasping in surprise, I stumble back, hitting the door. "What the fuck man?!" I smack his chest. "You scared the fuck out of me!"
His lips twitch and he steps forward, crowding me against the office door. "Oh baby, you'd know if I scared the literal fuck out of you." He caresses my face deceptively soft. I feel my breath catch. "You know you still love me. You can't leave me, Hoseok."
My gaze hardens. "Cut it out, Min. You fucked up. I'm not taking it anymore."
He scoffs. "Oh please, you can't not take it, baby. You're a fucking masochistic whiny ass little bitch. Everyone knows it. I'm the only one that would ever put up with you and that's the reason you've stayed with me this long. You crave the hurt. Mentally as well as physically."
Tears well up in my eyes. God I hate him. "S-shut up! That's n-not true." My voice breaks and I hate it.
He zeros in on it. "Hoseokie..." He coos, pressing a palm beside my head, crowding my further. He still smells of sex. "Do you really want to do this to us? To you? How will you handle your needs when I'm gone, hm?" He trails a finger down my cheek all the way down my chest. Scratching.
I swallow hard. My mouth drops open but nothing comes out but a whine.
"We both know you need me." He leans in and presses his lips against mine. His teeth latching on to my bottom lip and tugging hard. I taste blood.
It hurts. I want more. No, I don't.
He bites harder.
"If you really want to tell Taehyung about our little indiscretions...then maybe I'll have to tell him a little secret about you, sweetheart."
I freeze up. Hating myself. No. No, no, no.
He chuckles, licking the blood off my mouth, his palm moving from the wall to grasp onto my throat so fast I don't see the movement until I'm trapped. I can't breathe.
"You want everyone to know what you've done, Jung Hoseok? Everyone thinks Jimin is the dirty little shameless whore around here but I think we both know who the real slut here is." He releases my throat forcing me to suck in a harsh breath.
"" I wheeze.
He chuckles. "My pleasure. Perhaps we should finish this conversation in our bedroom, hm?" He grabs me and tosses me over his shoulder. I gasp in pain as he spanks me hard on the ass, walking back up the stairs.
Tears cascade down my cheeks as I pray for someone to come and see us, someone to help me. But no one can help me. Not from Yoongi. Not from myself. Fuck, I failed Jimin and I just can't stop.
I'm a fucking failure in life. I can't have Yoongi spilling my secrets. No, I'll do anything to keep them safe.
Even if I have to stay with him and endure the abuse. Maybe at least I can remain in my element and keep Jimin safe, far far away from Yoongi's sadistic urges.
"I love you, baby. Please don't make this difficult. We both can't live without the other and we both know that." He smiles as he throws me on our bed and begins cuffing me to the headboard. The sheets still dirty and stained with by his other sexual partners from before. Or victims. Disgusting.
He strips me naked, shredding my clothes in the process. I squeeze my eyes closed as he grabs his favorite toy. A knife.
Oh god. I hate when he uses the knife. I may be masochistic but even I have limits. Physical scars are one of them. I hate scars. Unfortunately Yoongi loves leaving scars on me—his marks claiming his possession of me.
I know he wants to ruin my beauty for anyone else. So no one else will love me. I tremble and begin to sob. I wish I never met Min Yoongi. I wish I never fell into his trap.
I bite my lip so hard it tears the skin clean through as he begins cutting. Leaving his marks. Making me his permanently.

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