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     Jimin has to drag me into the room after I see nearly ten guys all hanging out around the large spa and gym area. I'm really uncomfortable and shy. A few of them eye me curiously while others look at me with distinct lust in their eyes, winking at me and blowing kisses.
     Jimin snorts. "Just get used to that around here, hot stuff. All of us are pretty much sluts." He winks.
      I duck my head, feeling weird. I don't want to be labeled a slut but being a pornstar...well...
      I've only had sex with one person, though so far, so for now I'm not a slut. That thought brings me comfort. God, why am I like this? I shouldn't be overthinking this.
      I'm pulled to a small group of guys and smile widely when I see Jin. He holds his arms out for me. I burrow myself in his embrace, feeling safe and comfortable.
      "Jungkookie—this is Kim Namjoon, my boyfriend." He motions towards a tall man with really pretty dimples and purple hair with a wide smile. He holds his hand out to me and I shake it, shyly.
       "I've heard so much about you, Kookie. Jin raves about you all that time."
     Jin smacks his arm. "Hush."
     Grinning, I feel myself loosening up and relaxing. "It's nice to meet you, Namjoon."
      I watch as they lock their arms around each other, their love evident and sure and it makes me really happy. I want that one day. Love so confident and sure.
     I glance over at Jimin who is already watching me. I look away, not sure what I'm feeling about him. We're just friends but sometimes I get the vibe he wants maybe...more? But maybe he just wants sex. Obviously.
      "Come meet everyone in our little group, Kookie." I'm led around to two guys who are making out on a black couch. Their hands noticeably hidden. "Hobi! Yoongi! Save it for the cameras and meet our newest member."
      They both grin sheepishly and nod towards me. "I'm Jung Hoseok."
       "Min Yoongi."
      "Jeon Jungkook."
      "Wow, Tae really hit the jackpot with you, didn't he, cutie?" Hoseok smirks at me.
      I bite my lip, not missing the irritated look Yoongi gives him before forcing a smile my way. "Yeah. You will definitely do well on camera. You look like a natural."
      "Can't wait to try you out, sweet stuff." Hoseok grins, sliding a finger down my arm.
       I shiver and give Jimin a panicked look. He just looks amused. "Tone it down, you nymphomanic. Your boyfriend is right beside you." He scoff, pulling me away.
      Yoongi rolls his eyes. "He can't stop himself."
      Hoseok laughs. "You still love me." He says confidently.
      Grumbling, he rolls his eyes again but doesn't deny it. Wow. Their interesting.
      I'm more than happy when I'm moved around to meet another guy. He's mixing drinks for the others at the bar. We slide across from him. Jimin slaps his hand down on the bar. "Give me the usually, daddy."
      I blush furiously as he says that. Both seem completely unfazed, though. The guy looks at me curiously. "New meat?"
      I clear my throat. "Jungkook."
     He smiles, holding his hand out. "Jackson. Don't let this little bitch tell lies about me." He smirks at Jimin, sliding him his drink.
He sticks his tongue out childishly before sipping his drink.
"What will it be, cutie?"
"Um." I'm not a drinker. "A soda please."
Jimin scoffs. "Give him a Long Island iced tea."
I hesitantly take a sip and am pleasantly surprised by liking the taste. I drink more. Then more. I chat with Jackson for awhile before I make my way around meeting a few others and rounding back to Jin and Namjoon who are arguing about their next set.
"Babe, it's my turn to top. We already flipped for it! No take backs!"
Jin smirks. "Joonie...the boss says people like seeing me top you. You're just so much more a baby boy with those dimples."
He gasps in outrage. "Take that back!" Growling, he jerks Jin against him and whispers something in his ear, making him stiffen and blush.
Swallowing hard, he untangles himself from his boyfriend and huffs. "Fine. You can top this time. But I'm not wearing that stupid halter again! I'm much more of a babydoll type of guy."
Namjoon licks his lips. "Of course, baby."
I'm so embarrassed as they excuse themselves and quickly leave, obvious where they're headed. Jimin chuckles at my face.
"You really need to stop being so embarrassed around here. Sex is natural and nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. It's just life."
"I'm j-just not used to people being so open about it." I admit.
He nods. "I get it. Don't worry. That modesty will soon go away living here. It's impossible to keep secrets with these assholes."
As Jimin grabs another drink, I find myself a little tipsy and tired. I excuse myself as Jimin goes to make himself comfortable in Hoseok's lap who immediately begins groping his ass while Yoongi pulls him into a kiss. Wow...that'
Shaking my head, I slowly walk up the stairs and but stop when I see the light on in Tae's office. Deliberating for a moment but deciding that I want to see him, I peak through his cracked door to see him slumped over paperwork.
I clear my throat making him look up. "Hey, Jungkook. Everything okay?" He asks.
Nodding, I step into his office and close the door. I don't know why. I think I'm a little more tipsy than I thought. "What are you working on?" I ask, being nosy.
He looks at me with amusement. "Updating my files. Actually, sit down. We can go ahead and take your tests so I can put them in." He walks across the room and grabs a syringe and a little cup.
My mouth goes dry as he kneels down in front of me, right between my legs. Our eyes meet and I feel the same strange energy between us.
He breaks out of it first and grips my arm, preparing the area and drawing a decent amount of blood. I wince and bite my lip, focusing only on the feel of his strong hands on me.
He finishes up fast then smirks as he holds up the cup. "I need you to pee in a cup."
Scoffing, I take it and begin to move up but he stops me. "You can do it here. I don't care."
I stop breathing. "You got a piss kink or something?" I tease. My eyes widen. I can't believe I just said that! Holy shit. I'm really drunk.
He looks at me with an unreadable expression. Dark and challenging almost. "And if I do? What, pray tell, are you going to do about it?" He leans down and pins me to the couch, trapping me on each side of his arms as his hot breath brushes over my lips.
I stare into his eyes longingly. Unsure of what's happening or where this is going. All I know is I'm all for it. All for him. I close the distance between us and moan as I thrust my tongue eagerly into his mouth. His hot hands hold me firmly in place as I pull him down on top of me.
I don't care that I'm super needy. I don't fucking care that I'm being really bold to my boss. All I care about is his body on mine, his hands on me, his tongue sucking on mine. His body burrowing deep inside me. I groan loudly at the thought, the memory.
Taehyung breaks the kiss, maneuvering me down onto my back on the couch and kissing me again, deep and searching. My hands clench his shirt so tightly a button pops off but I'm too into my lustful haze to care. He moans in my mouth, his fingers trailing over my skin just above my waistband.
I'm desperate for him to just push them off me and bring me the same exquisite pleasure I feel like only he can give to me.
"Y-you're drunk." He mutters against my lips.
I gasp for air. "I d-don't care. T-touch me, please." I moan.
He pulls away, straightening his clothes. I pout. My mind unable to really focus. Snorting down at me, he lifts me into his arms and begins carrying me up the stairs to my bedroom. I lock my arms around his neck and continue to kiss on his face and neck.
I'm thoroughly happy as he drops me on my bed and I prepare to move over for him but he doesn't join me. Instead, he sets the little cup on my dresser. "Just fill this in the morning when you wake up. I'll finish the tests tomorrow. Goodnight, Jungkook."
I whine as he walks towards the door. "D-don't leave." I whisper, too inebriated to be embarrassed by my wanton and, frankly, inappropriate behavior.
He smiles at me. "Sleep, Jungkook. Your first set is tomorrow. You need plenty of rest."
I drop onto my back and stare at the ceiling grumpily as he closes the door behind him. Why doesn't he want me? Am I not sexy enough for him? Did he not enjoy sex with me before?
These thoughts plague me as I slowly drift off to sleep, breathing in the pillow that still contains the remnants of Taehyung's scent from before.

Need Me; Taekook Where stories live. Discover now